This document is a curriculum vitae for Said Bin Mohammed Bin Said Al Saadi. It summarizes his work experience, education, and skills. The CV highlights that he has over 25 years of experience as an electrical technician in the Royal Navy of Oman, including serving on ships and working in workshops. It also lists his educational background, including a National Certificate in Electrical Engineering from Highbury College in the UK.
Marvin Hodges served in the US Navy from 1978 to 1995, achieving the rank of Electronics Technician, Second Class (E2). This unofficial transcript details his military training courses and occupations, including Basic Military Training, Basic Enlisted Submarine School, and Electronics Technician training. It provides the course titles, locations, dates, and American Council on Education credit recommendations for each experience. The transcript also lists his various occupations as an Electronics Technician and his later role as a Recruiter Canvasser/Recruiter.
Kent Sundberg has over 35 years of experience in the maritime industry, including 25 years as a Chief Engineer on various ship types. He holds an unlimited Class 1 Chief Engineer license and has worked for companies in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Ecuador, Singapore, and the US. Currently he works as the Chief Engineer on a PSV vessel in Norway. He is married with three children and dedicates his time off work to his family, sports, and outdoor activities.
This document discusses classification societies and their role in classifying ships. Classification societies set technical and safety standards for ships and ensure they are properly maintained through regular surveys. They assign ships a class rating which is valid for typically 5 years and indicates the risk level for insurers. Major classification societies around the world include Lloyd's Register, American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas, and others.
The document outlines the organizational structure and responsibilities of personnel that operate and maintain the engines and systems on ships. It describes the roles and responsibilities of positions like the Captain, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, Junior Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Engine Ratings like Oilers and Greasers, and Watchkeeping duties and schedules. Key responsibilities include operating and maintaining propulsion and electrical systems, overseeing repairs, ensuring safety systems are functioning properly, and managing engine room crews.
Manuela Bucci's CV summarizes her educational and professional experiences. She holds an MSc in research engineering from the University of Aberdeen and previously earned a Laurea Magistrale in naval architecture from the University of Trieste. Her work experience includes positions at several engineering firms where she specialized in naval architecture, offshore engineering analysis, and ship design. She is proficient in relevant software and holds certifications in engineering and first aid. Outside of work, she enjoys rock climbing, running, and spearfishing.
Lloyd's Register Ship emergency response service - USCG requirements for NTVLloyd's Register
1. The document outlines USCG requirements for non-tank vessels over 400 gross tons carrying oil as fuel entering US waters.
2. Owners and operators must submit Non-Tank Vessel Response Plans that name a contracted provider of damage stability and strength assessment services if the vessel has over 340 cubic meters of fuel oil capacity.
3. The contracted provider must be able to start calculations within 3 hours and complete them within 12-18 hours depending on if the incident is near or offshore.
1. The document provides information on ship construction, including definitions of key ship design terminology and descriptions of basic ship types and designs.
2. It discusses the three main stages of initial ship design - concept, preliminary, and contract design. Key ship dimensions and specifications that are determined at each stage are outlined.
3. Ship types covered include liquid cargo ships, dry cargo ships, passenger ships, offshore vessels, fishing vessels, and naval vessels. The evolution of cargo ship designs over time is summarized.
This document discusses ship energy efficiency and regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships. It provides background on increasing carbon dioxide levels and the need to reduce emissions from the shipping industry. The document summarizes International Maritime Organization regulations including the Energy Efficiency Design Index, which sets mandatory energy efficiency standards for new ships, and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan, which provides a mechanism for ships to improve their energy efficiency. It describes methods to calculate the EEDI and requirements for attaining the EEDI. Finally, it discusses technologies and operational measures that can help ships improve their energy efficiency and comply with regulations.
The document lists various courses and certificates held including BOSIET, HV/LV switching procedures, EX compex, HVAC refrigeration, EPA universal technician certification, Cameron BOP hybrid, Liebherr deck cranes training, infrared thermography level 1, electric drilling rig drives, Siemens thruster drives training, offshore emergency response team membership, multiple Aker MH system courses, STCW certifications for electro technical officer, electro technical rating, basic training, survival craft, advanced firefighting, medical first aid, security awareness, and designated security duties. Additional certificates include ETO special education, leadership and teamworking skills, OKUG medical, and STCW medical.
