Powerpoint presentation.
This is a ppt for safe diposal of waste. It basically talks about 4 methods:
-> Segregation of Waste
-> Dumping/Landfills
-> Composting of Wate
-> Drainage
It also provides the various methods and explanatory diagram
2. Waste
What Is Waste
Waste and wastes are terms for unwanted
materials like -
Municipal solid waste
Hazardous waste
Waste water
Radioactive waste
Biological waste
3. Disposal Of Waste
There are various methods for disposal of waste like:
1) Segregation Of Waste
2) Landfill / Dumping Of Waste
3) Composting Of Waste
4) Drainage
4. Segregation Of Waste
Segregation of waste according to methods of
treatment is the first step to waste management.
It is the separation of biodegradable
waste from non biodegradable
waste for proper disposal and
5. Segregation Of Waste
A classic example of suitable
containers for the segregation of
waste streams are the blue, yellow,
green and red recycling bins.
Each colour used to collect one
type of waste
Red are for metal cans
Blue for paper and cardboard
Green or Yellow for plastic
7. Importance Of Segregation Of Waste
Improper segregation leads to a
mix up in landfills. This can result
in leachate or toxic soup
Segregation also prevents health
hazards for ragpickers
8. Importance Of Segregation Of Waste
When the waste is not separated
properly it leads to less recycling
because it is not easy to remove
materials for recycling.
9. Segregation of Waste
We too can do our bit to help in Segregation of Waste:
Segregation is one of the easiest
practice to follow, it starts in your
own kitchen. The waste can be
categorized as wet and dry waste.
11. Landfills
A landfill site (also known as a tip, dump,
rubbish dump or dumping ground ) is a site
Disposal of waste materials by burial
Oldest form of waste treatment.
12. Landfill Gas
Landfill gas is a complex mix of different gases created by the
action of microorganisms within a landfill.
13. Importance of Landfills
Helps reduce area occupied by waste.
Serve to prevent contamination between the waste and the surrounding
environment, especially groundwater.
Waste Management uses landfill gas as an energy source.
14. Parts Of A Landfill
Bottom liner
Cells (old and new)
Leachate collection system
Storm water drainage
Methane collection system
Cover (or cap)
Groundwater monitoring stations
16. Types Of Landfills
There are 3 Main types of Landfills:
1)Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfill
2)Construction and Demolition Landfill
3)Inert Landfill
17. Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
Highly engineered, state permitted
disposal facility where
municipal solid waste (non-hazardous
waste residences, hotels, including
commercial and industrial waste)
Long-term care and monitoring of
waste undertaken.
18. Construction & Demolition landfill
Construction and demolition (C&D) debris:
produced in construction, renovation and/or demolition of structures
typically includes concrete, asphalt, wood, gypsum wallboard, paper, glass,
rubble, and roofing materials.
Land clearing
debris, such as stumps,
rocks and dirt
19. Inert Landfill
Inert material consists:
Earth, earth-like products, concrete, cured
asphalt, and leaves.
These materials, depending on the state's
definition, are allowable by law to be
disposed of in inert landfills.
21. Composting
Composting: biological decomposition
of organic waste
food or plant material by bacteria,
fungi, worms and other organisms
under controlled aerobic (occurring in
the presence of oxygen) conditions.
23. Types of composting
Types of Composting:
Aerated (Turned) Windrow Composting
In-Vessel Composting
24. Vermicomposting
Red worms or field worms found in gardens- are placed in bins with organic
matter in order to break it down into a high-value compost called castings.
Worm bins are easy to construct (they are also commercially available)
25. Vermicomposting
Types of Waste: Worms will eat almost anything in a
typical compost pile (e.g., food scraps, paper, plants).
Climate or Seasonal Considerations: The optimal
temperatures - 55属 F to 77属 F.
Requirements: worms, worm bedding and a bin to
contain the worms and organic matter.
27. Aerated (Turned) Windrow Composting
Organic waste is formed into rows of long piles called
windrows and aerated by turning the pile periodically by
either manual or mechanical means.
Ideal Height: 1-3 m.
Breadth: 12-15 m.
28. Aerated (Turned) Windrow Composting
Types of Waste: Yard trimmings, grease, liquids, and animal byproducts (such as fish and
poultry wastes)
Climate or Seasonal Considerations: Warm, arid climate. Cold temperatures.
Environmental Concerns: Leachate is liquid released during the composting process. This can
contaminate local ground-water and surface-water supplies
Requirements: Large tracts of land, sturdy equipment, a continual supply of labor to maintain
and operate the facility.
29. In-Vessel Composting
Organic materials are fed into a drum, silo, concrete-lined trench,
or similar equipment where the environmental conditions-including
temperature, moisture, and aeration-are closely controlled.
30. In-Vessel Composting
Types of Waste: Basic organic wastes like meat, animal manure, biosolids,
food scraps
Climate or Seasonal Considerations: any climate because the environment
is carefully controlled
Requirements: Huge capital and a technical assistance to operate properly
32. Drainage
Drainage is the system of water or waste liquids flowing away from
somewhere into the ground or down pipes.
Drainage is done in combination with rainwater harvesting
33. Advantages Of Drainage System
Remove excess water and remove water logging.
Remove the stench of wastewater collection.
Prevent: soil erosion and spread of disease causing bacteria.
Maintain a clean and healthy environment.
34. Drain-Waste-Vent
a Drain-waste-vent (or DWV) is part of a system
that removes sewage and greywater from a
building and regulates air pressure in the
waste-system pipes, facilitating flow. Waste is
produced at fixtures such as toilets, sinks and
showers, and exits the fixtures through a trap,
a dipped section of pipe that always contains water.