1. The document is the question paper for the Secondary Examination 2017 in Social Science. It provides general instructions to exam takers on writing their roll number, answering all questions, writing answers in the answer booklet provided, and other guidelines.
2. The questions range from short 1-mark questions to longer 3-4 mark questions covering a variety of topics in social science like history, geography, economics and political science. The questions require definitions, short notes, explanations and descriptions.
3. The paper contains 31 questions with internal choices for some questions. Questions 15-17 and 18 require answering two questions from the given options. Maps and diagrams are also included as part of the questions.
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1. S-08-Social Science [ Turn over
速卒炭 Roll No.
No. of Questions 31 S-08-Social Science
No. of Printed Pages 6 + Map = 8
卒測 卒炭 俗存端探, 2017
卒炭 他速
卒 : 3
4 棚端
俗脱炭 : 80
俗存端探贈 谷 棚炭 損 卒速 速造狸端多 :
(1) 俗存端探贈叩 他俗昢卒 俗速棚 俗曻速-俗臓 俗存端 速卒炭 速他 展: 損谷
Candidates must write first his / her Roll No. on the question paper compulsorily.
(2) 続 俗曻速 炭存端速棚 速他 誰端
All the questions are compulsory.
(3) 俗檃 棚炭 俗曻速 炭 蔵存端 造端 | 蔵存端-俗達展炭 卒谷 端 損谷
Write the answer to each question in the given answer-book only.
2. 2
S-08-Social Science
(4) 速 俗曻速谷 卒谷 速展存端炭 挫 誰端, 速 続 棚炭 蔵存端 甲炭 贈 端 損谷
For questions having more than one part, the answers to those parts are to be written
together in continuity.
(5) 俗曻速-俗臓 棚炭 端速造端 他 枏 尊綻俗展存端 卒谷 炭 俗炭存端 炭 臓達端 / 展存 / 他存端棚測続 端棚速棚 俗存端 端速造端 続 棚炭 俗曻速 炭棚
端 端 卒速谷 γ
If there is any error / difference / contradiction in Hindi & English versions of the
question paper, the question of Hindi version should be treated valid.
(6) 俗曻速 炭 俗檃 棚炭 俗曻速 蔵存端 炭 多族造端 卒
1 6 1 20 多族造端
7 14 2 40 多族造端
15 24 3 100 多族造端
25 29 4 150 多族造端
Q. No. Marks per Question Word limit of Answer
1 6 1 20 words
7 14 2 40 words
15 24 3 100 words
25 29 4 150 words
(7) 俗曻速 30 卒速臓 炭 棚 族測展 樽端 樽存端 4 炭 炭 樽端
Q. No. 30 is related to map-work carrying 4 marks.
(8) 俗曻速 15 棚 17 卒谷 棚 炭速端 造端棚 炭 蔵存端 炭存端速 樽端 俗曻速 18 他 25 棚 29 展炭 卒谷 展存端炭 他炭損俗 誰端
Two questions are to be answered from Q. No. 15 to 17. There are internal choices in
Q. No. 18 and 25 to 29.
(9) 俗曻速 31 造端棚 続 卒谷, 7 炭 炭 樽端
Question No. 31 is of 7 marks, has two parts.
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S-08-Social Science [ Turn over
1. 炭枏 速棚 炭 測他棚多速 卒谷 俗脱 他存端 炭 卒 炭 ?
In which session congress demanded Purna Swarajya ? 1
2. 炭 多速 俗損 卒谷 卒炭 他他測展谷 卒谷 卒 贈俗展 炭 展 樽端 ?
Which form of government accommodates Social diversity ? 1
3. 造端棚 測炭 造棚端多谷 棚炭 他炭 炭 展達損速 炭 俗 達展 卒俗 樽端 ?
What is suitable measure for comparison of development between two or more countries ? 1
4. 他速卒 炭 卒測 卒 樽端 ?