The document defines and provides typical values for several coefficients used to measure ship design characteristics:
Block Co-efficient measures the fullness of a ship's form and ranges from 0.5-0.65 for very fast ships to 0.75-0.85 for slow cargo ships. Prismatic Co-efficient is the ratio of a ship's displacement volume to its midship volume and ranges from 0.55-0.85. Midship Section Co-efficient is the ratio of a ship's midship area to its rectangular area and ranges from 0.85-0.99. Waterplane Area Co-efficient is the ratio of a ship's waterplane area to its rectangular area and ranges from 0.70
This document provides a summary of an individual's qualifications, including personal details, education and experience. The individual is a Filipino citizen residing in Ibaan, Batangas in the Philippines. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering degree and has 9 years of experience as a Marine Engineer. His expertise includes the operation and maintenance of ship main and auxiliary machinery. He currently works as a Utility Operator or Maintenance Engineer and holds a Third Marine Engineer license.
PAPAMARKOS KP Chief Engineer's CV data and certificationKostas Papamarkos
This document provides a summary of Konstantinos Papamarkos's professional experience and qualifications as a marine engineer. He has over 20 years of experience working in various engineering roles on tankers and gas carriers. His most recent role from 2013 to present has been as a Senior Machinery Inspector responsible for machinery and equipment inspection during shipbuilding. Prior to this he worked as a Chief Engineer from 2003 to 2013, responsible for the overall technical operations of vessels. He has also worked as a Second Engineer from 1997 to 2003 and held other engineering roles earlier in his career. The document outlines his extensive safety, management and technical training qualifications.
This document provides definitions and explanations of basic ship structure, compartmentation, and material conditions of readiness. It defines key ship structure terms like hull, frames, decks, bulkheads, and compartments. It explains how compartments are numbered and defined. It also outlines the different material conditions of readiness like X-ray, Yoke, Zebra, and William and what purposes they serve like damage control and chemical/biological protection.
This document discusses denials and delays of shipments of radioactive material from an Indian perspective. It provides background on Indian and international transport regulations and three case studies where shipments were initially denied by carriers but later accepted after intervention from the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of India. Common reasons for denials include lack of training and perceived risks. The document suggests improving awareness, addressing infrastructure issues, and involving carriers directly in discussions to resolve denials and delays.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Vimal Viswanath, a Senior Subsea Engineer with over 15 years of experience. It lists his personal details, education, training and certifications. It then outlines his career history working on various offshore drilling vessels worldwide, describing the subsea equipment used and his duties maintaining blowout preventers and other subsea systems.
Captain Robert Pearcey has over 30 years of experience in the merchant marine and offshore industries. He has worked extensively in areas like underwater interventions, marine construction, towage, rig and barge moves, salvage operations, and more for companies like BP, Shell, Noble Energy, and Technip. He has specialized skills in areas such as DP auditing, marine warranty, project management, and safety assurance.
The document defines key ship dimensions and terms used to describe a ship's size and structure. It explains measurements like length overall, length between perpendiculars, beam, draft, depth, and definitions of areas like the bow, stern, port, and starboard. It also summarizes tonnage measurements including displacement tonnage, lightweight tonnage, deadweight tonnage, gross tonnage, and net tonnage. Load line markings and their purpose are briefly described as well.
This document outlines regulations regarding watchkeeping arrangements and principles to ensure safe watches on ships. It addresses requirements for fitness for duty, including establishing rest periods to prevent fatigue. It provides guidance on watch schedules, records of hours of rest, and limits on alcohol consumption for watchkeeping personnel. It also describes principles for proper watchkeeping, including roles and responsibilities of watchkeeping officers and crew, exchanging of information, and notifying superiors if in doubt. Requirements are established for engineering watch composition and responsibilities of officers in charge of the engineering watch for machinery operation and maintenance.
The document provides a status update on flight testing of the A400M aircraft as of May 16, 2012. It reports that a total of 3,212 flight hours have been completed across 5 aircraft, with 1,094 total flights. The update summarizes achievements across various flight test areas, including crosswind testing, high altitude flights, air-to-air refueling contacts, and demonstration tours in Asia. Major objectives for 2012 include testing of military systems and operations from grass runways.
A ship's crew is divided into three main departments: the deck department oversees navigation and cargo operations; the engineering department maintains machinery and systems; and the steward's department is responsible for catering. Each department has a well-defined hierarchy and roles, from the captain and chief engineer down to more junior crew members, with areas of responsibility that are integral to the safe and efficient operation of the vessel.
This document provides an overview of the different parts of an oil tanker ship through diagrams and descriptions. It discusses areas like the forecastle deck where anchoring and mooring occur, the main deck where manifolds and cranes are located, the accommodation block where the crew lives and works, the engine room that powers the ship, and safety equipment like lifeboats. It also explains how the rudder and propeller enable the ship to move and be steered, and how mooring lines secure the ship safely at berths or buoys. The conclusion warns that if a ship is not properly moored or tied up, surging can damage equipment or cause spills.
