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Dear Sir or Madam,
As a pediatric oncologist at the Medical College of Wisconsin, I am actively engaged
in the clinical management of children with cancer. As an academician, I am
involved in the education of students, residents, and fellows. I am engaged in the
ongoing improvement of the health and well being of children in the community
through multidisciplinary, multi-institutional clinical and translational research
projects that range from functional MRI for evaluating neurocognitive changes in
brain tumor patients to development of novel therapeutics for cancer patients to
optimizing radiographic techniques to differentiate nonmalignant from malignant
tumors. As part of the Children's Oncology Group, I have been a co-investigator or
the institutional principal investigator of numerous phase I, II, and III
clinical/biological trials. I am a member of the grant review committees for the
Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), the Cancer Center at the Medical
College of Wisconsin, and the St. Baldricks Foundation. Administratively, I have co-
lead the inception of our brain tumor program and the formation of the
comprehensive Brain Tumor Clinic at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. I have
successfully organized and implemented fundraising events that included up to 100
volunteers in each, had numerous business support/involvement, and helped raise
awareness of and funds for pediatric cancer and blood disorders. I am now part of
the Board of Directors of World Child Cancer  USA, an international organization
whose mission is to optimize health and lives of children with cancer in the
underserved parts of the world.
My personal lifes experiences have given me direction and molded me into who I
am. I was born in India and lived with my family till I was 10 years old. Then, I was
found to have leukemia. My family sacrificed virtually their lives savings and careers
by suddenly having to move to a foreign land (United States) to help give me the
best chance to beat this thing. We had so much help and support from so many
compassionate people and volunteer organizations that continues to touch me.
Selfless people, to whom we were strangers, came to help seemingly out of nowhere.
This experience eventually solidified me to give back to the medical community and
care for children with cancer. It also made me appreciate the true satisfaction and
justness of helping people in need.
While my endeavors so far have been fulfilling, I now desire to improve the lives of
people in communities without adequate resources. I am committed to improve the
health and well-being of people on a more global scale. I wish to use my energy and
passion towards improving the health of people who may benefit significantly from
even "small" improvements (such as clean water access, sanitation, education, social
and economic empowerment, and general health). I am confident and excited to
transition myself to such endeavors.
Over the past year, my engagement with The Water Council (a collaborative water
technology think-tank based in Milwaukee) has led me to appreciate the benefit of
integration of business and academic institutions, and researchers to help solve a
variety of water needs in communities around the world. These institutions and
individuals include experts in vast range of fields, including civil and chemical
engineering, waste management, agriculture, health fields from nutrition to
infectious disease to cancer, epidemiology, and meteorology. To help infuse fresh
thinkers and increase interest of such sciences, I am seeking local academic and
business institutions input to include high-school through graduate school trainees
into such multidisciplinary projects that allow us to tackle multifaceted water
problems across the globe.
My biggest strength that I can bring to your group is my ability to work with people
of diverse backgrounds from local people to academicians, and with regional,
national, and global groups. An example of this is the opportunity over the past few
months to help direct the inception of a pediatric cancer center in an underserved
area of Peru. My experience has included visiting the region and meeting with a
wide range of staff and leaders that included representatives from the regions
health care, School of Public Health, INEN (the cancer center of Peru), and Perus
National Institute of Health. I was impressed by the wide disparities of the overall
health care and its access. To improve health care for cancer patients, I am working
with my colleagues to optimize opportunities for early detection of cancer. We are
studying environmental exposures of substances that may be associated with
increased risk of specific cancers seen in the community. Other interventions
include providing community education to help limit these risks and developing
guidelines for early evaluation that are practical for the region. I am working with
the above mentioned institutions as well as WHOs International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) to create a more cohesive population based cancer
registry that includes data which are congruent with the global standards.
I am excited to use my educational and research experience to facilitate learning and
project opportunities that incorporate a diversity of valuable resources to solve
common problems. I want to work with people to think outside the box to help
resolve issues that seem simple, such as treating a child with a rash. I wish to
highlight this with a specific example. Outside of making the medical diagnosis and
treating the rash, I want the health care team to realize the potential non-medical
issues and to act upon helping to remedy them. The rash may be a consequence of
the child being sensitive to exposures such as mites or roaches, which may be
related to unclean, infested carpeting in the familys rented apartment. The real
remedy to decreasing the rash exacerbations (and, therefore, limiting recurrent
doctors visits and reduce health care costs) may be the need for helping the childs
family figure out ways to limit such exposures. Interventions may include changing
their home or pressing their landlord to clean or change old carpeting, but may
economically or legally be overwhelming for the family to pursue. Active
engagement of the health care team with social and legal support in the community
would be prudent in optimizing the overall health of its people. Helping incentivize
society to have healthy environments through collaborative, multidisciplinary
efforts would be effective in reducing the overall health care burden.
Health of an individual or a community is not only restricted to supporting its
medical health needs. It encompasses ones overall well-being that includes social
health, adequate nutrition, education, opportunities for success, and a nurturing
environment to empower selfrespect and confidence to achieve. Health of a
community includes its economy, adequate access for the needs of its people, safe
environment, and collaboration to optimize and maintain the health of all its
individuals. Enhancing the health of an individual and the community would reduce
the cost of health care and enhance the quality of life locally and on a global scale.
I am passionate to impact society and to improve the quality of life for all people.
The spectrum of its needs is vast. I am driven to help resolve them alongside equally
impassioned individuals and institutions. I am drawn towards passion for
citizenship through advocacy, collaboration, research, and equity. If you are
committed to improve the well-being of individuals and communities in need in
order to making the world a better place, I would be honored to take part in it.
I thank you for your consideration.
