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Thank You
Ms. Kim thank you so much for the opportunity we have had to
learn in this campaign. We have learned valuable skills in this journey
that will most de鍖nitely help us in and out of the classroom. Thank you,
for sharing something you are passionate about with us. We are so
grateful we were given this opportunity to work with not only you, but
also Safe Haven. We hope you 鍖nd our ideas useful and helpful to your
organization. We also hope you enjoy the campaign as much as we
enjoyed creating it.
What is Safe Haven?
 Safe Haven is a non-pro鍖t organization dedicated to ending family violence
through prevention and education programs. With the mission to serve and
strengthen victims and children of domestic violence. Providing free of
charge services to families and individuals. Safe Haven has committed to
empowering survivors providing them with knowledge and resources. This
enables survivors to make informed decisions that leads to a life of safety,
security, and self-sufficiency. Safe Haven currently provides services in rural
counties such as Bulloch, Screven, Candler, Effingham, Jenkins, and
Target Audience
 Our overall primary audiences remains those in the Statesboro Community. This
includes survivors and those in need of Safe Havens services. Along with those in the
community who would like to provide support. Based off of Statesboro demographics,
we are targeting those in the age range of 18 to 24 as they are the dominate age range
in the Statesboro community . With this population being for the most part equally
divided between male and female.
 We also aim to target local business owners for support during the campaign as our
secondary audience. Local business owners are largely white males with the average
age being 38. We also aim to target local organizations in the Statesboro community.
These organizations such as churches and community groups are made up varying
ethnicities, backgrounds, and ages.
Why Statesboro?
We understand Safe Haven currently serves six counties. With these counties being made up of
many different towns. We focused the campaign in Statesboro, but the campaign can then be
adapted and used to serve other communities. Adjustments of course can be made based off of
further research into the demographics of each county and town, using the Statesboro
campaign as an overall bases.
Primary Research
We conducted a survey using the platform Qualtrics for our primary research. We sent out
a 14 question survey speci鍖cally to those who reside within the six counties Safe Haven
supports as an organization.
 Of the 14 survey respondents the average age was 18 to 25 with participants residing
primarily in Effingham and Bulloch counties.
 Our results aligned with our secondary research in the fact that many want to be involved
in local non-pro鍖t organizations, but they are not exactly sure how to begin their
 Those who were aware of Safe Haven as an organization were not aware in detail of the
services they offer and provide.
 Those who were aware of the services provided by Safe Haven became aware of these
services through word of mouth.
 Many participants also cited social media for how they receive their information on
non-pro鍖t organizations mentioning platforms such as Instagram and Facebook as their
main source.
Primary Research Continued
 Despite many using social media as a platform to access information and seek out
opportunities of involvement they also mentioned that they do not normally follow
non-pro鍖t accounts on social media, but they still somewhat frequently monitor
accounts looking for opportunities to educate and serve.
 This places Safe Haven in an absolutely unique position to serve their
audiences in multiple ways. Safe Haven already has a wonderful Facebook
presence, and they have the opportunity to create a presence on Instagram.
 With many receiving information on Safe Haven already through word of
mouth increasing business cards and 鍖yers is another way to promote a
word of mouth presence.
Primary Research Continued
We understand that 14 responses is not enough to make 鍖rm grasp and
assumptions along with the fact that all six counties Safe Haven serves
were surveyed when this campaign will be focused in Bulloch County
We have also converted our Qualtrics survey into a Google Form allowing
free access for Safe Haven to utilize the survey in their campaign and
obtain a more representative understanding of the communitys
Goal: The goal of this campaign is to increase
awareness in the services offered by Safe Haven to
the Statesboro community.
Objective 1:
To increase overall interest of Safe Haven in the
Statesboro community by 15% by January 31, 2023.
Strategy 1:
Educate the community on the many services
offered by Safe Haven outside of the safe house.
1a. Create a social media calendar.
1b. Post social media graphics on Instagram and
Facebook on the services offered by Safe Haven.
1c. Create Posters with service information placed in
dressing rooms, doctors offices, and restrooms.
1d. Provide educational training and workshops on
services provided by Safe Haven to local businesses.
1e. Buy refreshments for educational trainings
1f. Create informational business cards on Safe
Haven to hand out to local businesses
1g. Create stickers on Safe Haven to hand out to local
businesses and residents
Objective 2:
Increase community understanding in Statesboro
of domestic violence by 20% by January 31, 2023.
Strategy 2:
Create an awareness project on the issue of
domestic violence communicated in a way that
is 鍖tting for Safe Haven as an organization.
2a. Create and post informational graphics on Instagram and Facebook
portraying domestic violence in a motivational & survivor-oriented way.
2b. Hold two workshops partnering with Applecare and Statesboro Urgent
Care to educate on identifying the factors of domestic violence.