20041201 - IMCA Presentation: DP in a hurry - December 2004, SingaporeM3 Marine Group
The document discusses considerations for using vessels of opportunity (VoOs) for dynamic positioning (DP) operations in subsea sectors. Key points discussed include:
- VoOs are vessels whose primary role is not subsea work but can be adapted for certain subsea tasks if properly equipped and crewed.
- Safety is paramount and specific safety plans, procedures, certifications and inspections are required to ensure a VoO is fit for purpose.
- The tasks to be performed, environmental conditions, vessel characteristics like deck space and accommodations, and number of clients/crew onboard must all be considered.
- DP redundancy, qualified crews, and standard operating procedures for DP and diving operations are essential for vessels conducting
This thesis assesses the food security status of households receiving support from the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) in Libokemkem woreda, South Gondar zone of Ethiopia. Data was collected through surveys of 144 households across two kebeles. Key findings include: 1) 86.25% of households were found to be food insecure; 2) Chronic malnutrition, as measured by stunting, affected 62 children under 5 years of age; and 3) Significant determinants of food insecurity were found to be larger family size, smaller amounts of cultivable and irrigated land, and greater distance to market. Recommendations focus on improving agricultural productivity, diversifying livelihoods, and linking
DBTA Data Summit : Eliminating the data constraint in Application DevelopmentKyle Hailey
1) The document discusses how data constraints are a major problem in application development. It slows down development cycles and leads to bugs. The proposed solution is using virtual data techniques to eliminate the need to move and manage physical copies of data.
2) Key use cases of virtual data techniques discussed are faster development, enhanced security through data masking, and easier cloud migration by reducing data movement. Virtual data allows instant provisioning of development environments and fast refresh of test data.
3) Customers reported benefits like cutting development cycles in half and reducing time to roll out new insurance products from 50 days to 23 days when using virtual data techniques.
Retrouvez la notice mode d'emploi de l'ouvre bo樽te professionnel 辿lectrique TELLIER OE750M. Acheter l'ouvre-bo樽tes Tellier sur et dans notre boutique Toulouse.
Los estudiantes realizaron operaciones con fracciones como adici坦n, sustracci坦n, multiplicaci坦n, divisi坦n y simplificaci坦n de pares de fracciones como (9/6) y (7/8). Se les asign坦 como tarea realizar m叩s operaciones con fracciones.
El documento describe c坦mo la m炭sica puede mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje en los ni単os. Desde el 炭tero, los fetos pueden escuchar y sentir la m炭sica. A medida que los beb辿s crecen, desarrollan la capacidad de producir sonidos y luego palabras. La m炭sica estimula el desarrollo temprano al influir en el entorno del ni単o y ayudar a desarrollar habilidades como la interpretaci坦n, la discriminaci坦n auditiva y las habilidades did叩cticas musicales. La m炭sica tambi辿n ayuda a los ni単os a expresarse y comunicarse.
O documento discute as realidades e desafios dos reassentamentos de comunidades devido explora巽達o petrol鱈fera em Mo巽ambique. Apresenta exemplos de problemas com projetos de petr坦leo e minera巽達o, tais como falta de consulta e compensa巽達o justa. Tamb辿m descreve o quadro jur鱈dico relevante e meios de acesso justi巽a, al辿m de concluir que 辿 necess叩rio promover o desenvolvimento comunit叩rio sustent叩vel e proteger os direitos das comunidades locais.
The document lists various courses and certificates held including BOSIET, HV/LV switching procedures, EX compex, HVAC refrigeration, EPA universal technician certification, Cameron BOP hybrid, Liebherr deck cranes training, infrared thermography level 1, electric drilling rig drives, Siemens thruster drives training, offshore emergency response team membership, multiple Aker MH system courses, STCW certifications for electro technical officer, electro technical rating, basic training, survival craft, advanced firefighting, medical first aid, security awareness, and designated security duties. Additional certificates include ETO special education, leadership and teamworking skills, OKUG medical, and STCW medical.
The document defines and provides typical values for several coefficients used to measure ship design characteristics:
Block Co-efficient measures the fullness of a ship's form and ranges from 0.5-0.65 for very fast ships to 0.75-0.85 for slow cargo ships. Prismatic Co-efficient is the ratio of a ship's displacement volume to its midship volume and ranges from 0.55-0.85. Midship Section Co-efficient is the ratio of a ship's midship area to its rectangular area and ranges from 0.85-0.99. Waterplane Area Co-efficient is the ratio of a ship's waterplane area to its rectangular area and ranges from 0.70
This document provides a summary of an individual's qualifications, including personal details, education and experience. The individual is a Filipino citizen residing in Ibaan, Batangas in the Philippines. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering degree and has 9 years of experience as a Marine Engineer. His expertise includes the operation and maintenance of ship main and auxiliary machinery. He currently works as a Utility Operator or Maintenance Engineer and holds a Third Marine Engineer license.
