The document outlines Ahmed Ghoniem's sales channels and goals for a training business. It identifies strategic goals like maintaining high customer satisfaction and keeping dropouts low, as well as tactical goals like achieving testimonials and PR events. Ideal customers are listed as undergrads, fresh graduates, language learners, and career improvers. Sales and marketing channels include universities, technical institutes, cooperates, and materials like brochures, ads, flyers, and gifts. Lead generation strategies consist of referrals, ads, and events. The sales forecast projects a 25% annual increase due to marketing activities.
13. Universities Events.Lead GenerationCustomer referrals.Business referrals.Social Networking.Strategically placed promotional Ads in area businesses serving prospects (i.e. Universities areas, etc).
14. WOW ProcessGiving the loyal customers a discount in case of referring and getting others.Every 4 courses, the loyal customers can take more than 60 % discount.Always making short courses.
15. Sales ForecastSales are projected to increase by 25% per yearbased on the systematic marketing activities.