What is medium of exchange ? 1
5. 速他棚多 炭 贈 損
Write the meaning of investment. 1
6. 俗続棚展 多棚 棚炭 炭棚| 造端棚 尊綻俗 損
Write any two ways of consumer exploitation. 遜 + 遜 = 1
7. 損 他損 族 端展 炭挫 俗存端 探俗展 端俗俗 損
Write a short note on the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. 2
8. 造達端損続 展 炭棚 炭端展棚 誰端 ?
What are Rare Species ? 2
9. 続存端展 卒谷 樽他-他他測展 炭卒 端棚速棚 棚炭 炭棚| 存端 炭存端 損 棚
Write any four causes of declining biodiversity in India. 遜 + 遜 + 遜 + 遜 = 2
10. 族達端-則棚端多 速造端 俗存端 棚速谷 炭 炭棚| 存端 端速 損 棚
Write any four demerits of multi-purpose river projects. 遜 + 遜 + 遜 + 遜 = 2
11. 他樽多他炭存端 炭 辿炭 俗存端 俗晆他 損 棚
Explain impact of Globalization on agriculture. 2
4. 4
S-08-Social Science
12. 展族 速 棚炭 炭棚| 造端棚 俗 棚 損 棚
Write any two uses of Copper mineral. 1 + 1 = 2
13. 測他速 俗昣脱端 棚炭 炭棚| 存端 炭存端 損
Explain any four causes of noise pollution. 遜 + 遜 + 遜 + 遜 =2
14. 贈速 溝消 速展存端端 他 俗存端 卒谷 速展存端 樽端 ?
What is the difference between International and local trade ? 1 + 1 = 2
脱速 : 俗曻速 15 棚 17 卒谷 棚 炭速端 造端棚 俗曻速谷 棚炭 蔵存端 造端
Note : Attempt any two questions from Q. No. 15 to 17 :
15. 19他 造端 卒谷 他多他 贈他 他贈 卒谷 棚 展炭速炭 俗存端他展速谷 炭 他速 炭
Describe the technological changes in World Economy in 19th
Century. 3
16. 他展達谷 棚炭 損 族存端 卒谷 他俗速 棚炭 卒端蔵他 炭棚 卒≠
Explain the importance of Advertisement in goods market. 3
17. 速速他 造端 棚炭 卒測 卒谷 族族| 炭 他 卒 谷 炭 他速 炭
Describe the Housing problem of Bombay in the mid-nineteenth century. 3
18. 他 速 卒卒棚損速 俗存端 端俗俗 損 棚
Write a note on Vienna congress. 3
他 展速卒 卒谷 賊柂 樽俗速他棚多炭 多探 炭 脱炭損谷 卒谷 他存端棚測 炭 他速 炭 棚
Describe the Resistance to France colonial education in schools in Vietnam.
19. 俗棚炭 卒展速達存端 損棚炭展臓 蔵存端造端 , 卒卒棚造端存端 他 他樽測 多速 樽端 俗速棚 卒展 棚炭 俗探 卒谷 展速 展炭 造端 棚
According to your view democracy is accountable, responsive and legitimate
government. Give three arguments in favour of your view. 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
20. 棚炭 速造端続 卒谷 続存端展 損棚炭展臓 卒谷 炭樽速 棚 他短展 達測存端 炭 棚 炭展棚 誰端 ? 炭速端 展速 続他展 達測存端谷 炭
他速 炭 棚
Which desirable reforms can be done in the present context in Indian democracy ?
Describe any three possible reforms. 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
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S-08-Social Science [ Turn over
21. 炭棚| 短: 他速炭 達他測谷 棚炭 速卒 損
Write any six public facilities. 遜 6 = 3
22. 樽俗存端炭 溝消 速樽俗存端炭 探棚臓炭 炭 卒谷 炭棚| 造端棚 速展存端 族展≠
Give any two differences between formal and informal sector credit. 1遜 + 1遜 = 3
23. 族達端存端端 炭卒俗速 谷 棚炭 炭棚| 造端棚 損続 損
Write any two benefits of Multinational Corporations. 1遜 + 1遜 = 3
24. 俗続棚展 他他造端谷 棚炭 速俗端存棚端 棚炭 損 贈俗展 速 炭 展臓 炭棚 卒≠
Explain the Judicial machinery for redressal of consumer disputes. 1 3 = 3
25. 卒達側端 テ挫展 棚炭 測卒炭 俗晆他谷 炭 他他棚速 炭 棚
Discuss the Religious effects of the Print Revolution. 4
俗速 端展 炭 甲炭 測達速炭 他測 樽端 他 炭 棚
The novel is a modern form of literature. Explain it.
