February 2015 presentation on Social Media Marketing. Going over the importance of a strategy and marketing plan as well as who your audience is on Social Media.
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SABAFebruary - Social Media: Hacks | Tips | Tricks
1. Hacks | Tips | Tricks
Removing Social Media Frustrations
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4. Breaking down Social
Media Marketing:
2-way communication with your
client base
Creating a lifestyle for your
clients around your brand
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group
You are Marketing to your customers,
who will help share your message
6. Integrate
How do you currently operate?
Evernote, Calendar, SalesForce
Written Planner
Your SmartPhone
How often do you look at?
Take some of those looks to do
Social Media
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group
7. Schedule That S&!*
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group
30 Minute Time Blocks - Set it
Schedule out content as far in advance
actual schedule, news, blogs, shoutouts, etc.
Research new, engage the platform
Analyze what youve done
Facebook internally
12. Linking Accounts...
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group
Instagram Twitter
Instagram Facebook
Twitter Facebook
Etc. (Tweet your Nest updates)
Facebook | Twitter: NO!
14. Its the one we all know
The algorithm is limiting your reach
Look into setting a $$$ budget
Promoted Post
Ads to attract new people
3rd party posting works less
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group
15. Its a labor of love, strap in and
get committed
# to join the conversations and
get noticed, or noticed who you
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group
16. Keep it current
Think about Keywords/Buzz words within your
Share milestones, brag a bit
Leverage Groups
Engage, find a way to talk offline
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group
17. They rake in 60%+ of all worldwide search...
why arent you on it
If you have a physical location
Reviews (<5) help your SEO
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group
18. Younger Demographic (and growing)
Similar language to Twitter
Creating a brand personality
Have fun & create
Create stories
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group
19. The Power of Video
Part of Google Search results
**Platforms also have their own video components..
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group
20. Cult Following
Extremely large search engine
Its all about getting people back to your
All visual content accepted
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group
21. SEO
Fresh Content
Share your knowledge
Then post and re-post across social
media channels
息 2015 The Fresh Idea Group