2c. Buy refreshments for workshops.
2d. Partner with Teal House on a donation night at Three Tree.
2e. Create press release for donation night at Three Tree.
2f. Partner with the local Bulloch County High Schools in formatting a
domestic violence awareness week.
2g. Create a 鍖yer to promote the workshops.
2h. Create a 鍖yer to promote the donation night.
2i. Write the speech for workshops.
2j. Write the speech for donation night.
It is our recommendation that this awareness campaign spans 6 months
between August 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023.
Evaluation of the campaign begin promptly after the end of the campaign on
January 31. The complete campaign calendar and social media calendar may be
found in the campaign book in further detail.
Sample Month from the Campaign Calendar
Following months and corresponding social media calendar may be found in
completion in the campaign book.
Hi Everyone!
My name is _____ and I am a representative from (Safe
Haven or Teal House)! I am so grateful to gather with you all
tonight to raise awareness, and rally around subjects that our
organizations are greatly passionate about. We want to thank
everyone for their participation and donations tonight.
Our organizations provide free of charge services to those in
the community, and serve as a support system for survivors. We are
so deeply filled with gratitude to gather here with you all today as a
community to provide goods, funds, and services to help those
overcome. Please take this time to listen, be respectful, and gather.
There will be information in the back on the needs of Safe Haven
and Teal House as organizations, and how you can best provide
support or utilize any of our free of charge services.
Thank you for being here and a part of this event today, and
I hope everyone enjoys their time gathered with us.
Speech for Percentage Night at
Three Tree Coffee
Key Publics:
DV survivors and supporters of Safe Haven and Teal House
Unite survivors and inform those on Teal House and Safe
Haven services while creating community for survivors.
Primary Message:
Express gratitude for those who came and inform them on
the Teal House and Safe Havens services.
Method & Timing of Distribution:
This speech will be given at the Three Tree percentage
partnering with the Teal House.
Speech for High Schools DV
Awareness Week
Hi Students and Staff of _______ High School.
I am so glad to join you in this upcoming week of domestic violence
awareness. Throughout this week we will have the opportunity to raise awareness
in our community about the realities of domestic violence. We also have the
opportunity to gather our community and raise support for survivors.
This week students will have the opportunity as classes to gather and
donate supplies and money to Safe Haven. Students will be divided up by grades,
and the grade with the largest donation amount will win a break dress code day.
Students can donate money at our table located in the cafeteria. This is also where
students can purchase our standing by you in our jeans stickers. We will also have
bins divided up by grade letter where students can donate supplies such as
toothbrushes, toothpaste, clothes, and shampoo. We will factor money donations,
sticker sales, and product donations into each grade's final total.
We also ask students to participate in our denim day which will occur
Friday. For denim day we ask students to wear as much denim as possible to help
show support and raise awareness on the subject of domestic violence. Also on
Friday we will have an assembly where we will tally up the total raised from all the
donations, announce the winner of the week, and we will hear from survivors who
are willing to share their story.
Students, we would be so grateful to have your participation, and also
hear your stories this week. We are glad to have this opportunity to partner with
Statesboro High School, and see the impact you all will make in the community this
upcoming week. Remember while Domestic Violence Awareness Month occurs in
October, however, we can go far beyond just this week and October to generate and
spread awareness. A flyer providing more information will be sent home with you
today. I look forward to spending the next week with you all.
Key Publics:
High School students and staff participating in the domestic
violence awareness week.
Inform those that the week is coming up, activities included
in the week, and where donations from the week are going.
Primary Message:
Inform students on the upcoming week and increase
participation in the week's events and activities.
Method & Timing of Distribution:
This speech will be given to the students of Statesboro High
School the Friday before domestic violence awareness week.
Refer to the tactics and implementation section for more
speci鍖c details.
Informational Business Cards
Key Publics:
Statesboro Residents
To spread awareness of Safe Havens free community
services offered along with their contact information.
Primary Message:
Safe Havens outreach offices address and contact
information on the front and their free of charge services
listed on the back.
Method & Timing of Distribution:
Cards will be distributed to local businesses and other
community groups, during campus tabling, at high schools
during their awareness week, and at the Three Tree
percentage night. They will be distributed continuously
throughout the course of this campaign at the local businesses
and Safe Haven will periodically check in to make sure they
have enough left.
Standing by you is in our Jeans Sticker
Key Publics:
Residents of Statesboro
Distribute the stickers among the community to raise
awareness for Safe Havens organization.
Primary Message:
Standing by you is in our jeans showing domestic violence
victims that Safe Haven is there for them in a catchy way
that they will remember.
