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Courtesy of the AOPA Air Safety Institute, and made possible by
the support of AOPA Insurance, AOPA Finance, and AOPA Pilot
Protection Services
The AOPA Air Safety Institute is dedicated to making flying easier
and safer for general aviation pilots. For information on free online
courses, live seminars, and publications, visit airsafetyinstitute.org.
Taxiway Direction Sign (Collocated with Taxiway
Location Sign)
In many cases, taxiway direction signs are placed
next to taxiway location signs. The black sign tells
you which taxiway youre on, while the yellow sign
identifies an upcoming taxiway.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9/10
Multiple Taxiway Direction Signs (Collocated with
Taxiway Location Sign)
Usually located next to or in an array with a taxiway
location sign, these yellow signs indicate the name and
direction of intersecting taxiways.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9/10
Direction Sign for Runway Exit
Indicates a taxiway exit from a runway. Located just
prior to the intersection on the same side of the runway
as the taxiway exit.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-10
Different Taxi Routes to Multiple Destinations
When a sign shows two or more destinations that
are reached by different routes, the destinations
are separated by a vertical black bar, and each has
its own arrow. In many cases the destinations are
runways, but the same type of sign can be used for
other destinations.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-11
Common Taxi Route to Multiple Destinations
When a sign shows a common taxi route to two or
more destinations, it includes an arrow and a dot
between the individual destinations. In many cases the
destinations are runways, but the same type of sign
can be used for other destinations.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-11
Destination Sign
Indicates the direction of a taxi route to a runway(s) or
other location.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-11
Taxiway Location Sign
Indicates the taxiway on which the aircraft is located.
At larger airports, some taxiways have alphanumeric
identifiers (e.g., A3, A4) and some have double-same
designators (e.g., AA, BB).
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9-a-1
Runway Holding Position Sign at Takeoff End
Where a taxiway meets a runway at its takeoff end, only
that runway is identified on the sign (i.e., the reciprocal
runway isnt named). However, both runways (e.g., 3-21)
would be identified on the sign whenever a taxiway
crosses the runway at the runway end.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-1-(a)
Runway Holding Position Sign (Collocated with Taxiway
Location Sign)
Located next to the yellow holding position surface marking
on taxiways for taxiway/runway intersections. This sign is
often collocated with a taxiway location. In this example, the
threshold for Runway 21 is to the left and the threshold for
Runway 3 is to the right. Aircraft may not move beyond this
sign/marking unless instructed by ATC at towered airports,
or by ensuring adequate separation of aircraft at non-
towered airports.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-2
Runway Approach Area Holding Position Sign
Located next to the yellow holding position surface
markings. Taxiing past this sign may interfere with arriving
or departing aircraft. Hold short of this location when
instructed by ATC.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-2; 4-3-18-a-8
Taxiway Holding Position at the Intersection of
Two Runways
At some airports, two runways intersectand then a
taxiway intersects that intersection. In these cases,
there will be two signs: each one including a set
of runway identifiers, and each one with arrows
that indicate the alignment of the runways and the
direction to their respective thresholds.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-1-(b)
ILS Critical Area Holding Position Sign
Located next to the yellow surface-painted ILS critical
area marking. Aircraft taxiing beyond this point may
interfere with the ILS signal. Hold short of this location
when instructed by ATC.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-3; 4-3-18-a-8
No Entry Sign
Prohibits an aircraft from entering an area, such
as a one-way taxiway or the intersection of a road
intended for vehicles.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-4
Runway Location Sign
Identifies the runway on which the aircraft is located.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9-a-2
Runway Distance Remaining Sign
Indicates the distance of runway remaining in thousands
of feet. In this example, 3,000 feet remain on the landing
runway. These are usually seen at larger airports.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-13
Runway Markings
Runway markings vary with the size and type of runway,
but they are always white.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-3
Displaced Threshold
A displaced threshold designates where the runways
landing area starts. White arrows along the centerline of
the runway indicate the portion between the beginning
of the runway and the displaced threshold. This portion
is available for takeoffs in both directions and landings
from the opposite direction.
