CloudStack 4.18 will include several new features such as volume encryption, secure KVM VNC connections, VM autoscaling, and edge zones. It is expected to be released in Q4/Q1 as a long term support release. Some features still have work in progress and may not make the final release. The release includes many bug fixes and improvements to the management framework.
The document discusses using Senlin, an OpenStack clustering service, to provide autoscaling capabilities for multicloud platforms. Senlin allows for managing clusters of nodes across different cloud providers and includes features like load balancing, auto-healing, and scaling policies. It describes how Senlin was implemented at a company to provide a centralized autoscaling solution across OpenStack and VMware cloud environments. Some drawbacks of Senlin are also outlined, along with potential future work like multi-region clusters and global load balancing.
CloudStack is an open source cloud computing platform that allows users to manage their infrastructure as an automated system. It provides self-service access to computing resources like servers, storage, and networking via a web interface. CloudStack supports multiple hypervisors and public/private cloud deployment strategies. The core components include hosts, primary storage, clusters, pods, networks, secondary storage, and zones which are managed by CloudStack servers.
Cassandra Summit 2015: Real World DTCS For OperatorsJeff Jirsa
Real World DTCS For Operators
The introduction of DateTieredCompactionStrategy in late 2014 was a significant step forward in providing a viable compaction strategy for time series data, especially time series data that will be TTL'd out. DateTieredCompactionStrategy's introduction was met with genuine excitement, and its rapid adoption is testament to developers' and operators' desire to have data compacted in a way that better matches their write patterns.
However, DateTieredCompactionStrategy's features come with significant limitations. This talk will review our real world benchmarking and use cases for DTCS as a vehicle to discuss the implications of DateTieredCompactionStrategy on operational tasks such as repair, read-repair, bootstrapping, and especially DR recovery scenarios, and it will also discuss how those various limitations lead us to proposing an operations-friendly alternative to DateTieredCompactionStrategy.
一歩先行く Azure Computing シリーズ(全3回) 第2回 Azure VM どれを選ぶの? Azure VM 集中講座Minoru Naito
近年 Azure VM のラインナップが急速に拡大し、どれを選ぶのかわからなくなっている方もおられるのではないでしょうか。
こちらでは、Azure VM のラインナップ一つ一つを解説し、どのような用途でどのような VM を選べばよいかを解説します。
一歩先行く Azure Computing シリーズ(全3回) 第2回 Azure VM どれを選ぶの? Azure VM 集中講座Minoru Naito
近年 Azure VM のラインナップが急速に拡大し、どれを選ぶのかわからなくなっている方もおられるのではないでしょうか。
こちらでは、Azure VM のラインナップ一つ一つを解説し、どのような用途でどのような VM を選べばよいかを解説します。
This document discusses development boards for Windows development in 2017 including the Wio LTE and Wio 3G boards which use the BG96 and MT3620 chips. It also mentions a DevBoard and links to an Azure IoT devkit web simulator.
スケーラブルで手間なく動かせる!もうすぐ 一般提供開始 Azure Database for MySQL / PostgreSQLMicrosoft Azure Japan
3/13に実施したイベント「Intelligent Mobile App と Cloud Native が創るアプリ開発の未来」の資料です。
日本マイクロソフト株式会社 川崎 庸市
Microsoft Corporation C+E Senior Program Manager Jan Engelsberg
1) Mobile, web, and native applications can all be developed using shared code libraries and APIs through .NET Standard, .NET Core, and Xamarin.
2) Containers and serverless architectures like Azure Functions allow building scalable applications using microservices and event-driven code.
3) The Microsoft Azure platform and tools like Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code provide developers capabilities for building intelligent mobile and cloud applications utilizing AI, containers, and serverless computing.