This document provides guidance on implementing the recommendations from an energy assessment. It discusses common reasons why energy audits often go unused, such as a lack of planning and clear responsibilities. The document recommends developing a business plan to coordinate stakeholders and ensure accountability. An effective business plan would organize recommendations into scenarios, consider in-house vs outsourcing options, and use communication tools like an executive summary and implementation milestones. Delegating responsibilities across departments and using a decision tree framework can help facilitate decisions needed to achieve the energy savings opportunities.
23. Issues and OpportuniKes
≒ Magnitude of value
Current waste sustained
New value to be created
≒ Hurdles
Money, skills, authority to act
≒ CriKcal success factors
What changes need to be made or resources secured?
Training rebates shins of authority
ConverKng hurdles into rewards?
≒ Impact on business: savings equivalent to what
revenue? What volume of producKon?
息2011 Energy PathFINDER