*Unless declared distances are in effect. Consult
the FAA U.S. Chart Supplements (formerly, Airport/
Facility Directory (A/FD)) to confirm available
landing distances in each direction.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-3-h-2
Chevron Markings
Indicate areas of pavement aligned with the runway
that are unusable for taxi, takeoff, or landing. Chevrons
cover blast pads or stopways, which are constructed to
protect areas from erosion caused by jet blast and to
provide extra stopping distance for aircraft (stopways).
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-3-i-1
Holding Position Marking for ILS
Typically collocated with the red and white ILS Critical
Area Holding Position sign, this surface marking indicates
the boundary of the ILS critical area. Aircraft taxiing
beyond this point may interfere with the ILS signal. Hold
short of this location when instructed by ATC.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-5-b
Nonmovement Area Boundary Markings
These markings can be seen at towered airports where
hangar or apron areas are located adjacent to a taxiway.
The dashed side indicates the movement area, which
is under ATC control, and the solid line indicates the
nonmovement area (e.g., FBO ramps and hangar areas),
which is not under ATC control.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-6-c
Runway Holding Position Markings on Taxiways
(Runway Perspective)
The dashed lines of the holding position marking are
always on the runway side. Aircraft exiting the runway
are not considered clear until theyre across the entire
marking. From the runway perspective, the pavement
markings are mirrored by a runway boundary sign with
the same symbol as the pavement markings.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-5-a-1
Runway Holding Position Markings on Taxiways
(Taxiway Perspective)
A yellow surface-painted marking on a taxiway, typically
collocated with a red and white runway holding position
sign, indicates that an aircraft or vehicle must stop at
the double solid lines until cleared to cross by ATC. This
marking may also be seen on a runway, or with a taxiway
approach hold sign, in which case ATC will provide
appropriate hold short instructions.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-5-a-1
Taxiway Markings
Specific marking styles vary somewhat, but taxiway
markings are always yellow.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-4
Enhanced Taxiway Centerline Markings
These markings indicate that the aircraft is approaching
a runway. Prior to a runway holding position marking,
the taxiway centerline will be enhanced to include
a set of yellow dashed lines. Installed at more than
500 airports throughout the U.S., these dashed yellow
markings extend 150 feet from the runway holding
position on either side of taxiway centerlines.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-4-b-2
Surface Painted Holding Position Sign
A single surface-painted holding position sign that is
centered on the taxiway centerline is used on taxiways
that are 35 feet wide or less, one or two signs are used
for taxiways wider than 35 feet, and repetitive signs
(placed on both sides of the taxiway centerline) are used
only on taxiways that are wider than 200 feet.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-5-3-d, AC 150/5340
ILS Critical Area Boundary Sign
Positioned in conjunction with the ILS holding position
markings, but seen only when taxiing or driving away
from the runway. Aircraft or vehicles exiting the runway
are clear of the ILS critical area when they move entirely
beyond the holding position marking.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9-a-4
Runway Boundary Sign
This sign faces the runway and is visible to pilots
exiting the runway. It is located next to the yellow
holding position markings painted on the taxiway
pavement. Taxi past this to be sure you are clear of
the runway.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9-a-3
Closed Runway and Taxiway Marking
Indicates a closed runway or taxiway.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-6-d
Holding Position Marking for Taxiway/Taxiway
Extending across the width of a taxiway, this
yellow dashed line indicates where an aircraft
should stop if instructed to do so by ATC. When
the marking is not present, stop the aircraft to
provide adequate clearance from an aircraft on
the intersecting taxiway.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-5-c
Runway Edge Lights
On runways without instrument approaches, all of
the edge lights are white. On instrument runways,
however, yellow replaces white on the last 2,000
feet, or half the runway length, whichever is less.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-4
Taxiway Edge Lights
Taxiway lights are blue to clearly distinguish them
from runway lights.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-11
Stop Bar Lights
Normally seen at larger airports, these consist of red
in-pavement lights across the taxiway at the runway
holding position, along with elevated red lights on
either side. Never cross an illuminated red stop bar,
even when ATC has given a clearance. When its safe
to proceed, the lights will be turned off.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-11-e
Clearance Bar Lights
At larger airports, three steady yellow lights are
sometimes installed in the pavement at taxiway
holding positions (i.e., where taxiways intersect
other taxiways).
