Ryan is a sixth grade student-athlete who has been playing for elite/select/AAU teams since age nine. He has always done well. However, he sometimes struggled when the game was on the line. Mental Edge Athletic Performance Consulting & Coaching taught helped him add mental skills to his already successful physical skills raising his game to a whole new level.
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Ryan was already a select/elite athlete. Mental Edge helped him get even better!
1. Mental Edge Athletic Performance Consulting & Coaching
Case Studies / Success Stories
Ryan is a sixth grade student-athlete who plays basketball, soccer, and baseball. Ryan is a
good athlete with a lot of natural ability. He is fast. He has good hand-eye coordination. He also
works hard and wants to do well. Ryan also does well in school. Ryan has been playing on elite,
travel, and AAU teams since he was 9 years old. Ryan is motivated to succeed especially in
basketball. Ryan and his parents began working with Mental Edge to develop his mental
approach. Ryan would sometimes struggles in pressure situations because of difficulty
controlling his nerves and occasional fear of failing. Even though he did well, he was afraid that
he would disappoint others if he didnt come though when the game was on the line.
I met with Ryan every other week for a month. Ryan, as I find with many young athletes,
had a problem with controlling his self-talk. His internal dialogue with himself was not only
negative, but also created tension during competition. When we have tension in our muscles, it is
difficult to perform well. As a result, during these times, he would perform poorly during
important parts of competition. Ryan learned methods of controlling his self-talk. He then
learned about progressive relaxation and mental rehearsal. Ryan used this tool daily during the
regular and AAU basketball season. Ryan used these tools to become a consistent high
performer. They helped him take advantage of his natural ability and skill. He worked on both
his physical and mental skills. He has taken his game to a totally new level. With the help of
Mental Edge, Ryan is maximizing his physical skill and talent to take his game to a higher level.
Ryan was already motivated to succeed in the classroom and in athletic competition.
Mental Edge helped him not only manage his thoughts and emotions, but also use them to raise
his performance even higher!
Even motivated, high achievers benefit from what Mental Edge has to offer. How high
will your middle or high school athlete climb with Mental Edge?