Method & Timing of Distribution:
Stickers will be distributed to businesses and community
centers upon delivery, handed out at campus tabling events,
at the high schools during their domestic violence awareness
week, and at the percentage night at Three Tree. Stickers
will be distributed continuously throughout the course of
this campaign at the local businesses and Safe Haven will
periodically check in to make sure they have enough left.
Flyer for Local Businesses and Community
Center Restrooms and Dressing Rooms
Key Publics:
Residents of Statesboro who may be suffering or know
someone who is suffering from a domestic violence
situation and needs assistance.
To raise awareness for Safe Haven and make their 24/7
crisis help line more accessible in a private space such
as a restroom or store dressing room.
Primary Message:
The primary message of this 鍖yer is that these victims
are not alone and they can receive help by calling the
crisis line provided.
Method & Timing of Distribution:
These 鍖yers will be distributed at the beginning of the
campaign throughout the participating businesses in
Flyer for High School DV Awareness Week
Key Publics:
Statesboro High School students, faculty, and staff
To spread awareness for Safe Havens domestic violence
awareness week in the Statesboro High Schools.
Primary Message:
Communicates all of the events and activities that are
happening during the domestic violence awareness week.
Method & Timing of Distribution:
Will be distributed in the Statesboro High Schools and
posted on September 28 and up until the end of the week.
The awareness week will be October 10-14.
*More 鍖yer samples for the Three Tree % night and business
education workshops can be found in the campaign book
Press Release for Percentage Night
Key Publics:
The Statesboro local media and the Statesboro
To inform the Statesboro community about the
survivors night partnering with Teal House to be held
at Three Tree in October.
Primary Message:
Inform those who wish to attend the donation night.
Those attending can donate items as listed in the press
release. Purchases made at Three Tree will also go to
donations for Safe Haven and Teal House.
Method & Timing of Distribution:
This press release should be sent out the week before
the Three Tree event. This should be sent to different
media outlets with the goal of being published on those
Reach Out Email to Urgent Care to Plan an
Educational Workshop
Key Publics:
Residents of Statesboro
To plan a workshop at Urgent Care
Primary Message:
Seeking partnership with Urgent Care to host a
domestic violence workshop for employees and health
care workers
Method & Timing of Distribution:
Email should be sent out on September 16
*individual sample emails for each urgent care can be found in the
campaign book
 275 Informational cards- $14.85
 500 Stickers- $162.00
 150 Bathroom/Dressing Room
Posters- $51.84
 150 Domestic Violence Awareness
Flyers- $51.84
 150 Domestic Violence Workshop
Flyers- $51.84
 150 Donation/Percentage Night
Flyers- $51.84
 CFA Refreshments for Educational
Training- $145.53
 CFA Refreshments for Apple Care
and Statesboro Urgent Care
Training- $145.53
Total Estimated Cost: $675.27 (all prices
are based off of Statesboros 8% sales tax)
The budget set aside for this campaign is $5,000. After
creating the preliminary budget for this campaign, the
total cost needed is $675.27.
Considering the budget is well over what will be
needed, this is a very obtainable total cost. The total
was estimated based off of the 8% sales tax included
with sales in Statesboro. As the campaign may change
over time, these prices and items may also change.
Considering the budget is well over the cost of items
listed in the preliminary budget, there should be
plenty of monetary resources left if more or different
items are needed to successfully ful鍖ll the campaigns
At the beginning of the campaign, which should begin August 1, 2022, the client
will be able to use the implementation section as a resource to guide them.
In the implementation section, the social media calendar and tactics calendar
will be referenced. These calendars, found in the calendar section of this book,
will provide the client with a speci鍖c schedule. The schedule will allow the
client to understand how and when to apply each tactic.
Implementation: August
The month of August is a month of preparation for the campaign ahead.
 The campaign will begin August 1, 2022:
 Aug. 4: the business cards will need to be printed at least a week in advance and delivered to
partnering businesses and churches to begin circulation. Printing all promotional pieces should be
done at least a week in advance.
 Aug. 5 - 6: start the standing by you is in our jeans campaign and begin passing out promotional
鍖yers for the event.
 August 11: stickers will need to be ordered a few weeks prior. These stickers must be distributed to
local businesses for sale and awareness.
 Aug. 9: emails need to be sent out to the partners of the urgent care and the high school for the
 Aug. 16: emails on future workshops and events will be sent to Statesboro schools, local businesses,
and partners. We will have a tabling on campus date
 Aug. 25: tabling starts,
so supplies for tabling including stickers, business cards, and 鍖yers should be gathered Aug. 24.
Implementation: September
 Sept. 8: reach out to the Teal House and Three Tree about a possible event in October for a
donation night.
 Sept. 14: we will have our 鍖rst training and workshop session with Urgent Care Statesboro.
This event will have food catered so it is important to contact Chick- Fil- A at least a week
ahead of time.
