Group communication refers to communication between two or more groups or within a group. There are several types of group communication including through media, the internet, cults, and businesses. The main advantages of group communication are synergy from combining multiple perspectives and sharing unique information among members to make better informed decisions. However, achieving balance can be difficult and conditions like groupthink can destroy decision quality if the variety of members and consensus processes are not properly considered.
2. Definition of group communication
? Group communication refers to the communication
between a group of people and another group of
people or within the group itself. A group is normally
considered as a collection of people that number 3 or
3. Types of group communication
? Media
? Internet
? Cults
? Business Corps
4. Advantages & disadvantages of
group communication
?Group decision making two major natural advantages:
synergy and sharing of information. Synergy relates to the
idea that certain outcomes can only be achieved by many
minds brought to bear on a certain decision-making
process. The sharing of information among group
members is another advantage of the group process, and if
executed properly, it can lead to better informed decisions.
The idea here is that group members all possess unique
information beyond that which is known by everyone. By
capturing unique information, group decision quality will
reflect a more complete informational landscape.
5. Disadvantages
? There are a number of conditions that can destroy
group decision quality. Achieving a workable balance
of these conditions can be very difficult and is arguably
the most disruptive force for group decision makers,
and a precise recipe of conditions must be in place in
order for group decision-making to be truly effective.
These conditions extend to the variety of group
members as well as the formal systems in place that
determine consensus and eventually the decision
itself. If improperly considered, then the phenomenon
known as groupthink can negatively influence overall
decision quality.
6. Thank you all
? Created by
Sagar Gujarati
Enroll no:130210116020