PAPAMARKOS KP Chief Engineer's CV data and certificationKostas Papamarkos
This document provides a summary of Konstantinos Papamarkos's professional experience and qualifications as a marine engineer. He has over 20 years of experience working in various engineering roles on tankers and gas carriers. His most recent role from 2013 to present has been as a Senior Machinery Inspector responsible for machinery and equipment inspection during shipbuilding. Prior to this he worked as a Chief Engineer from 2003 to 2013, responsible for the overall technical operations of vessels. He has also worked as a Second Engineer from 1997 to 2003 and held other engineering roles earlier in his career. The document outlines his extensive safety, management and technical training qualifications.
This document provides definitions and explanations of basic ship structure, compartmentation, and material conditions of readiness. It defines key ship structure terms like hull, frames, decks, bulkheads, and compartments. It explains how compartments are numbered and defined. It also outlines the different material conditions of readiness like X-ray, Yoke, Zebra, and William and what purposes they serve like damage control and chemical/biological protection.
This document discusses denials and delays of shipments of radioactive material from an Indian perspective. It provides background on Indian and international transport regulations and three case studies where shipments were initially denied by carriers but later accepted after intervention from the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of India. Common reasons for denials include lack of training and perceived risks. The document suggests improving awareness, addressing infrastructure issues, and involving carriers directly in discussions to resolve denials and delays.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Vimal Viswanath, a Senior Subsea Engineer with over 15 years of experience. It lists his personal details, education, training and certifications. It then outlines his career history working on various offshore drilling vessels worldwide, describing the subsea equipment used and his duties maintaining blowout preventers and other subsea systems.
Captain Robert Pearcey has over 30 years of experience in the merchant marine and offshore industries. He has worked extensively in areas like underwater interventions, marine construction, towage, rig and barge moves, salvage operations, and more for companies like BP, Shell, Noble Energy, and Technip. He has specialized skills in areas such as DP auditing, marine warranty, project management, and safety assurance.
The document defines key ship dimensions and terms used to describe a ship's size and structure. It explains measurements like length overall, length between perpendiculars, beam, draft, depth, and definitions of areas like the bow, stern, port, and starboard. It also summarizes tonnage measurements including displacement tonnage, lightweight tonnage, deadweight tonnage, gross tonnage, and net tonnage. Load line markings and their purpose are briefly described as well.
This document outlines regulations regarding watchkeeping arrangements and principles to ensure safe watches on ships. It addresses requirements for fitness for duty, including establishing rest periods to prevent fatigue. It provides guidance on watch schedules, records of hours of rest, and limits on alcohol consumption for watchkeeping personnel. It also describes principles for proper watchkeeping, including roles and responsibilities of watchkeeping officers and crew, exchanging of information, and notifying superiors if in doubt. Requirements are established for engineering watch composition and responsibilities of officers in charge of the engineering watch for machinery operation and maintenance.
The document provides a status update on flight testing of the A400M aircraft as of May 16, 2012. It reports that a total of 3,212 flight hours have been completed across 5 aircraft, with 1,094 total flights. The update summarizes achievements across various flight test areas, including crosswind testing, high altitude flights, air-to-air refueling contacts, and demonstration tours in Asia. Major objectives for 2012 include testing of military systems and operations from grass runways.
A ship's crew is divided into three main departments: the deck department oversees navigation and cargo operations; the engineering department maintains machinery and systems; and the steward's department is responsible for catering. Each department has a well-defined hierarchy and roles, from the captain and chief engineer down to more junior crew members, with areas of responsibility that are integral to the safe and efficient operation of the vessel.
This document provides an overview of the different parts of an oil tanker ship through diagrams and descriptions. It discusses areas like the forecastle deck where anchoring and mooring occur, the main deck where manifolds and cranes are located, the accommodation block where the crew lives and works, the engine room that powers the ship, and safety equipment like lifeboats. It also explains how the rudder and propeller enable the ship to move and be steered, and how mooring lines secure the ship safely at berths or buoys. The conclusion warns that if a ship is not properly moored or tied up, surging can damage equipment or cause spills.
20041201 - IMCA Presentation: DP in a hurry - December 2004, SingaporeM3 Marine Group
The document discusses considerations for using vessels of opportunity (VoOs) for dynamic positioning (DP) operations in subsea sectors. Key points discussed include:
- VoOs are vessels whose primary role is not subsea work but can be adapted for certain subsea tasks if properly equipped and crewed.
- Safety is paramount and specific safety plans, procedures, certifications and inspections are required to ensure a VoO is fit for purpose.
- The tasks to be performed, environmental conditions, vessel characteristics like deck space and accommodations, and number of clients/crew onboard must all be considered.