 Sept. 28: we will begin circulating 鍖yers for Domestic Violence awareness week in Statesboro
High Schools. September is also Suicide Awareness month so we will post social media
content in correlation with the month. We also will continue to post educational content on
domestic violence throughout the month.
Implementation: October
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We will start this month off with a social
media post announcing the month.
 Oct. 6: we will print 鍖yers for domestic violence awareness week in Statesboro.
 Oct. 7: The 鍖yers will then enter circulation
 Oct. 9-15: Domestic violence awareness week for Statesboro High school. This week will
include domestic violence education workshops for both teachers and students, along with
donations and sticker sales gathered throughout the week.
 The week of Oct. 23-29: is the overall Statesboro Domestic Violence Week.
 Oct. 25: the plan is to reach out to the groups ahead of time. Pending Teal and Three Trees
response there will be a donations and survivors night held at Three Tree in partnership with
the Teal House
 Oct. 27: we will check in with local businesses to see if any business cards or stickers need to
be replenished for the organizations.
Implementation: November
 Nov. 25: we will have a pre-scheduled workshop with Apple Care. Food and beverages for this
event should be ordered ahead of time. These refreshments will include includes drinks from
Chick-鍖l-a, nugget trays, and fruit trays. These should be requested a few days in advance and
picked up the morning of the workshops.
 We will end the month with a social media donation day.
Implementation: December
 Dec. 6 : We will have a training workshop with a local Statesboro business. We will need to order the
same food and beverages provided at the last workshop for this business ahead of time also using
 Dec. 25-31: We will also have a wish list and donations gathering throughout the Christmas holiday
week. This will start Dec. 25 with a holiday wish list and end Dec. 31 for a New Years wish list. Ideas
and wish list items should be thought of at least a month in advance.
Implementation: January
This is the last month of the campaign.
 Jan. 17: The follow up of the survey will be sent via email allowing for evaluation later in the
campaign. Email addresses will be found by providing a contact sheet for attendees at the
time of the event.
 Jan. 26: We will have another local workshop with a business or organization. Mentioned
previously, ordering catering before said date is also important.
 Jan. 31: The campaign will officially ends and the evaluation process begins. This will allow
around two weeks to receive post-campaign survey results. During the evaluation you will be
able to measure the campaigns success.
 The goal of this campaign is to increase awareness of the services offered by
Safe Haven to the Statesboro community. This campaign will be evaluated
by determining whether or not the two objectives were met. The objectives
for this campaign are:
1. To increase overall interest of Safe Haven in the Statesboro
community by 15% by Jan. 31, 2023.
2. To increase community understanding in Statesboro of domestic
violence by 20% by Jan. 31, 2023.
 To evaluate whether or not we accomplished the objectives, a
post-survey, found in appendix C, needs to be sent at the end of
our campaign. In order to retrieve the emails, a contact sheet must
be provided for attendees at the events. The survey will need to be
open for at least two weeks to ensure we get enough responses for
an accurate representation of the Statesboro community. After the
survey is closed, the results will need to be evaluated to see if each
objective was accomplished.
For the 鍖rst objective, the post-survey will show
if the overall interest of Safe Haven in the
Statesboro community was increased by 15%. For
the pre-survey we had 14 respondents. The
pre-survey showed 10 out of 14 of respondents
had heard about Safe Haven, 1 out of 14 of
respondents were unsure, and 3 out of 14 of
respondents hadnt heard of Safe Haven. The
pre-survey also showed 5 out of 14 of
respondents had minimum awareness of the
services provided by Safe Haven and only 2 of 14
of respondents had maximum awareness of the
services provided by Safe Haven. In order for the
鍖rst objective to be met, the post-survey would
need to show that 82.14% of respondents had
heard about Safe Haven and that 16.43% of
respondents had a maximum understanding of
Safe Havens services.
For the second objective, the post-survey will
show if the community understanding in
Statesboro of domestic violence increased by
20%. The pre-survey shows 2 out 14 of
respondents are very unaware of all of the
components that make up domestic violence
while 3 out of 14 of respondents are very aware
of all of the components that make up domestic
violence. In order for the second objective to be
met, the post-survey would need to show 25.72%
of respondents are very aware of all of the
components that make up domestic violence.
 If these objectives are not met, the tactics will be the 鍖rst components
that are edited. Certain tactics may need to be increased such as more
informational graphics, more posters created and placed in Statesboro,
and more informational cards and stickers created and placed within
Statesboro. The focus on tactics will be more aimed on community
outreach rather than business outreach/partnership.
 If these objectives are met, then this campaign will work as a blueprint
for the other 5 counties that Safe Haven serves (Screven, Candler,
Effingham, Jenkins, and Washington).
