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7502 Pollen Street  Lorton, VA 22079-1639 
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Richmond, VA Bachelors of Science of Biology
Minor: Chemistry
Job Experience
Higher Achievement - Academic Mentor at Higher Achievement; Richmond, VA 08/18/2012-01/15/2013
 Taught underserved students about the importance of education.
 Facilitate students documents.
 Assist students with homework and academics.
 Organize students activities hourly.
James Cabell Library at VCU - Librarian ; Richmond, Virginia 01/20/2013 - 02/01/2016
 Assisted students with technology and equipment.
 Organized the work area.
 Checked books in and out of library.
 Managed fines.
Feri Pamaei - Courtroom Translator; Henrico, Virginia 05/01/2016-Current
 Translate from nepali/hindi to english and vice-versa.
 Contact and maintain professionalism with attorneys.
 Lead and organize courtroom dates with attorneys.
Academic Projects
Greek Involvement and Personality - Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Spring 2015
 UROP Presentation
 Data used from Spit for Science: The VCU Student Survey.
 Measures for the Study included the Big Five Inventory (BFI) and the UPPS impulsive behavior scales.
Leadership Experience and Volunteer Activities
Health Occupation Students ofAmerica, VCU, Richmond, VA - President, Vice President (2015), Competition Chair (2012-
2015) (~600 hours) August 2012 - Present
 Lead and organize healthcareevents, and generalbody meetings for members.
 Lead board meetings and created agendas.
 Organize fundraising activities and community service around campus.
 Recruit and sign up student volunteers.
 Communicate to students about health careers, competitions and professionalism.
Health Occupations Students ofAmerica, Virginia StateChapter - State President (2012), State Vice President (2011), State
Region 4 Vice President (2010) (~500 hours) March 2010 - March 2013
 Recruit and sign up state members.
 Organize Fall Leadership academies and State Competitions.
 Public speaking in schools, colleges, and public events regarding healthcare opportunities.
American Redcross at VCU - Blood Services Chair (~300 hours) December 2012 - January 2015
 Organized monthly blood drives on campus.
 Lead and Organized information sessions and board meetings.
 Recruited and signed up student volunteers and donors.
 Developed creative fliers and maintained social media sites for American Redcross at VCU.
Lions Club at VCU - President, Co-President (2014) December 2014 - Present
 Lead and managed fundraisers and group meetings.
 Signed up volunteers for community service events.
Focused Inquiry Department at VCU - Teacher Assistant (~200 hours) May 2014 - December 2014
 Tutor and assist student with assignments and help them master the course.
 Organize and supervise activities in class.
 Answer questions and emails regarding any assignments or homework's given by the professor.
 Have office hours to reinforce learning of the materials taught in class.
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, VCU, Richmond, VA - Fundraiser (3 hours/week) May 2014 - May 2016
 Plan and lead fundraising events such as Galas, Bake sale, Restaurant proceeds, and Light the Night walks.
 Market events through social media and flyers.
American Cancer Society - Relay for Life Team Captain and Volunteer (~50 hours) April 2013 - April 2016
 Organize and supervise activities for the whole day event to raise awareness for American Cancer Society.
 Fundraise and collect donations for American Cancer Society.
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Fundraiser (~90 hours) August 2012 - May 2014
 Planned and lead fundraising events.
 Collected donations for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
 Assisted in bringing in speakers to spread awareness around Campus abut Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Special Olympics Specia - Volunteer (~30 hours) May 2015 - Present
 Organizing and leading events for athletes with intellectual disabilities.
 Running the eye checkup stands such as the eye pressure machines.
 Providing snacks and encouragement to the athletes.
Nepalese Student Association at VCU - Events Chair (2012-2015) (~300 hours) August 2012 - Present
 Plan and fundraise events.
 Tutored Refugees in different high schools.
 Organize events to promote cultural diversity.
 Organize cultural dances and programs.
Jhoom at VCU - Dance Team Member/Treasurer (~200 hours) August 2014 - May 2015
 Plan and organize events and fundraisers.