- DP redundancy, qualified crews, and standard operating procedures for DP and diving operations are essential for vessels conducting
This thesis assesses the food security status of households receiving support from the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) in Libokemkem woreda, South Gondar zone of Ethiopia. Data was collected through surveys of 144 households across two kebeles. Key findings include: 1) 86.25% of households were found to be food insecure; 2) Chronic malnutrition, as measured by stunting, affected 62 children under 5 years of age; and 3) Significant determinants of food insecurity were found to be larger family size, smaller amounts of cultivable and irrigated land, and greater distance to market. Recommendations focus on improving agricultural productivity, diversifying livelihoods, and linking
DBTA Data Summit : Eliminating the data constraint in Application DevelopmentKyle Hailey
1) The document discusses how data constraints are a major problem in application development. It slows down development cycles and leads to bugs. The proposed solution is using virtual data techniques to eliminate the need to move and manage physical copies of data.
2) Key use cases of virtual data techniques discussed are faster development, enhanced security through data masking, and easier cloud migration by reducing data movement. Virtual data allows instant provisioning of development environments and fast refresh of test data.
3) Customers reported benefits like cutting development cycles in half and reducing time to roll out new insurance products from 50 days to 23 days when using virtual data techniques.
Retrouvez la notice mode d'emploi de l'ouvre bo樽te professionnel 辿lectrique TELLIER OE750M. Acheter l'ouvre-bo樽tes Tellier sur et dans notre boutique Toulouse.
Los estudiantes realizaron operaciones con fracciones como adici坦n, sustracci坦n, multiplicaci坦n, divisi坦n y simplificaci坦n de pares de fracciones como (9/6) y (7/8). Se les asign坦 como tarea realizar m叩s operaciones con fracciones.
El documento describe c坦mo la m炭sica puede mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje en los ni単os. Desde el 炭tero, los fetos pueden escuchar y sentir la m炭sica. A medida que los beb辿s crecen, desarrollan la capacidad de producir sonidos y luego palabras. La m炭sica estimula el desarrollo temprano al influir en el entorno del ni単o y ayudar a desarrollar habilidades como la interpretaci坦n, la discriminaci坦n auditiva y las habilidades did叩cticas musicales. La m炭sica tambi辿n ayuda a los ni単os a expresarse y comunicarse.
O documento discute as realidades e desafios dos reassentamentos de comunidades devido explora巽達o petrol鱈fera em Mo巽ambique. Apresenta exemplos de problemas com projetos de petr坦leo e minera巽達o, tais como falta de consulta e compensa巽達o justa. Tamb辿m descreve o quadro jur鱈dico relevante e meios de acesso justi巽a, al辿m de concluir que 辿 necess叩rio promover o desenvolvimento comunit叩rio sustent叩vel e proteger os direitos das comunidades locais.
The document provides information about purchasing an Alcatel-Lucent DIXI-3-Y2-ST1 card from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes how to purchase the card through their website or by phone, offers payment and shipping options, and provides details about the warranty and additional services offered by Launch 3 Telecom such as repairs.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang solusi keamanan yang ditawarkan oleh PT. Media Bersama Sukses untuk berbagai jenis bangunan seperti rumah, apartemen, perkantoran, sekolah, rumah sakit dan industri. Solusi tersebut meliputi kamera CCTV, kontrol akses, detektor kebakaran, sistem publik address dan home automation.
CV Ronald Cross training development and instructorRonald Cross
Ronald Cross is a 57-year-old technical training instructor and senior electrician with over 30 years of experience in the oilfield, mining, and naval sectors. He has extensive experience maintaining and operating AC/DC drive systems on rigs, mining equipment, and ships. He is qualified as an electrical fitter, registered mine electrician, and holds certifications in workplace training and assessment. Cross has worked internationally on projects in Indonesia, Iran, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Zambia, Argentina, Georgia, India, PNG, Singapore, New Zealand, and Australia.
James McSorley is a highly skilled Marine Systems Engineering Technician with over 15 years of experience in the Royal Navy and offshore industry. He currently works as an electrician and offshore safety representative on a semi-submersible flotel. McSorley has a foundation degree in marine systems engineering and is a registered engineering technician. He has extensive experience maintaining electrical systems on ships and offshore installations. McSorley also has experience instructing high and low voltage safety courses and supervising personnel. He is looking for a new role applying his skills in a similar field.
Antony Martin Mason has over 23 years of experience as a Mechanical Technician in the British Army, where he maintained a large fleet of vehicles and equipment. He is technically competent in mechanical and hydraulic systems. Recently, he completed training to become a ROV Pilot/Technician, gaining experience operating ROVs, manipulator arms, and performing subsea operations. He is seeking a position in the renewable energy industry utilizing his skills and qualifications.