Final Remarks
 Once again we would like to thank you Ms. Kim and Dr. Groover for
giving us the opportunity to complete such a project. Working on this
campaign has definitely taught us many valuable lessons in regards to
skills in public relations and communication. Thank you for taking time
out of your day to listen to our ideas, and we hope you find them useful to
Safe Haven.

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  • 2. Thank You Ms. Kim thank you so much for the opportunity we have had to learn in this campaign. We have learned valuable skills in this journey that will most de鍖nitely help us in and out of the classroom. Thank you, for sharing something you are passionate about with us. We are so grateful we were given this opportunity to work with not only you, but also Safe Haven. We hope you 鍖nd our ideas useful and helpful to your organization. We also hope you enjoy the campaign as much as we enjoyed creating it.
  • 3. What is Safe Haven? Safe Haven is a non-pro鍖t organization dedicated to ending family violence through prevention and education programs. With the mission to serve and strengthen victims and children of domestic violence. Providing free of charge services to families and individuals. Safe Haven has committed to empowering survivors providing them with knowledge and resources. This enables survivors to make informed decisions that leads to a life of safety, security, and self-sufficiency. Safe Haven currently provides services in rural counties such as Bulloch, Screven, Candler, Effingham, Jenkins, and Washington.
  • 4. Target Audience Our overall primary audiences remains those in the Statesboro Community. This includes survivors and those in need of Safe Havens services. Along with those in the community who would like to provide support. Based off of Statesboro demographics, we are targeting those in the age range of 18 to 24 as they are the dominate age range in the Statesboro community . With this population being for the most part equally divided between male and female. We also aim to target local business owners for support during the campaign as our secondary audience. Local business owners are largely white males with the average age being 38. We also aim to target local organizations in the Statesboro community. These organizations such as churches and community groups are made up varying ethnicities, backgrounds, and ages.
  • 5. Why Statesboro? We understand Safe Haven currently serves six counties. With these counties being made up of many different towns. We focused the campaign in Statesboro, but the campaign can then be adapted and used to serve other communities. Adjustments of course can be made based off of further research into the demographics of each county and town, using the Statesboro campaign as an overall bases.
  • 6. Primary Research We conducted a survey using the platform Qualtrics for our primary research. We sent out a 14 question survey speci鍖cally to those who reside within the six counties Safe Haven supports as an organization. Of the 14 survey respondents the average age was 18 to 25 with participants residing primarily in Effingham and Bulloch counties. Our results aligned with our secondary research in the fact that many want to be involved in local non-pro鍖t organizations, but they are not exactly sure how to begin their involvement. Those who were aware of Safe Haven as an organization were not aware in detail of the services they offer and provide. Those who were aware of the services provided by Safe Haven became aware of these services through word of mouth. Many participants also cited social media for how they receive their information on non-pro鍖t organizations mentioning platforms such as Instagram and Facebook as their main source.
  • 7. Primary Research Continued Despite many using social media as a platform to access information and seek out opportunities of involvement they also mentioned that they do not normally follow non-pro鍖t accounts on social media, but they still somewhat frequently monitor accounts looking for opportunities to educate and serve. This places Safe Haven in an absolutely unique position to serve their audiences in multiple ways. Safe Haven already has a wonderful Facebook presence, and they have the opportunity to create a presence on Instagram. With many receiving information on Safe Haven already through word of mouth increasing business cards and 鍖yers is another way to promote a word of mouth presence.
  • 8. Primary Research Continued We understand that 14 responses is not enough to make 鍖rm grasp and assumptions along with the fact that all six counties Safe Haven serves were surveyed when this campaign will be focused in Bulloch County alone. We have also converted our Qualtrics survey into a Google Form allowing free access for Safe Haven to utilize the survey in their campaign and obtain a more representative understanding of the communitys awareness.
  • 9. Goal: The goal of this campaign is to increase awareness in the services offered by Safe Haven to the Statesboro community. Objective 1: To increase overall interest of Safe Haven in the Statesboro community by 15% by January 31, 2023. Strategy 1: Educate the community on the many services offered by Safe Haven outside of the safe house. Tactics: 1a. Create a social media calendar. 1b. Post social media graphics on Instagram and Facebook on the services offered by Safe Haven. 1c. Create Posters with service information placed in dressing rooms, doctors offices, and restrooms. 1d. Provide educational training and workshops on services provided by Safe Haven to local businesses. 1e. Buy refreshments for educational trainings 1f. Create informational business cards on Safe Haven to hand out to local businesses 1g. Create stickers on Safe Haven to hand out to local businesses and residents
  • 10. Objective 2: Increase community understanding in Statesboro of domestic violence by 20% by January 31, 2023. Strategy 2: Create an awareness project on the issue of domestic violence communicated in a way that is 鍖tting for Safe Haven as an organization. Tactics: 2a. Create and post informational graphics on Instagram and Facebook portraying domestic violence in a motivational & survivor-oriented way. 2b. Hold two workshops partnering with Applecare and Statesboro Urgent Care to educate on identifying the factors of domestic violence. 2c. Buy refreshments for workshops. 2d. Partner with Teal House on a donation night at Three Tree. 2e. Create press release for donation night at Three Tree. 2f. Partner with the local Bulloch County High Schools in formatting a domestic violence awareness week. 2g. Create a 鍖yer to promote the workshops. 2h. Create a 鍖yer to promote the donation night. 2i. Write the speech for workshops. 2j. Write the speech for donation night.