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-11-c
Runway Guard Lights
Installed at taxiway/runway intersections (usually
at larger airports), these lights help pilots identify
intersections in low-visibility conditions. They
consist of a pair of elevated, flashing yellow lights on
either side of the taxiway, though sometimes yellow
in-pavement lights are used. Pilots sometimes refer
to these as wig-wag lights.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-11-d
Runway Entrance Lights (REL)
These flush-mounted, in-足
pavement, unidirectional red lights
run parallel to the taxiway centerline and are directed toward
the pilot at the hold line. Stop at the hold line when the lights
are illuminated, which means there is traffic on the runway or
final approach within the activation area.
Contact ATC if your clearance to proceed onto the runway
conflicts with the lights. If they become illuminated when
youre already on the runway, proceed
according to your best judgment
knowing that the runway is unsafe to
enter or cross. Contact ATC at the
earliest possible opportunity.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-6-b
Takeoff Hold Lights (THL)
These flush-mounted, in足
-pavement, unidirectional red lights are in a
double row aligned with either side of the runway centerline lighting,
and are directed toward the arrival end of the runway at the line up
and wait" point where aircraft are in position for takeoff or rolling, and
extend for about 1,500 feet in front of the holding aircraft.
Illuminated lights provide a signal to aircraft in position that its unsafe
to takeoff because the runway is occupied or about to be occupied by
another aircraft or vehicle. For aircraft already on
the takeoff roll, it may be impractical to stop for safety
reasons. In this case proceed according to your best
judgment while knowing that the runway is unsafe.
Contact ATC at the earliest possible opportunity.
Extinguished lights are not a clearance to begin a
takeoff roll. All takeoff clearances will be issued by ATC.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-6-c
Runway Intersection Lights (RIL)
These flush-mounted, in足
-pavement, unidirectional red lights are in a double row
aligned with either side of the runway centerline lightingand similar to the
"Takeoff Hold Lights," they are directed toward the arrival end of the runway
at the "line up and wait" point where aircraft are in position for takeoff or
rolling. These lights, however, extend for 3,000 feet in front of an aircraft that is
approaching an intersecting runway. The lights end at the land-and-hold-short
operation (LAHSO) light bar or the hold short line for the intersecting runway.
The lights will illuminate when aircraft are departing, in position to depart, or
doing a landing rollout when there is high-speed traffic on the intersecting
runway. When the lights are illuminated, pilots departing or
arriving should stop before the LAHSO stop bar or the hold line
for the intersecting runway.
For aircraft already on the takeoff roll, it may be impractical to
stop for safety reasons. In this case proceed according to your
best judgment while knowing that the runway is unsafe. Contact
ATC at the earliest possible opportunity.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-6-d
Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL)
REILs are installed at many airports to help provide positive
identification of the approach end of a particular runway.
These synchronized flashing lights are located on each side
of the runway threshold.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-3
Runway Centerline Lighting System (RCLS)
These lights are installed on some precision
approach runways to facilitate landing under low-
visibility conditions. They are located along the
runway centerline at 50-foot intervals. When viewed
from the landing threshold, the runway centerline
lights are white until the last 3,000 feet of the
runway. The white lights begin to alternate with red
for the next 2,000 feet, and for the last 1,000 feet of
the runway, all centerline lights are red.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-5-a
Touchdown Zone Lights (TDZL)
These lights are installed on some precision
approach runways to indicate the touchdown zone
when landing in low-visibility conditions. They
consist of two rows of white light bars that are
aligned parallel to the runway centerline, and start
100 feet beyond the landing threshold and extend
to 3,000 feet beyond the landing threshold or to the
midpoint of the runway, whichever is less.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-5-b
Taxiway Centerline Lead-On Lights
These bidirectional lead-on lights provide visual guidance
to aircraft entering the runway. They are color-coded the
same as lead-off lights to warn pilots and vehicle drivers
that they are within the runway environment or instrument
landing system (ILS) critical area, whichever is more
conservative. One side of the light emits light for the
lead-on function while the other side emits light for the
lead-off function. Any fixture that emits yellow light
for the lead-off function must also emit
yellow light for the lead-on function.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-5-d
Land and Hold Short Lights
These lights are used to indicate the hold short point on
certain runways that are approved for land-and-hold-
short operations (LAHSO). Land and hold short lights
consist of a row of pulsing white lights installed across
the runway at the hold short point, and are collocated
with hold short markings and signage. Where installed,
the lights will be on anytime LAHSO is in effect. These
lights will be off when LAHSO is not in effect.
Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-5-d

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  • 1. RUNWAY SAFETY FLASHCARDS PRINTER-FRIENDLY Courtesy of the AOPA Air Safety Institute, and made possible by the support of AOPA Insurance, AOPA Finance, and AOPA Pilot Protection Services The AOPA Air Safety Institute is dedicated to making flying easier and safer for general aviation pilots. For information on free online courses, live seminars, and publications, visit airsafetyinstitute.org. 06/2016 airsafetyinstitute.org
  • 2. Taxiway Direction Sign (Collocated with Taxiway Location Sign) In many cases, taxiway direction signs are placed next to taxiway location signs. The black sign tells you which taxiway youre on, while the yellow sign identifies an upcoming taxiway. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9/10 Multiple Taxiway Direction Signs (Collocated with Taxiway Location Sign) Usually located next to or in an array with a taxiway location sign, these yellow signs indicate the name and direction of intersecting taxiways. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9/10 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 3. Direction Sign for Runway Exit Indicates a taxiway exit from a runway. Located just prior to the intersection on the same side of the runway as the taxiway exit. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-10 Different Taxi Routes to Multiple Destinations When a sign shows two or more destinations that are reached by different routes, the destinations are separated by a vertical black bar, and each has its own arrow. In many cases the destinations are runways, but the same type of sign can be used for other destinations. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-11 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 4. Common Taxi Route to Multiple Destinations When a sign shows a common taxi route to two or more destinations, it includes an arrow and a dot between the individual destinations. In many cases the destinations are runways, but the same type of sign can be used for other destinations. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-11 Destination Sign Indicates the direction of a taxi route to a runway(s) or other location. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-11 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 5. Taxiway Location Sign Indicates the taxiway on which the aircraft is located. At larger airports, some taxiways have alphanumeric identifiers (e.g., A3, A4) and some have double-same designators (e.g., AA, BB). Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9-a-1 Runway Holding Position Sign at Takeoff End Where a taxiway meets a runway at its takeoff end, only that runway is identified on the sign (i.e., the reciprocal runway isnt named). However, both runways (e.g., 3-21) would be identified on the sign whenever a taxiway crosses the runway at the runway end. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-1-(a) FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 6. Runway Holding Position Sign (Collocated with Taxiway Location Sign) Located next to the yellow holding position surface marking on taxiways for taxiway/runway intersections. This sign is often collocated with a taxiway location. In this example, the threshold for Runway 21 is to the left and the threshold for Runway 3 is to the right. Aircraft may not move beyond this sign/marking unless instructed by ATC at towered airports, or by ensuring adequate separation of aircraft at non- towered airports. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-2 Runway Approach Area Holding Position Sign Located next to the yellow holding position surface markings. Taxiing past this sign may interfere with arriving or departing aircraft. Hold short of this location when instructed by ATC. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-2; 4-3-18-a-8 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 7. Taxiway Holding Position at the Intersection of Two Runways At some airports, two runways intersectand then a taxiway intersects that intersection. In these cases, there will be two signs: each one including a set of runway identifiers, and each one with arrows that indicate the alignment of the runways and the direction to their respective thresholds. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-1-(b) ILS Critical Area Holding Position Sign Located next to the yellow surface-painted ILS critical area marking. Aircraft taxiing beyond this point may interfere with the ILS signal. Hold short of this location when instructed by ATC. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-3; 4-3-18-a-8 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 8. No Entry Sign Prohibits an aircraft from entering an area, such as a one-way taxiway or the intersection of a road intended for vehicles. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-8-b-4 Runway Location Sign Identifies the runway on which the aircraft is located. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9-a-2 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 9. ALL WHITE MARKINGS Runway Distance Remaining Sign Indicates the distance of runway remaining in thousands of feet. In this example, 3,000 feet remain on the landing runway. These are usually seen at larger airports. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-13 Runway Markings Runway markings vary with the size and type of runway, but they are always white. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-3 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 10. Displaced Threshold A displaced threshold designates where the runways landing area starts. White arrows along the centerline of the runway indicate the portion between the beginning of the runway and the displaced threshold. This portion is available for takeoffs in both directions and landings from the opposite direction. *Unless declared distances are in effect. Consult the FAA U.S. Chart Supplements (formerly, Airport/ Facility Directory (A/FD)) to confirm available landing distances in each direction. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-3-h-2 Chevron Markings Indicate areas of pavement aligned with the runway that are unusable for taxi, takeoff, or landing. Chevrons cover blast pads or stopways, which are constructed to protect areas from erosion caused by jet blast and to provide extra stopping distance for aircraft (stopways). Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-3-i-1 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 11. Holding Position Marking for ILS Typically collocated with the red and white ILS Critical Area Holding Position sign, this surface marking indicates the boundary of the ILS critical area. Aircraft taxiing beyond this point may interfere with the ILS signal. Hold short of this location when instructed by ATC. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-5-b Nonmovement Area Boundary Markings These markings can be seen at towered airports where hangar or apron areas are located adjacent to a taxiway. The dashed side indicates the movement area, which is under ATC control, and the solid line indicates the nonmovement area (e.g., FBO ramps and hangar areas), which is not under ATC control. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-6-c FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 12. Runway Holding Position Markings on Taxiways (Runway Perspective) The dashed lines of the holding position marking are always on the runway side. Aircraft exiting the runway are not considered clear until theyre across the entire marking. From the runway perspective, the pavement markings are mirrored by a runway boundary sign with the same symbol as the pavement markings. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-5-a-1 Runway Holding Position Markings on Taxiways (Taxiway Perspective) A yellow surface-painted marking on a taxiway, typically collocated with a red and white runway holding position sign, indicates that an aircraft or vehicle must stop at the double solid lines until cleared to cross by ATC. This marking may also be seen on a runway, or with a taxiway approach hold sign, in which case ATC will provide appropriate hold short instructions. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-5-a-1 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 13. Taxiway Markings Specific marking styles vary somewhat, but taxiway markings are always yellow. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-4 Enhanced Taxiway Centerline Markings These markings indicate that the aircraft is approaching a runway. Prior to a runway holding position marking, the taxiway centerline will be enhanced to include a set of yellow dashed lines. Installed at more than 500 airports throughout the U.S., these dashed yellow markings extend 150 feet from the runway holding position on either side of taxiway centerlines. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-4-b-2 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 14. Surface Painted Holding Position Sign A single surface-painted holding position sign that is centered on the taxiway centerline is used on taxiways that are 35 feet wide or less, one or two signs are used for taxiways wider than 35 feet, and repetitive signs (placed on both sides of the taxiway centerline) are used only on taxiways that are wider than 200 feet. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-5-3-d, AC 150/5340 ILS Critical Area Boundary Sign Positioned in conjunction with the ILS holding position markings, but seen only when taxiing or driving away from the runway. Aircraft or vehicles exiting the runway are clear of the ILS critical area when they move entirely beyond the holding position marking. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9-a-4 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 15. Runway Boundary Sign This sign faces the runway and is visible to pilots exiting the runway. It is located next to the yellow holding position markings painted on the taxiway pavement. Taxi past this to be sure you are clear of the runway. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-9-a-3 Closed Runway and Taxiway Marking Indicates a closed runway or taxiway. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-6-d FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 16. Holding Position Marking for Taxiway/Taxiway Intersections Extending across the width of a taxiway, this yellow dashed line indicates where an aircraft should stop if instructed to do so by ATC. When the marking is not present, stop the aircraft to provide adequate clearance from an aircraft on the intersecting taxiway. Ref. AIM Para. 2-3-5-c Runway Edge Lights On runways without instrument approaches, all of the edge lights are white. On instrument runways, however, yellow replaces white on the last 2,000 feet, or half the runway length, whichever is less. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-4 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 17. Taxiway Edge Lights Taxiway lights are blue to clearly distinguish them from runway lights. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-11 Stop Bar Lights Normally seen at larger airports, these consist of red in-pavement lights across the taxiway at the runway holding position, along with elevated red lights on either side. Never cross an illuminated red stop bar, even when ATC has given a clearance. When its safe to proceed, the lights will be turned off. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-11-e FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 18. Clearance Bar Lights At larger airports, three steady yellow lights are sometimes installed in the pavement at taxiway holding positions (i.e., where taxiways intersect other taxiways). Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-11-c Runway Guard Lights Installed at taxiway/runway intersections (usually at larger airports), these lights help pilots identify intersections in low-visibility conditions. They consist of a pair of elevated, flashing yellow lights on either side of the taxiway, though sometimes yellow in-pavement lights are used. Pilots sometimes refer to these as wig-wag lights. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-11-d FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 19. Runway Entrance Lights (REL) These flush-mounted, in-足 pavement, unidirectional red lights run parallel to the taxiway centerline and are directed toward the pilot at the hold line. Stop at the hold line when the lights are illuminated, which means there is traffic on the runway or final approach within the activation area. Contact ATC if your clearance to proceed onto the runway conflicts with the lights. If they become illuminated when youre already on the runway, proceed according to your best judgment knowing that the runway is unsafe to enter or cross. Contact ATC at the earliest possible opportunity. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-6-b Takeoff Hold Lights (THL) These flush-mounted, in足 -pavement, unidirectional red lights are in a double row aligned with either side of the runway centerline lighting, and are directed toward the arrival end of the runway at the line up and wait" point where aircraft are in position for takeoff or rolling, and extend for about 1,500 feet in front of the holding aircraft. Illuminated lights provide a signal to aircraft in position that its unsafe to takeoff because the runway is occupied or about to be occupied by another aircraft or vehicle. For aircraft already on the takeoff roll, it may be impractical to stop for safety reasons. In this case proceed according to your best judgment while knowing that the runway is unsafe. Contact ATC at the earliest possible opportunity. Extinguished lights are not a clearance to begin a takeoff roll. All takeoff clearances will be issued by ATC. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-6-c FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 20. Runway Intersection Lights (RIL) These flush-mounted, in足 -pavement, unidirectional red lights are in a double row aligned with either side of the runway centerline lightingand similar to the "Takeoff Hold Lights," they are directed toward the arrival end of the runway at the "line up and wait" point where aircraft are in position for takeoff or rolling. These lights, however, extend for 3,000 feet in front of an aircraft that is approaching an intersecting runway. The lights end at the land-and-hold-short operation (LAHSO) light bar or the hold short line for the intersecting runway. The lights will illuminate when aircraft are departing, in position to depart, or doing a landing rollout when there is high-speed traffic on the intersecting runway. When the lights are illuminated, pilots departing or arriving should stop before the LAHSO stop bar or the hold line for the intersecting runway. For aircraft already on the takeoff roll, it may be impractical to stop for safety reasons. In this case proceed according to your best judgment while knowing that the runway is unsafe. Contact ATC at the earliest possible opportunity. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-6-d Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL) REILs are installed at many airports to help provide positive identification of the approach end of a particular runway. These synchronized flashing lights are located on each side of the runway threshold. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-3 FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 21. Runway Centerline Lighting System (RCLS) These lights are installed on some precision approach runways to facilitate landing under low- visibility conditions. They are located along the runway centerline at 50-foot intervals. When viewed from the landing threshold, the runway centerline lights are white until the last 3,000 feet of the runway. The white lights begin to alternate with red for the next 2,000 feet, and for the last 1,000 feet of the runway, all centerline lights are red. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-5-a Touchdown Zone Lights (TDZL) These lights are installed on some precision approach runways to indicate the touchdown zone when landing in low-visibility conditions. They consist of two rows of white light bars that are aligned parallel to the runway centerline, and start 100 feet beyond the landing threshold and extend to 3,000 feet beyond the landing threshold or to the midpoint of the runway, whichever is less. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-5-b FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE
  • 22. Taxiway Centerline Lead-On Lights These bidirectional lead-on lights provide visual guidance to aircraft entering the runway. They are color-coded the same as lead-off lights to warn pilots and vehicle drivers that they are within the runway environment or instrument landing system (ILS) critical area, whichever is more conservative. One side of the light emits light for the lead-on function while the other side emits light for the lead-off function. Any fixture that emits yellow light for the lead-off function must also emit yellow light for the lead-on function. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-5-d Land and Hold Short Lights These lights are used to indicate the hold short point on certain runways that are approved for land-and-hold- short operations (LAHSO). Land and hold short lights consist of a row of pulsing white lights installed across the runway at the hold short point, and are collocated with hold short markings and signage. Where installed, the lights will be on anytime LAHSO is in effect. These lights will be off when LAHSO is not in effect. Ref. AIM Para. 2-1-5-d FOLD HERE FOLD HERE CUT HERE CUT HERE