26. 測速 棚 続俗 樽端 ? 樽他 溝消 樽他 測速谷 炭 他速 炭
What are resources ? Describe biotic and abiotic resources. 1 + 1遜 + 1遜 = 4
卒辿造端 俗存端造端速 棚炭 炭存端 溝消 |棚炭 存端探 棚炭 俗 損 棚
Write causes and methods of conservation of soil erosion. 2 + 2 = 4
27. 卒俗昣端 炭展 存端速展 卒谷 速棚炭 尊綻俗 測存端 炭存端 炭展 樽端 炭速端 存端 尊綻俗谷 炭 他他棚速 炭 棚
Communalism can take various forms in politics. Explain any four forms. 4
卒端損谷 棚炭 贈 続 続 炭| 展存端端 棚炭 続棚造端続他 端棚展棚 誰端 | 炭贈速 炭 造端端存端 端展 他 炭
Even today, women face many discriminations. Explain the statement with examples.
28. 速棚俗損 卒谷 損棚炭展臓 棚炭 損 棚 造脱端存端 速造端棚損速 炭 他他棚速 炭 棚
Discuss Nepals Second Movement for Democracy. 4
損棚炭展臓 卒谷 存端速展炭 造端損谷 炭棚 炭速 達速樽展 谷 炭 卒速 炭存端速 俗挫端展 樽端 ? 他 炭 棚
Explain the challenges which are faced by the political parties in democracy.
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S-08-Social Science
29. 俗贈卒炭, 束端展 炭 溝消 展辿展 炭 探棚臓炭谷 炭棚 造端端存端 炭 端 展 棚 卒≠
Explain the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors with help of example. 1遜 + 1遜 + 1 = 4
存端端 卒 存端棚存端 存端速端 測速 卒 炭棚 炭卒 炭 測炭存端 谷 炭端 樽端 ?
Why is the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act called Right to Work ? 4
30. () 造端 続存端展 棚炭 存棚端 卒速臓 卒谷 速卒速損展 炭棚 炭展 炭 :
(i) 棚損卒 (ii) 造達端俗達存端
(A) Mark the following in the given outline Map of India :
(i) Salem (ii) Durgapur 1 + 1 = 2
(族) 造端 続存端展 棚炭 卒速臓 卒谷 速卒速損展 炭棚 炭展 炭 :
(i) 樽存端-樽存端 (ii) 炭損炭蔵
(B) Mark the following in the given outline map of India.
(i) Chauri-Chaura (ii) Calcutta 1 + 1 = 2
31. () 続存端展 他測速 卒谷 棚炭速側端 他 存端 谷 棚炭 族 他測 測炭存端谷 炭棚 展速 端谷 卒谷 族端 樽端 | 炭贈速
炭 棚造端端存端 他 炭 棚
(A) The Constitution of India clearly provided a three fold distribution of legislative
powers between the Union and States. Explain the statement with examples.
1 + 1 + 1 = 3
(族) (i) 他速炭 俗存端他端速 達他測谷 棚炭 測炭測炭 俗 棚 炭棚 俗棚展端展 炭存端速棚 炭 甲炭 卒測 卒 損谷
(ii) 挫端炭 造達端端速谷 炭 炭棚| 甲炭 炭存端 損
(iii) 速存端炭谷 炭棚 展 展 棚炭 速 卒谷 溝消 挫端炭 達存端探 棚炭 族存棚端 卒谷 速炭存端 造棚端炭存端 速棚炭 炭 測炭存端 炭
存端探 炭 炭展 樽端 ?
(B) (i) Write one medium for maximum promotion of Public Transport facilities. 1
(ii) Write any one reason of road accidents. 1
(iii) Which right of the citizens can be protected by imparting knowledge to them
about traffic rules and road safety. 2