  • 11. It is our recommendation that this awareness campaign spans 6 months between August 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023. Evaluation of the campaign begin promptly after the end of the campaign on January 31. The complete campaign calendar and social media calendar may be found in the campaign book in further detail.
  • 12. Sample Month from the Campaign Calendar Following months and corresponding social media calendar may be found in completion in the campaign book.
  • 13. Hi Everyone! My name is _____ and I am a representative from (Safe Haven or Teal House)! I am so grateful to gather with you all tonight to raise awareness, and rally around subjects that our organizations are greatly passionate about. We want to thank everyone for their participation and donations tonight. Our organizations provide free of charge services to those in the community, and serve as a support system for survivors. We are so deeply filled with gratitude to gather here with you all today as a community to provide goods, funds, and services to help those overcome. Please take this time to listen, be respectful, and gather. There will be information in the back on the needs of Safe Haven and Teal House as organizations, and how you can best provide support or utilize any of our free of charge services. Thank you for being here and a part of this event today, and I hope everyone enjoys their time gathered with us. Speech for Percentage Night at Three Tree Coffee Key Publics: DV survivors and supporters of Safe Haven and Teal House Purpose: Unite survivors and inform those on Teal House and Safe Haven services while creating community for survivors. Primary Message: Express gratitude for those who came and inform them on the Teal House and Safe Havens services. Method & Timing of Distribution: This speech will be given at the Three Tree percentage partnering with the Teal House.
  • 14. Speech for High Schools DV Awareness Week Hi Students and Staff of _______ High School. I am so glad to join you in this upcoming week of domestic violence awareness. Throughout this week we will have the opportunity to raise awareness in our community about the realities of domestic violence. We also have the opportunity to gather our community and raise support for survivors. This week students will have the opportunity as classes to gather and donate supplies and money to Safe Haven. Students will be divided up by grades, and the grade with the largest donation amount will win a break dress code day. Students can donate money at our table located in the cafeteria. This is also where students can purchase our standing by you in our jeans stickers. We will also have bins divided up by grade letter where students can donate supplies such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, clothes, and shampoo. We will factor money donations, sticker sales, and product donations into each grade's final total. We also ask students to participate in our denim day which will occur Friday. For denim day we ask students to wear as much denim as possible to help show support and raise awareness on the subject of domestic violence. Also on Friday we will have an assembly where we will tally up the total raised from all the donations, announce the winner of the week, and we will hear from survivors who are willing to share their story. Students, we would be so grateful to have your participation, and also hear your stories this week. We are glad to have this opportunity to partner with Statesboro High School, and see the impact you all will make in the community this upcoming week. Remember while Domestic Violence Awareness Month occurs in October, however, we can go far beyond just this week and October to generate and spread awareness. A flyer providing more information will be sent home with you today. I look forward to spending the next week with you all. Key Publics: High School students and staff participating in the domestic violence awareness week. Purpose: Inform those that the week is coming up, activities included in the week, and where donations from the week are going. Primary Message: Inform students on the upcoming week and increase participation in the week's events and activities. Method & Timing of Distribution: This speech will be given to the students of Statesboro High School the Friday before domestic violence awareness week. Refer to the tactics and implementation section for more speci鍖c details.
  • 15. Informational Business Cards Key Publics: Statesboro Residents Purpose: To spread awareness of Safe Havens free community services offered along with their contact information. Primary Message: Safe Havens outreach offices address and contact information on the front and their free of charge services listed on the back. Method & Timing of Distribution: Cards will be distributed to local businesses and other community groups, during campus tabling, at high schools during their awareness week, and at the Three Tree percentage night. They will be distributed continuously throughout the course of this campaign at the local businesses and Safe Haven will periodically check in to make sure they have enough left.
  • 16. Standing by you is in our Jeans Sticker Key Publics: Residents of Statesboro Purpose: Distribute the stickers among the community to raise awareness for Safe Havens organization. Primary Message: Standing by you is in our jeans showing domestic violence victims that Safe Haven is there for them in a catchy way that they will remember. Method & Timing of Distribution: Stickers will be distributed to businesses and community centers upon delivery, handed out at campus tabling events, at the high schools during their domestic violence awareness week, and at the percentage night at Three Tree. Stickers will be distributed continuously throughout the course of this campaign at the local businesses and Safe Haven will periodically check in to make sure they have enough left.