William Chree has over 40 years of experience as a marine engineer, holding certifications and qualifications from institutions in England. He has worked extensively on ferries, tankers, fishing vessels, and container ships in roles from Second Engineer to Chief Engineer. His skills include maintenance, repair, and safe operation of machinery, refrigeration, and integrated systems. He is safety-oriented and has participated in specialized training courses covering firefighting, cargo handling, damage control, and crisis management. Professional references are available.
Danny Neville is a highly motivated and competent Mechanical Technician with over 10 years of experience in the Royal Navy and offshore oil and gas industry. He has extensive knowledge of mechanical systems including gas turbines, compressors, diesel generators and more. His most recent role was as a Commissioning Technician on the Nexen Golden Eagle platform, where he helped commission new gas turbines, compressors, and other systems. He is seeking new opportunities as a Mechanical Technician or Fitter and is available for plant shutdown work.
Derek Smith has over 16 years of experience as an electrical technician in the oil and gas industry. He has worked on various offshore platforms and floating production units, maintaining and repairing electrical equipment including generators, switchgear, motors, and more. He is a senior authorized electrical technician and has experience standing in as an electrical supervisor. Smith has extensive training and qualifications in electrical engineering and maintenance.
Ivan Horan has over 30 years of experience in electrical and electronic engineering, including 10 years as a service engineer and over 15 years of offshore experience. He holds an HNC in electrical/electronic engineering and various offshore certifications. Most recently, he has been working as a freelance electrical surveyor, carrying out condition surveys on various offshore rigs.
Simon Ong Kian Meng has 29 years of experience as a Military Expert 3 in the Republic of Singapore Navy, where he most recently served as Chief Electrical Control System onboard a frigate. He successfully managed a team during a 3-month navy exercise with zero incidents. He is now seeking a career in the private sector and has experience managing teams, troubleshooting electrical systems, and serving in various leadership roles during his naval career.
Andrew Millar has over 10 years of experience as a marine engineer working on various offshore vessels. He has held roles as a Relief Engineer for Edison Chouest Offshore, managing engine room responsibilities and maintaining proper documentation. Millar also works part-time as a commercial lobsterman and co-founded a lobster trap building business. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Marine Engineering Technology from Maine Maritime Academy, where he gained hands-on training through cadet sails. Millar has extensive skills with CAT diesel engines, offshore transfers, hydraulic systems, automation, and diesel propulsion plants.
Haris Edayath is seeking an electrical or instrumentation role with a reputable organization to further develop his multi-skilled professional profile. He has a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and relevant professional certifications. His experience includes roles as an Electrical Engineer for Hyundai Heavy Industries where he oversaw construction and installation of electrical equipment for a power plant project in KSA, and as an Assistant Electro Technical Officer for The Great Eastern Shipping Company where he maintained electrical systems onboard oil tankers.
Wayne Maltman has over 25 years of experience in electronics, maintenance, and condition monitoring. He has extensive qualifications and training in these areas from his career in the Royal Australian Navy and more recently as a consultant. He has demonstrated leadership skills and the ability to plan, schedule and report on maintenance tasks. References are available from his military and civilian careers.
This curriculum vitae is for James Powell, an electrical engineer with over 20 years of experience in high voltage installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance. He has held various roles with increasing responsibility, currently serving as a Senior High Voltage Electrical Engineer. His experience includes working on numerous projects throughout the UK installing, testing and commissioning various high voltage electrical equipment up to 66kV. He manages a team of eleven electrical craftspeople and is responsible for their work planning and safety.
Mandar Welankar is a Chief Engineer with over 20 years of experience in the shipping industry. He currently works for Maersk Line A/S, where he has served as Chief Engineer on container vessels since 2015. Prior to that, he gained experience serving as Second Engineer and rose through the ranks to hold management level positions. He is responsible for the technical operations and maintenance of machinery and ensures the safe operation of large container vessels.
George Marshall is a senior rig mechanic with over 25 years of international offshore experience. He has qualifications and experience maintaining all types of equipment on modern drilling platforms. He is interested in chief or senior mechanic positions and has experience in roles such as maintenance supervisor and mechanic. His skills include experience maintaining engines, drilling equipment, planned maintenance programs, and good communication skills. His career history includes positions in Dubai, Louisiana, Nigeria, and the North Sea working on various rigs and platforms. He has extensive safety and technical training qualifications.
Craig James Sutherland is a highly motivated and experienced senior electrician with over 15 years of experience in both domestic and industrial environments onshore and offshore. He is currently employed as a senior electrician for Seadrill in Dalian, China, overseeing commissioning and inspection of equipment on eight new build jack-up vessels. Prior to this role, he held electrician positions with various oil and gas companies in locations including Dubai, Norway, the UK, and Aberdeen, gaining experience maintaining various electrical equipment on rigs and platforms. He has extensive training and qualifications in electrical work, hazardous areas, safety systems, and software programs.