Sachin Jogal, MD
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology/BMT
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI
Phone: 262-510-9903
Pager: 414-907-8476

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SachPersonalLetter 4.23.2015

  • 1. Dear Sir or Madam, As a pediatric oncologist at the Medical College of Wisconsin, I am actively engaged in the clinical management of children with cancer. As an academician, I am involved in the education of students, residents, and fellows. I am engaged in the ongoing improvement of the health and well being of children in the community through multidisciplinary, multi-institutional clinical and translational research projects that range from functional MRI for evaluating neurocognitive changes in brain tumor patients to development of novel therapeutics for cancer patients to optimizing radiographic techniques to differentiate nonmalignant from malignant tumors. As part of the Children's Oncology Group, I have been a co-investigator or the institutional principal investigator of numerous phase I, II, and III clinical/biological trials. I am a member of the grant review committees for the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), the Cancer Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin, and the St. Baldricks Foundation. Administratively, I have co- lead the inception of our brain tumor program and the formation of the comprehensive Brain Tumor Clinic at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. I have successfully organized and implemented fundraising events that included up to 100 volunteers in each, had numerous business support/involvement, and helped raise awareness of and funds for pediatric cancer and blood disorders. I am now part of the Board of Directors of World Child Cancer USA, an international organization whose mission is to optimize health and lives of children with cancer in the underserved parts of the world. My personal lifes experiences have given me direction and molded me into who I am. I was born in India and lived with my family till I was 10 years old. Then, I was found to have leukemia. My family sacrificed virtually their lives savings and careers by suddenly having to move to a foreign land (United States) to help give me the best chance to beat this thing. We had so much help and support from so many compassionate people and volunteer organizations that continues to touch me. Selfless people, to whom we were strangers, came to help seemingly out of nowhere. This experience eventually solidified me to give back to the medical community and care for children with cancer. It also made me appreciate the true satisfaction and justness of helping people in need. While my endeavors so far have been fulfilling, I now desire to improve the lives of people in communities without adequate resources. I am committed to improve the health and well-being of people on a more global scale. I wish to use my energy and passion towards improving the health of people who may benefit significantly from even "small" improvements (such as clean water access, sanitation, education, social and economic empowerment, and general health). I am confident and excited to transition myself to such endeavors. Over the past year, my engagement with The Water Council (a collaborative water technology think-tank based in Milwaukee) has led me to appreciate the benefit of integration of business and academic institutions, and researchers to help solve a
  • 2. variety of water needs in communities around the world. These institutions and individuals include experts in vast range of fields, including civil and chemical engineering, waste management, agriculture, health fields from nutrition to infectious disease to cancer, epidemiology, and meteorology. To help infuse fresh thinkers and increase interest of such sciences, I am seeking local academic and business institutions input to include high-school through graduate school trainees into such multidisciplinary projects that allow us to tackle multifaceted water problems across the globe. My biggest strength that I can bring to your group is my ability to work with people of diverse backgrounds from local people to academicians, and with regional, national, and global groups. An example of this is the opportunity over the past few months to help direct the inception of a pediatric cancer center in an underserved area of Peru. My experience has included visiting the region and meeting with a wide range of staff and leaders that included representatives from the regions health care, School of Public Health, INEN (the cancer center of Peru), and Perus National Institute of Health. I was impressed by the wide disparities of the overall health care and its access. To improve health care for cancer patients, I am working with my colleagues to optimize opportunities for early detection of cancer. We are studying environmental exposures of substances that may be associated with increased risk of specific cancers seen in the community. Other interventions include providing community education to help limit these risks and developing guidelines for early evaluation that are practical for the region. I am working with the above mentioned institutions as well as WHOs International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to create a more cohesive population based cancer registry that includes data which are congruent with the global standards. I am excited to use my educational and research experience to facilitate learning and project opportunities that incorporate a diversity of valuable resources to solve common problems. I want to work with people to think outside the box to help resolve issues that seem simple, such as treating a child with a rash. I wish to highlight this with a specific example. Outside of making the medical diagnosis and treating the rash, I want the health care team to realize the potential non-medical issues and to act upon helping to remedy them. The rash may be a consequence of the child being sensitive to exposures such as mites or roaches, which may be related to unclean, infested carpeting in the familys rented apartment. The real remedy to decreasing the rash exacerbations (and, therefore, limiting recurrent doctors visits and reduce health care costs) may be the need for helping the childs family figure out ways to limit such exposures. Interventions may include changing their home or pressing their landlord to clean or change old carpeting, but may economically or legally be overwhelming for the family to pursue. Active engagement of the health care team with social and legal support in the community would be prudent in optimizing the overall health of its people. Helping incentivize society to have healthy environments through collaborative, multidisciplinary efforts would be effective in reducing the overall health care burden.
  • 3. Health of an individual or a community is not only restricted to supporting its medical health needs. It encompasses ones overall well-being that includes social health, adequate nutrition, education, opportunities for success, and a nurturing environment to empower selfrespect and confidence to achieve. Health of a community includes its economy, adequate access for the needs of its people, safe environment, and collaboration to optimize and maintain the health of all its individuals. Enhancing the health of an individual and the community would reduce the cost of health care and enhance the quality of life locally and on a global scale. I am passionate to impact society and to improve the quality of life for all people. The spectrum of its needs is vast. I am driven to help resolve them alongside equally impassioned individuals and institutions. I am drawn towards passion for citizenship through advocacy, collaboration, research, and equity. If you are committed to improve the well-being of individuals and communities in need in order to making the world a better place, I would be honored to take part in it. I thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Sach Sachin Jogal, MD Pediatric Hematology/Oncology/BMT Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI Phone: 262-510-9903 Pager: 414-907-8476