  • 17. Flyer for Local Businesses and Community Center Restrooms and Dressing Rooms Key Publics: Residents of Statesboro who may be suffering or know someone who is suffering from a domestic violence situation and needs assistance. Purpose: To raise awareness for Safe Haven and make their 24/7 crisis help line more accessible in a private space such as a restroom or store dressing room. Primary Message: The primary message of this 鍖yer is that these victims are not alone and they can receive help by calling the crisis line provided. Method & Timing of Distribution: These 鍖yers will be distributed at the beginning of the campaign throughout the participating businesses in Statesboro.
  • 18. Flyer for High School DV Awareness Week Key Publics: Statesboro High School students, faculty, and staff Purpose: To spread awareness for Safe Havens domestic violence awareness week in the Statesboro High Schools. Primary Message: Communicates all of the events and activities that are happening during the domestic violence awareness week. Method & Timing of Distribution: Will be distributed in the Statesboro High Schools and posted on September 28 and up until the end of the week. The awareness week will be October 10-14. *More 鍖yer samples for the Three Tree % night and business education workshops can be found in the campaign book
  • 19. Press Release for Percentage Night Key Publics: The Statesboro local media and the Statesboro community. Purpose: To inform the Statesboro community about the survivors night partnering with Teal House to be held at Three Tree in October. Primary Message: Inform those who wish to attend the donation night. Those attending can donate items as listed in the press release. Purchases made at Three Tree will also go to donations for Safe Haven and Teal House. Method & Timing of Distribution: This press release should be sent out the week before the Three Tree event. This should be sent to different media outlets with the goal of being published on those outlets.
  • 20. Reach Out Email to Urgent Care to Plan an Educational Workshop Key Publics: Residents of Statesboro Purpose: To plan a workshop at Urgent Care Primary Message: Seeking partnership with Urgent Care to host a domestic violence workshop for employees and health care workers Method & Timing of Distribution: Email should be sent out on September 16 *individual sample emails for each urgent care can be found in the campaign book
  • 21. 275 Informational cards- $14.85 500 Stickers- $162.00 150 Bathroom/Dressing Room Posters- $51.84 150 Domestic Violence Awareness Flyers- $51.84 150 Domestic Violence Workshop Flyers- $51.84 150 Donation/Percentage Night Flyers- $51.84 CFA Refreshments for Educational Training- $145.53 CFA Refreshments for Apple Care and Statesboro Urgent Care Training- $145.53 Total Estimated Cost: $675.27 (all prices are based off of Statesboros 8% sales tax) Budget The budget set aside for this campaign is $5,000. After creating the preliminary budget for this campaign, the total cost needed is $675.27. Considering the budget is well over what will be needed, this is a very obtainable total cost. The total was estimated based off of the 8% sales tax included with sales in Statesboro. As the campaign may change over time, these prices and items may also change. Considering the budget is well over the cost of items listed in the preliminary budget, there should be plenty of monetary resources left if more or different items are needed to successfully ful鍖ll the campaigns goal.
  • 22. Implementation At the beginning of the campaign, which should begin August 1, 2022, the client will be able to use the implementation section as a resource to guide them. In the implementation section, the social media calendar and tactics calendar will be referenced. These calendars, found in the calendar section of this book, will provide the client with a speci鍖c schedule. The schedule will allow the client to understand how and when to apply each tactic.
  • 23. Implementation: August The month of August is a month of preparation for the campaign ahead. The campaign will begin August 1, 2022: Aug. 4: the business cards will need to be printed at least a week in advance and delivered to partnering businesses and churches to begin circulation. Printing all promotional pieces should be done at least a week in advance. Aug. 5 - 6: start the standing by you is in our jeans campaign and begin passing out promotional 鍖yers for the event. August 11: stickers will need to be ordered a few weeks prior. These stickers must be distributed to local businesses for sale and awareness. Aug. 9: emails need to be sent out to the partners of the urgent care and the high school for the workshops. Aug. 16: emails on future workshops and events will be sent to Statesboro schools, local businesses, and partners. We will have a tabling on campus date Aug. 25: tabling starts, so supplies for tabling including stickers, business cards, and 鍖yers should be gathered Aug. 24.
  • 24. Implementation: September Sept. 8: reach out to the Teal House and Three Tree about a possible event in October for a donation night. Sept. 14: we will have our 鍖rst training and workshop session with Urgent Care Statesboro. This event will have food catered so it is important to contact Chick- Fil- A at least a week ahead of time. Sept. 28: we will begin circulating 鍖yers for Domestic Violence awareness week in Statesboro High Schools. September is also Suicide Awareness month so we will post social media content in correlation with the month. We also will continue to post educational content on domestic violence throughout the month.
