Palmieri, P. A., & Peterson, L. T. (2009). Safety culture as a healthcare construct. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (August 9): Chicago, Illinois, USA. Nominated for Best Paper Award, Healthcare Management Division.
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Safety culture as a healthcare construct
1. Safety Culture as a
Healthcare Construct
Patrick A. Palmieri
Center for American Education
Lori T. Peterson
Nance College of Business Administration
Presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Management, Chicago, Illinois (August 9, 2009).
Best Paper Award Nominee, Health Care Division.
2. Funding Sources for Our Work
Patrick Albert Palmieri
Duke Health Technology Solutions
Information Technology Fellowship
Duke University
Doctoral Scholarship
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Roadmap for Medical Research, (Individual T-32 Summer
Research Award). Project: Organizational Safety Culture Survey
Reliability and Validity (Palmieri, PI). Duke University Clinical
and Translational Science Institute (Califf, PI).
Lori T. Peterson
Texas Tech University Rawls College of Business
Center for Health Innovation, Education, and Research
3. Paper Aims
Analyze the theoretical underpinnings of safety
Examine the psychometric performance
properties of the measurement instruments
Provide an assessment about the state of safety
culture research in healthcare
4. Presentation Aims
Summarize the state of healthcare to support the
need for safety culture research
Identify the disciplinary origination (theoretical
influences) for the safety culture concept
Describe the contemporary safety culture
Discuss the findings from our review
Recommend aims and goals for future safety
culture work
6. It may seem a strange principle
to enunciate as the very first
requirement in a hospital that it
should do the sick no harm
Florence Nightingale, 1863, Notes on Hospitals
7. Healthcare is Dangerous
Flawed systems (e.g. Zhan & Miller, 2003)
Faulty processes (e.g. Reason, Carthey, & de Leval, 2001)
Poor interactions (e.g. Cook, Render, & Woods, 2000)
Substandard performance (e.g. Benner et al. 2006)
Inadequate training (e.g. Bohmer & Edmondson, 2001)
Poor management practices (e.g. Konteh et al., 2008)
Anatomy and Physiology of Error in Adverse Healthcare Events
Palmieri, DeLucia, Peterson, Ott, & Green (2008)
8. Safety Culture Focus
Institute of Medicine recommends that
healthcare organizations:
Develop safety cultures
Routinely assess safety culture
Establish comprehensive patient safety plans to
improve error detection
Reduce opportunities for error by redesigning
care systems
IOM, 2000, 2004a, 2004b
9. Definition of Safety Culture
A global organizational property that can be
defined as:
The organizational inputs of individual
and group attitudes, perceptions, and
values about workplace behaviors and
system processes that collectively
contribute to safe and reliable
organizational outputs. (Cox and Flin 1998 and others)
11. Theoretical Influences
Normal Accident Theory
High Reliability Theory
Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF/E)
Aviation Framework
12. Sociology
Safety is an emergent property of culture
(Smirich 1983)
Reflect the collective history of individual
contributions to group (Perrow 1970)
Culture is not easily changed (Perrow & Langton, 1994;
Sagan, 1994)
Resistant to direct management intervention
(Mears & Flin, 1999)
Safety linked to reduced complexity &
Inflexible policies and procedures, and poorly
designed processes and systems (Perrow, 1999)
13. Psychology
Similar to Sociology except:
Cultures readily change
Exist for the purpose of manipulation (Schein, 1991)
Individual focused
Collective mindfulness of employees (Weick &
Roberts, 1993; Weick & Sutcliffe, 2006)
Management practices and interventions
14. Human Factors & Ergonomics
Emphasis on application not theory
Derived from deductive methodologies
Critical incident (Flanagan, 1954; Woods & Chattuck, 2000)
Critical decision (Carlisle, 1986)
Note: Aviation research related to behavioral markers
is incomplete, early in development, and not
psychometrically validated (Yule at al., 2006)
16. Research Assumptions
Four assumptions guide the majority of safety
culture research:
1. Safety focused cultures produce better outcomes
2. Improved safety performance are produced by
positive safety cultures
3. Organizations can improve culture by making
safety a priority
4. Management practices influence employee safety
17. Safety Culture Characteristics
Four cultural characteristics permit the
organization of work to support safety
1. Learning
2. Reporting
3. Justice and Fairness
4. Flexibility (e.g. Reason, 1998b)
18. Safety Culture Framework
Frameworks and models undefined
No arrows, no lines connecting boxes
Possible antecedents
Error reporting (Piotrowski & Hinshaw, 2002)
Non-punitive climate (Dekker, 2007)
Trust (Dirks & Ferrin, 2002)
Management involvement and practices (Thomas et al.,
2005; Wong, Helsinger, & Petry, 2002)
System and processes perspective (Barach & Johnson, 2006)
20. Basic Conceptual Issues
Unsystematic, fragmented, and underspecified in
theoretical terms (Pidgeon ,1998; Zhan et al., 2002)
Considerable disagreement among safety experts
about the definition of safety culture and how this
is operationalized (Flin et al., 2000; Guldenmund, 2000; Hale, 2000;
Wiegmann et al., 2004)
Culture & climate terms often used interchangeably
e.g. Cox and Flin, 1998, Colla et al., 2005)
Safety culture research provides management
with data for benchmarking and trends analysis
(Mearns, Flin, & Whitaker, 2001)
21. Healthcare Safety Culture
The applicability of safety culture as
a universal concept across disciplines
and specialties within healthcare as
well as the relationship to specific
safety performance measures
remains questionable and unsettled .
Flin et al., 2006
23. Theoretical Framework
Only the lack of theoretical
grounding, scarcity of conceptual
framework, and the presence of a
dimension related to leadership and
management practices was common
across the reviews.
e.g. Flin et al., 2000; Guldenmund, 2000;
Colla et al., 2005; Scott et al., 2003a
24. Measurement Instruments
Merely developing more
measurement scales and re-testing
climate-behavior relationships will
hold back scientific progress.
Zohar, 2008
25. Research Methods
Measuring individual perceptions within
studies designed to analyze data at the
group or organizational level is
theoretically incompatible
Hoffman & Stetzer, 1996; Zohar, 2003
26. Psychometric Properties
The science is limited by the
inadequate attention to establishing
suitable psychometric properties, such
as reporting essential validity and
reliability standards
Colla et al., 2005; Flin et al., 2006; Flin, 2007
27. Conclusion
We agree
Safety culture is a concept whose time has come
and we should develop a clearer theoretical
understanding of these organizational issues to
create a principled basis for more effective culture-
enhancing practices. Reason (1998b)
but we also believe
Inadequate theoretical frameworks and the
associated instrument and methodological issues limit
further development as a translational science where
interventions might be designed, implemented, and
tested as methods to improve outcomes.
28. Contact Information
Patrick A. Palmieri
Lori A. Peterson
CITATION: Palmieri, P. A., & Peterson, L. T. (2009). Safety culture as a
healthcare construct. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Management (August 9): Chicago, Illinois, USA.