Safety and Security of Web-applications (Presentation)MrCoffee94
This document discusses common security issues for web applications such as unconfirmed data input, hacked access control, buffer overflows, injection attacks, and unprotected storage. It recommends best practices to address these issues including giving only necessary privileges, implementing multiple levels of protection, using DDoS protection, and employing cryptography.
The wheel and axle is a simple machine consisting of a wheel locked to a central axle, such that applying a force to either one causes both to rotate. It provides mechanical advantage by increasing either the resistance force that can be overcome or the distance an object can be moved using a given effort. Common examples of wheel and axle systems include door knobs, wheelbarrows, and wagons.
Safety and Security of Web-applications (Presentation)MrCoffee94
This document discusses common security issues for web applications such as unconfirmed data input, hacked access control, buffer overflows, injection attacks, and unprotected storage. It recommends best practices to address these issues including giving only necessary privileges, implementing multiple levels of protection, using DDoS protection, and employing cryptography.
The wheel and axle is a simple machine consisting of a wheel locked to a central axle, such that applying a force to either one causes both to rotate. It provides mechanical advantage by increasing either the resistance force that can be overcome or the distance an object can be moved using a given effort. Common examples of wheel and axle systems include door knobs, wheelbarrows, and wagons.
This document provides an overview of ionizing radiation and radiation monitoring in low Earth orbit. It discusses the various sources of radiation in space, including galactic cosmic rays, solar particle events, and trapped radiation belts. It also covers the biological effects of radiation, dose terminology, radiation monitoring devices used on spacecraft, and regulations for astronaut radiation exposure limits. The goal of radiation monitoring is to ensure crew radiation exposures are as low as reasonably achievable and within safety standards to prevent both acute and long-term health effects from space radiation.
This document defines genres of stories in literature and provides examples of different genres including suspense, comedy, horror, thriller, historical, and romance. It explains that a genre is used to describe different types of stories and plays and lists seven common genres: adventure, suspense, comedy, thriller, romance, horror, and historical. Examples are then given of stories that fall under suspense, comedy, horror, thriller, and historical genres.
The wheel and axle is a simple machine consisting of a wheel locked to a central axle, such that when a force is applied to either one, both rotate together. It provides mechanical advantage by increasing either the resistance force that can be overcome or the distance an object can be moved using a given effort. Common examples of wheel and axle systems include door knobs, wheelbarrows, and wagons.
亠亰亠仆舒亳 仗仂亟从舒 Web Application Firewall (WAF) 仂 仂亟仆仂亞仂 亳亰 "仗亳仂仆亠仂于" 亳 仆仆亠仆亠亞仂 仍亳亟亠舒* 仂舒仍亳 (*仗仂 于亠亳亳 从于舒亟舒仆舒 Gartner 亟仍 WAF 仂 2014 亞仂亟舒)
Russian presentation of WAF solution from the leader of the market (*according to Gartner MG from 2014).