Russia is the largest country in the world spanning Europe and Asia. It has a population of 141.3 million people, most of whom live in urban areas. The main religions are Russian Orthodox, Muslim, and Christianity. Russia has a democratic government with executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The economy relies heavily on exports of oil, natural gas, and raw materials. Franchising, such as the coffee house chain Chocolate, is a growing industry in Russia that offers benefits like assistance with start-up processes and access to suppliers and customers.
2. R U S S I A I S T H E L A R G E S T C O U N T R Y I N T H E W O R L D . I T S T R E T C H E S F R O M
E U R O P E A C R O S S A S I A C O V E R I N G 1 7 , 0 7 5 , 2 0 0 S Q U A R E K I L O M E T E R S .
The population is 141.3 million people
Median age is 38.5 years old.
73% of the population lives in urban areas.
Main religions are Russian orthodox Muslim and Christianity.
5. Russia joined the World Trade Organization August 22, 2012
Third largest trading partner with the EU
Main imports are Machinery, chemicals, and agriculture products
Main exports are raw materials, oil and natural gas.
The Russian currency is called Ruble or Rouble
The exchange rate is $1 USD to 31.18 ruble.
As of January 2013 the minimum wage in Russia is 5,205 rubles
per month or about $166.95 USD.
Democratic federative law-governed state with a republican form
of government.
The branches of the government are:
Executive Branch
Legislative Branch
Judicial Branch
8. 丿丶
Translated in English it means Chocolate. Also is the name of a
chain of coffee houses in Russia that offer franchises.
9. B E N E F I T S T O P U R C H A S I N G A F R A N C H I S E I N
Parent company assists in the upstart process.
Securing site and building
Train employees
Suppliers lined up with all the necessaries.
Established customer base.
Fastest growing industry in Russia.