 Supervise expenses.
 Encourage team members and lead events.
Spit for Science, Virginia Insitude of Psychiatrics and Behavior Genetics - Research Assistant January 2015 - May 2015
 Create and present educational events for participants.
 Observe geneticists and psychologists work and present on psychiatries and behavior.
 Researching correlations between genes and substance abuse.
 Present results at Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program at VCU
University Rhetoric, VCU, RIchmond, VA - Researcher August 2014 - December 2014
 "Tobacco Usage should be banned in the United States"
 Formed literature review of 20 scientific articles to come to conclusions on the topic.
 Formed a detailed annotated bibliography based on primary literatures studied.
Om Nursing Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. - Intern (50 hours) December 2013 - January 2014
 Observe physician work on patients.
 Record every patient's entry.
 Weigh and measure blood pressure of every patient.
 Greet and ask patients to wait as doctor took turns.
Dr.Rigby- MCV hospital at VCU, RIchmond, VA - Shadower (10 hours) January 2014 - February 2014
 Observe and record physician and patients interact.
 Follow physician around the hospital.
Virginia Medical Alliance - Dr.Maitri - Shadower (40 hours) May 2013 - August 2013
 Observe and record physician interaction with patients.
 Follow physician around and ask physician questions about their job.
MCV Hospital, Richmond, VA - Volunteer (50 hours) August 2013 - December 2013
 Wrote down appointments for the doctor.
 Contacted patients regarding their appointments.
 Completed and organized paperwork for the doctor and the patient.
 Honors College at VCU. 2012-2013
 VA State HOSA -Outstanding Service Award Recipient. March 2016
 Deans List. 2 Semesters
Additional Information
ComputerSkills: Microsoft Office
 Ann Craddock  abc@vahosa.org
o State HOSA chapter advisor
 Dr. John Ryan - jjryan@vcu.edu
o Cancer researcher; Science Professor at VCU
 Dr. Maitri  mmaitri7@gmail.com
o Internal Medicine Doctor at INOVA hospital
 Chris Morrison - cmorrison@vcu.edu
o Supervisor at VCU library system
 Zach Hilpert  zhilpert@vcu.edu
o English Professor at VCU

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  • 1. SABBU BAJIMAYA bajimayas@vcu.edu 7502 Pollen Street Lorton, VA 22079-1639 Education Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Richmond, VA Bachelors of Science of Biology Minor: Chemistry Job Experience Higher Achievement - Academic Mentor at Higher Achievement; Richmond, VA 08/18/2012-01/15/2013 Taught underserved students about the importance of education. Facilitate students documents. Assist students with homework and academics. Organize students activities hourly. James Cabell Library at VCU - Librarian ; Richmond, Virginia 01/20/2013 - 02/01/2016 Assisted students with technology and equipment. Organized the work area. Checked books in and out of library. Managed fines. Feri Pamaei - Courtroom Translator; Henrico, Virginia 05/01/2016-Current Translate from nepali/hindi to english and vice-versa. Contact and maintain professionalism with attorneys. Lead and organize courtroom dates with attorneys. Academic Projects Greek Involvement and Personality - Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Spring 2015 UROP Presentation Data used from Spit for Science: The VCU Student Survey. Measures for the Study included the Big Five Inventory (BFI) and the UPPS impulsive behavior scales. Leadership Experience and Volunteer Activities Health Occupation Students ofAmerica, VCU, Richmond, VA - President, Vice President (2015), Competition Chair (2012- 2015) (~600 hours) August 2012 - Present Lead and organize healthcareevents, and generalbody meetings for members. Lead board meetings and created agendas. Organize fundraising activities and community service around campus. Recruit and sign up student volunteers. Communicate to students about health careers, competitions and professionalism. Health Occupations Students ofAmerica, Virginia StateChapter - State President (2012), State Vice President (2011), State Region 4 Vice President (2010) (~500 hours) March 2010 - March 2013 Recruit and sign up state members. Organize Fall Leadership academies and State Competitions. Public speaking in schools, colleges, and public events regarding healthcare opportunities. American Redcross at VCU - Blood Services Chair (~300 hours) December 2012 - January 2015 Organized monthly blood drives on campus. Lead and Organized information sessions and board meetings. Recruited and signed up student volunteers and donors. Developed creative fliers and maintained social media sites for American Redcross at VCU.
