The document is a membership application form for the Society for Army Historical Research. It requests the applicant's contact information, membership type, payment method, and signature. If applicable, it also requests the applicant choose between air mail or surface mail delivery and include a gift aid declaration. The form should be sent to the provided address upon completion.
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SAHR - Website Credit Card and Cheque APPLICATION FORM
1. The Society for Army Historical Research
Registered Charity No.: 247844
1. To Membership Secretary SAHR please enrol me as a Full / Student Member*
2. My Journals should be sent to
Title Full Name (capitals).......
Post ZIP Code..
E-mail address .
3. As a Member outside Europe (if applicable) I tick my choice between
Air Mail
Surface Mail
4. To pay my subscription (please delete those which are not applicable) I
Enclose a cheque made out to The Society for Army Historical Research
for 贈/$.....
Enclose a Bank Standing Order made out to NatWest Bank, Sort Code
60-15-04 Acct No 01241710 for 贈/$........
I have made payment via the SAHR website using PayPal for 贈/$......
Want to use my Credit Card.
Name: (as appears on the card).
Type: Mastercard / Visa / Eurocard
Expiry Date../
Please debit my account the sum of 贈/US$/CAN$...............................
5. Gift Aid Declaration (Please delete if not applicable or you do not agree)
I wish the Society for Army Historical Research to be able to claim tax (currently
25p for each 贈1) on my donation/subscription, my having paid income tax or
capital gains tax in the United Kingdom equal to the tax that will be claimed.
Signature ........................................................Date ............................................
Application forms should be sent to: Lt Col D Saunders, Wychwood, Scotland
Lane, Haslemere, Surrey, GU27 3AB, UK
* Please attach a photocopy of a recent Student ID
SAHR Application Form Linkedin