Khaled Musamh is a Jordanian candidate seeking a position that utilizes his experience in mechanical marine engineering. He has over 20 years of experience working for major oil and shipping companies in the GCC, including 13 years at Qatar Petroleum and 5 years at Al-Kharafi Group. His most recent role was as a night shift manager overseeing ship repairs. He believes his qualifications and skills meet the requirements of the position.
The document is a curriculum vitae for Mr. Mohd Sairi Bin Sayadi that includes his personal details, career objective, professional experiences, education, and skills. He has over 6 years of experience as a Technical Superintendent at Lexxon International Pte Ltd where he oversaw maintenance and repairs of offshore vessels. Prior to that, he worked for 3 years as a Project Supervisor at Damen Shipyards Singapore where he managed aluminum shipbuilding projects. He has extensive experience in overseeing vessel construction and maintenance projects.
This document provides personal and professional details of Zaw Lat, a 31-year old marine engineer from Myanmar. It outlines his educational background including a Bachelor's Degree in Marine Engineering. It also details his extensive work experience over 10 years in roles like apprentice, design engineer, and project coordinator for companies in shipbuilding, offshore oil and gas, and HVAC. Zaw Lat has various technical and safety certifications and is proficient in engineering software and machinery.
Andrew Wilkie is an experienced electrical craftsman and supervisor with over 30 years of experience. He has worked in various roles for companies such as Aker Solutions, Wood Group, Halliburton KBR, and Santa Fe Drilling. Wilkie has extensive skills in electrical installations, maintenance, fault finding, and repair work for offshore production and drilling operations. He is fully conversant with the 17th edition of IEE regulations and able to work according to legislative, environmental and company health and safety procedures.
David Cameron has completed his HNC in Marine Engineering and spent over 8 months at sea during his cadetship aboard 4 different vessels, gaining extensive training and experience in workshop facilities and maintaining machinery. His most recent position was aboard the Grampian Sceptre Platform Supply Vessel, where he served as an Engineering Officer and gained experience operating all ship's systems and carrying out maintenance, overhauls, tests, and other duties. He is willing to relocate for the right job and lists his education history and qualifications, as well as training courses completed.
1. 1
Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth: 15th
August 1971.
Nationality: Omani.
Status: Married.
Address: Sultanate Of Oman ,al sharqyah,jalaan B.B.Ali.
Contact No.: +(968) 92208558
1. Personal Profile
A highly trained, resourceful and multi-skilled engineering technician, with experience in Electrical
technician , mature and disciplined individual with long record of service in Royal Navy of Oman.
Expertise in electrical maintenance, I joined the royal navy of Oman 11 Oct 1989 I did my military
training for the first three months in the navy's training centre. In September of the same year I
finished my training and went to study in the United Kingdom. I did my BTEC national certificate in
high burry college faculty of technology and for the last six months of the course I did my training in
Vosper Thorneycroft training centre. I was graduated from college in April 1994 and returned to
Oman to join one of the ships in the fleet. In December 1995, I worked on the 93m landing ship as
an electrical artificer ,& self development courses.
2. Work Experience
From February 2014till Now S.R electrical technician in occidental of Oman
Worked As S.R. Electrical Technician with Team of Low Voltage And high Voltage
Traubel shooting all electrical system and mechanical equipment.
From 2008 till Now: Technical Training Administrator & Instructor (SQNA)
worked as Electrical Technician Instructor, Provide training Electrical specialized for all RNO
Ratings and officers in Sultan Qaboos Naval Academy (SQNA).
Up Date all course hand book and course examination and delivered to bank Exam.
worked as Technical Training Administrator, Assist Technical Training Officer in all admin duty
and take his place when he is away.
From 2004 to 2007 : Electrical Engineering Technician Supervisor
Electrical technician supervisor in Electrical workshop in fleet maintenance facility workshop our
job was to do routine maintenance, also I did some bench work overhauling pumps , motor,
generator. Royal Navy of Oman.
Switch Boards, Auto Voltage Regulators Power Distribution and associated Protective Devices ,
Rectifiers , and AC / DC Motors , Starters , Automatic Changeover Switches , Relays,
TEST EQUIPMENTS: Oscilloscopes, Frequency , all type of Signal Generators, frequency counters,
Power Meters, Valve/Transistors Testers ,AVO Meters and Insulation Testers.
(a). Maintainer and operator of diesel engines, high pressure air, hydraulic oil system, cool& cold
room, A/C system, reverse osmosis, sea water, fresh water and grey water systems including
associated fittings such as: pumps, valves, and control system. The job involved various planned
preventive maintenance during refits and emergent work requirement arise from RNO vessels to
make available them for operation deployment.
