Cats have been domesticated for at least 9,500 years and are one of the most popular pets worldwide. They are well-adapted as hunters with strong flexible bodies and sharp claws and teeth. As nocturnal predators, cats use their acute hearing and vision to hunt at night and in low light. Despite being solitary hunters, cats communicate through meowing, purring, hissing and growling.
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Cat facts
1. Cat
The house cat is a small furry domesticated meat-eating Info Box
mammal that humans value for its companionship
and for its ability to hunt vermin and other If a cat starts to
household pests. feel cold its fur
raises and the warm
Cats have been linked to humans for at least 9500 air stays close to their
years and (at the moment) are the most popular pet in the bodies. It is the same
world. with humans, we get
goose bumps too
Because of their close association with humans, cats are but we do not have
now found almost everywhere in the world. enough body hair
to protect us
House cats are similar in anatomy to from the
other, bigger and wilder cats. They have cold.
strong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retracta-
ble claws and teeth adapted to killing small prey.
As nocturnal predators, cats use their acute hearing and
足 bility to see in near darkness to locate prey. Info Box
Nocturnal means that
they hunt at night and
by the way, they can see
color, just not as well
as humans.
2. Cat
Not only can cats hear sounds, which are very faint, they can
also hear frequency sounds that humans cannot
hear. Did you know?
Despite being solitary hunters, cats are a social
Cats rely more on
species and use a variety of noises and types of smell than taste.
body language for communication. These include
meowing, purring, hissing and growling.
3. Cat
True or False?
1. Cats do not eat meat.
2. Cats are only found in Europe and Australia.
3. Cats meow, purr, hiss and growl to communicate.
4. Cats like to hunt at night.
5. Cats see everything in black and white.
1. F, 2. F, 3. T, 4. T, 5. F