  • 25. Implementation: October October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We will start this month off with a social media post announcing the month. Oct. 6: we will print 鍖yers for domestic violence awareness week in Statesboro. Oct. 7: The 鍖yers will then enter circulation Oct. 9-15: Domestic violence awareness week for Statesboro High school. This week will include domestic violence education workshops for both teachers and students, along with donations and sticker sales gathered throughout the week. The week of Oct. 23-29: is the overall Statesboro Domestic Violence Week. Oct. 25: the plan is to reach out to the groups ahead of time. Pending Teal and Three Trees response there will be a donations and survivors night held at Three Tree in partnership with the Teal House Oct. 27: we will check in with local businesses to see if any business cards or stickers need to be replenished for the organizations.
  • 26. Implementation: November Nov. 25: we will have a pre-scheduled workshop with Apple Care. Food and beverages for this event should be ordered ahead of time. These refreshments will include includes drinks from Chick-鍖l-a, nugget trays, and fruit trays. These should be requested a few days in advance and picked up the morning of the workshops. We will end the month with a social media donation day.
  • 27. Implementation: December Dec. 6 : We will have a training workshop with a local Statesboro business. We will need to order the same food and beverages provided at the last workshop for this business ahead of time also using Chick-鍖l-A. Dec. 25-31: We will also have a wish list and donations gathering throughout the Christmas holiday week. This will start Dec. 25 with a holiday wish list and end Dec. 31 for a New Years wish list. Ideas and wish list items should be thought of at least a month in advance.
  • 28. Implementation: January This is the last month of the campaign. Jan. 17: The follow up of the survey will be sent via email allowing for evaluation later in the campaign. Email addresses will be found by providing a contact sheet for attendees at the time of the event. Jan. 26: We will have another local workshop with a business or organization. Mentioned previously, ordering catering before said date is also important. Jan. 31: The campaign will officially ends and the evaluation process begins. This will allow around two weeks to receive post-campaign survey results. During the evaluation you will be able to measure the campaigns success.
  • 29. Evaluation The goal of this campaign is to increase awareness of the services offered by Safe Haven to the Statesboro community. This campaign will be evaluated by determining whether or not the two objectives were met. The objectives for this campaign are: 1. To increase overall interest of Safe Haven in the Statesboro community by 15% by Jan. 31, 2023. 2. To increase community understanding in Statesboro of domestic violence by 20% by Jan. 31, 2023.
  • 30. Evaluation To evaluate whether or not we accomplished the objectives, a post-survey, found in appendix C, needs to be sent at the end of our campaign. In order to retrieve the emails, a contact sheet must be provided for attendees at the events. The survey will need to be open for at least two weeks to ensure we get enough responses for an accurate representation of the Statesboro community. After the survey is closed, the results will need to be evaluated to see if each objective was accomplished.
  • 31. For the 鍖rst objective, the post-survey will show if the overall interest of Safe Haven in the Statesboro community was increased by 15%. For the pre-survey we had 14 respondents. The pre-survey showed 10 out of 14 of respondents had heard about Safe Haven, 1 out of 14 of respondents were unsure, and 3 out of 14 of respondents hadnt heard of Safe Haven. The pre-survey also showed 5 out of 14 of respondents had minimum awareness of the services provided by Safe Haven and only 2 of 14 of respondents had maximum awareness of the services provided by Safe Haven. In order for the 鍖rst objective to be met, the post-survey would need to show that 82.14% of respondents had heard about Safe Haven and that 16.43% of respondents had a maximum understanding of Safe Havens services. For the second objective, the post-survey will show if the community understanding in Statesboro of domestic violence increased by 20%. The pre-survey shows 2 out 14 of respondents are very unaware of all of the components that make up domestic violence while 3 out of 14 of respondents are very aware of all of the components that make up domestic violence. In order for the second objective to be met, the post-survey would need to show 25.72% of respondents are very aware of all of the components that make up domestic violence.
  • 32. Evaluation If these objectives are not met, the tactics will be the 鍖rst components that are edited. Certain tactics may need to be increased such as more informational graphics, more posters created and placed in Statesboro, and more informational cards and stickers created and placed within Statesboro. The focus on tactics will be more aimed on community outreach rather than business outreach/partnership. If these objectives are met, then this campaign will work as a blueprint for the other 5 counties that Safe Haven serves (Screven, Candler, Effingham, Jenkins, and Washington).
  • 33. Final Remarks Once again we would like to thank you Ms. Kim and Dr. Groover for giving us the opportunity to complete such a project. Working on this campaign has definitely taught us many valuable lessons in regards to skills in public relations and communication. Thank you for taking time out of your day to listen to our ideas, and we hope you find them useful to Safe Haven.