Kepompong community development was established in 2010 as a non-profit organization to provide education and prevent poverty among children in Bintaro, Indonesia. It offers early childhood education, elementary school, entrepreneurship training, and extracurricular activities. However, it lacks regular funding and resources like books, stationery, computers and a classroom building. The organization is seeking long-term, consistent support through donations to continue its mission of educating and empowering underprivileged children in the community.
2. Background Established in 2010 Non profit society founded by Mba Osin , helped by 18 volunteers Haven’ t had any regular sponsorship Located behind STAN , bintaro . Mission : To prevent the poor kids from becoming a beggar
3. What do they do Education ( basic skill e.g reading, counting, praying and so on ) PAUD : Pendidikan Dasar Usia Dini Same level as Playgroup Has been authorized by diknas recently Madrasah Same level as elementary Entrepreneurship ( people’s development ) They teach the kid to produce something useful , so that they can sell it
4. What do they do … Computer skill had a computer , but it’ s useless now ( need a new one ) 4. Scholarship have several candidates that actually a smart one Physical exercise Hold a free “ SKJ ” and other sports activity every weekend 6. ‘ Makan bareng – bareng ’ every Friday , some volunteers provide food and drinks
5. What do they need Books Same learn material that is used by any other school ( such as LKS ) Stationery White board Marker Pen Pencil Ruler etc
6. What do they need 3. Funding support - To make “ barang dagangan ” - To give a scholarship for those who deserve 4. Computers / laptop 5. Class building
7. What can we do Commitment - Long term program Consistency - Clear Objectives with suitable platform