This document provides instructions for using the key features and functions of the Retailexcel POS application. It explains how to perform various retail operations like billing, cash management, session management and more through step-by-step guidance on navigating the POS system using mouse clicks and selecting various on-screen buttons, menus and options.
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Rxl pos
1. Getting started!! Welcome to Retailexcel Point of Sale application, Retailexcel POS function helps the retailer of different segments to operate their check out counters efficiently. This operations guide will help you in knowing the features of Retailexcel POS and how to use the different functions of the POS system. Retail Excel POS Please do not press any key, use only mouse click. Brown Square refers to features highlighted Click on the Red Squres Buttons to proceed next Screen.
3. RXL POS Management Billing Cash Management Session Management More Features in RXL POS Price change with a hot key Display of Style Description on the fly Void Item Blind Counter Handover Item wise and Invoice wise Salesman Tracking Stock check required in Billing 40 and 80 column Printing Customizable Tender Preferences Day Management Refund Preferences
4. Cash Management Tender Declaration Tender Audit Sales Audit Declaring Total amount Collected Audit Tender Declared Audit Collection vs Declared value
5. Billing Cash Bill for Merchandise Sale Credit Bill for Merchandise Sale Gift Voucher Sale Layaway Sale Layaway into itemized bill Bill Refund Bill Cancellation In the forth coming Screens please click on the Red square To proceed further.