(b). I have served in workshops, in trials team as supervisor and on board different class of Ships as
Chief EA in Royal Navy of Oman.
(c). The above mentioned information is true to the best of my belief and will be supported by
necessary documents in original as and when required.
2. 1
(d). Worked in this post as senior engineer technician in the electrical workshops.
3. 2
My responsibility mainly concerns the overseeing and planning of maintenance of electrical
equipments at advanced level, third level and of maintenance.
I am in daily contact to work on unexpected breakdowns that are implicitly associated with RNO
vessels .
Take over all corrective maintenance, protective maintenance and refit works.
Carry out trials, calibrations for Electrical equipments and take over Harbour Acceptance Trial
(HATs) and Sea Acceptance Trial (SATs) with ship staff to bring the ship to Operation State after
Refit works.
Manage and coordinate with planning department regarding Plan Maintenance Schedule (PMS).
Worked on Design Support Group (DSG) as Electrical Engineering Technician.
My responsibility was to manage, provide technical details and identification of parts,
Identification of alternative items.
Maintain and upkeep all technical documentation including drawings within the Technical
Library and Archive.
Bring up to date all documentation and drawing of RNO vessels during upkeep periods.
Assist in carrying out design drawing for support of any changes within RNO.
Assist in the identification of technical specifications for items that Fleet Maintenance Group
(FMG) or ship's staff is trying to demand from logistics.
From 1995 to 2003 : Electrical Engineering Technician
Practical experience on board ships and dockyard in Royal navy Of Oman, in different ranks with
varying levels of responsibilities. The experience includes circuit analysis, fault finding, defect
rectification, installation overhauling, testing and tuning, plan preventive maintenance, preparation of
maintenance documents of new equipments, suggestion / implementation of modification, inventory
control , of spare parts and use of various type test equipments electrical systems.
Experience in High Voltage 440v, low voltage 115v in Royal navy Of Oman ,Which is generator
output supply to switch board.
Worked on workshop as Electrical Technician, Install and maintain the following:
Transformer Rectifier Units.
Switch Boards.
From 1989 To 1990: Electrical Technician Candidate
Joined the Royal Navy and completed the stage of military training.
Successfully completed the following:
Stages of the English.
Stages of specialized training (Electrical Engineering).
Firefighting course and damage control.
Health & safety course and First Aid course.
Stages of On Job Training in the workshops and RNO vessels.
Microsoft office
Computer Skills
4. 3
Educational Qualifications
National Certificate in Electrical Engineering
(National Diploma)
Highbury college Portsmouth - United Kingdom.
From 1992 to 1994
Diploma in secondary Secondary School Certificate
Sur Technical Training Institute - Sultanate of Oman.
From 1987 to 1989
Professional Training Courses
Course Place Duration
Marine engineering technician Oman 7 month
Electrical engineering technician Oman 7 month
English language standards 3,2,1 Oman 9 month
One week short nuclear
biological chemical damage
control including fire fighting
Oman One week
Instructing technique (IT)
Four weeks basic leadership
course including
Electrical Safety Regulation Rules
institute for
One month
Four week
2 Days
Course Detail Year Place
Instructional Technique 2008 (RNO) Oman
Special Refrigeration Course 1994 Hall Centre UK
Fire Fighting and Damage control 1994 (RNO Training Center Oman
Thyristor Technology 1994 UK/ Highbury College
Ships stabilizer equipment 1994 UK/ Vosper Thorneycroft
General Engineering Appreciation 1994 Highbury college UK/
SEA3- Electronic Engineering Applications 1994 UK/ Highbury college
Static Frequency Changers 1994 UK/ GRESHAM
Internal Communications 1994 UK/ REDIFON
Refrigeration, Electrics and Controls 1994 UK/ HALL CENTER
Electrics and Auto Controls 1994 UK/ HALL CENTER
Rudders and Rudder Torque 1994 UK/ Waggner Engineering
Basic Hydraulics 1994 UK/ Waggner Engineering
Gear Pumps and Vane Pumps 1994 UK/ Waggner Engineering
Basic Components of an Elecrohydrolic Pump set 1994 UK/ Waggner Engineering
Control systems 1994 UK/ Waggner Engineering
Filtration 1994 UK/ Waggner Engineering
Rudder Angle Indicators 1994 UK/ Waggner Engineering
Caterpillar Generator systems 1994 UK/ LERTON CAT
Electrical & Mechanical Design Principles, Operation &
Maintenance Of Centrifugal Pumps
1994 UK Hamworthy
Pumps, Marine Compressors & Sewage Treatment
1994 UK
5. 4
Declaration : I hereby declare that all the information furnished above are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.