  • 2. Lions Club at VCU - President, Co-President (2014) December 2014 - Present Lead and managed fundraisers and group meetings. Signed up volunteers for community service events. Focused Inquiry Department at VCU - Teacher Assistant (~200 hours) May 2014 - December 2014 Tutor and assist student with assignments and help them master the course. Organize and supervise activities in class. Answer questions and emails regarding any assignments or homework's given by the professor. Have office hours to reinforce learning of the materials taught in class. Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, VCU, Richmond, VA - Fundraiser (3 hours/week) May 2014 - May 2016 Plan and lead fundraising events such as Galas, Bake sale, Restaurant proceeds, and Light the Night walks. Market events through social media and flyers. American Cancer Society - Relay for Life Team Captain and Volunteer (~50 hours) April 2013 - April 2016 Organize and supervise activities for the whole day event to raise awareness for American Cancer Society. Fundraise and collect donations for American Cancer Society. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Fundraiser (~90 hours) August 2012 - May 2014 Planned and lead fundraising events. Collected donations for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Assisted in bringing in speakers to spread awareness around Campus abut Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Special Olympics Specia - Volunteer (~30 hours) May 2015 - Present Organizing and leading events for athletes with intellectual disabilities. Running the eye checkup stands such as the eye pressure machines. Providing snacks and encouragement to the athletes. Nepalese Student Association at VCU - Events Chair (2012-2015) (~300 hours) August 2012 - Present Plan and fundraise events. Tutored Refugees in different high schools. Organize events to promote cultural diversity. Organize cultural dances and programs. Jhoom at VCU - Dance Team Member/Treasurer (~200 hours) August 2014 - May 2015 Plan and organize events and fundraisers. Supervise expenses. Encourage team members and lead events. Spit for Science, Virginia Insitude of Psychiatrics and Behavior Genetics - Research Assistant January 2015 - May 2015 Create and present educational events for participants. Observe geneticists and psychologists work and present on psychiatries and behavior. Researching correlations between genes and substance abuse. Present results at Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program at VCU University Rhetoric, VCU, RIchmond, VA - Researcher August 2014 - December 2014 "Tobacco Usage should be banned in the United States" Formed literature review of 20 scientific articles to come to conclusions on the topic. Formed a detailed annotated bibliography based on primary literatures studied. Om Nursing Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. - Intern (50 hours) December 2013 - January 2014 Observe physician work on patients. Record every patient's entry. Weigh and measure blood pressure of every patient.
  • 3. Greet and ask patients to wait as doctor took turns. Dr.Rigby- MCV hospital at VCU, RIchmond, VA - Shadower (10 hours) January 2014 - February 2014 Observe and record physician and patients interact. Follow physician around the hospital. Virginia Medical Alliance - Dr.Maitri - Shadower (40 hours) May 2013 - August 2013 Observe and record physician interaction with patients. Follow physician around and ask physician questions about their job. MCV Hospital, Richmond, VA - Volunteer (50 hours) August 2013 - December 2013 Wrote down appointments for the doctor. Contacted patients regarding their appointments. Completed and organized paperwork for the doctor and the patient. Honors Honors College at VCU. 2012-2013 VA State HOSA -Outstanding Service Award Recipient. March 2016 Deans List. 2 Semesters Additional Information ComputerSkills: Microsoft Office
  • 4. References: Ann Craddock abc@vahosa.org o State HOSA chapter advisor Dr. John Ryan - jjryan@vcu.edu o Cancer researcher; Science Professor at VCU Dr. Maitri mmaitri7@gmail.com o Internal Medicine Doctor at INOVA hospital Chris Morrison - cmorrison@vcu.edu o Supervisor at VCU library system Zach Hilpert zhilpert@vcu.edu o English Professor at VCU