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Dubai - U.A.E.
Mobile #: +971-52-3242797
Email: basitcv@gmail.com
Date: October 02, 2016
Dear Sir or Madam:
This is with reference to possible employment opportunity at Your Company Sales and
Marketing a commensurate with my background experience and Technical qualifications.
I have 05 years of Sale & Marketing / Computer Technician Hardware and Software
Troubleshooting, Installations of Different types of Routers / Modems / Printer
Technician/ Refilling Towner and Cartage experience in Dubai, UAE. With full command
of Microsoft Office / Editing & Designing Programs, excellent command of Keyboard and
typing. With proven track record and valid UAE Driving License since 2006. I always meet the
target quota of the company due to my being hardworking and independent worker. If you give
me any types of target I will prove myself.
Based on my recent Technical achievements Ican develop and analyze all types of Source which
I have experience, simulation models and apply statistical tools to a wide variety of situations in
order to improve the quality of products / services and reduce costs.
My CV is enclosed. I will be glad to discuss with you in person my Technical qualifications and
expertise in greater details and how I could be beneficial to your organization.
Kh. Abdul Basit
Dubai - U.A.E.
Mobile #: +971-52-3242797
Email: basitcv@gmail.com
2 of 3
KKhhaawwaajjaa AAbbdduull BBaassiitt
DDuubbaaii -- UU..AA..EE..
MMoobbiillee ##:: ++997711--5522--33224422779977
EEmmaaiill:: bbaassiittccvv@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm
VVaalliidd UUAAEE DDrriivviinngg LLiicceennssee ssiinnccee 22000066
Seeking a challenging opportunity in a progressive organization, which will allow my experience
and extensive communication and organizational skills while providing an opportunity for career
I have 08 years of Sales and Marketing experience in Dubai, UAE with proven track record and
valid UAE Driving License since 2006. Ialways meet the target quota of the company due to my
being hardworking and independent worker.
Feb 2004 to Dec. 2012 Customer Service / Sales & Marketing
Computer Technician (Printer)
My Job responsibilities included the following:
Coordinates with the Sales Team to monitor status of the brands.
Conducts store check to ensure 100% availability of the brands to all outlets.
Receiving and checking invoices for all advertisement materials incurred/used
Reports directly to the president regarding the brands monthly sales performance.
Assembling and categorizing facts and figures for written computation and calculations.
Typing routine correspondence and reports from dictation or handwritten copy.
Receiving/outgoing faxed letters, documents, memos, transmittal from the company and
Updating everyday invoices and receipts.
Filing the correspondence.
Scanning, printing in the photocopying machine.
Receiving and outgoing telephone calls.
Knowledge of computers and database/word processing software.
Knowledge of standard office equipment and procedures. Excellent keyboard skills. Good
proofreading skills.
3 of 3
Jan. 2002 to Dec. 2003 Sales & Marketing
My Job responsibilities included the following:
Develop sales strategies and implementing them to achieved the desired sales target
Submit day – to- day sales report to the management
Maintaining the relationship with the customer
Identifying customers needs to aid company policies
Ensures company commitment for a timely and reliable issuance of picking slips and invoices
Fast to learn new things
Loyal and easy to be with person
Very hard working and dedicated
Responsible and self motivated
A positive out look.
MS Office XP Applications
 MS-Word, MS-Excel and MS-PowerPoin t
 Good Typing Speed and good com m end of Keyboard
Designing Applications:
 Corel Draw, Paint, Im ages, Cover Page Editor, Control Viewer & Photo Center.
Diploma in information Technology
Secondary school certificate (SSC)
Urdu, English and Arabic
Date of Birth : 11 March, 1979
Visa Status : Employment Transferable
Visa Date of Expiry : 07/10/2011
Nationality : Pakistani
Sex : Male
Religion : Islam
Marital Status : Single
Passport No. : AR 4196311

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  • 1. 1 of 3 Dubai - U.A.E. Mobile #: +971-52-3242797 Email: basitcv@gmail.com Date: October 02, 2016 RE: APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Dear Sir or Madam: This is with reference to possible employment opportunity at Your Company Sales and Marketing a commensurate with my background experience and Technical qualifications. I have 05 years of Sale & Marketing / Computer Technician Hardware and Software Troubleshooting, Installations of Different types of Routers / Modems / Printer Technician/ Refilling Towner and Cartage experience in Dubai, UAE. With full command of Microsoft Office / Editing & Designing Programs, excellent command of Keyboard and typing. With proven track record and valid UAE Driving License since 2006. I always meet the target quota of the company due to my being hardworking and independent worker. If you give me any types of target I will prove myself. Based on my recent Technical achievements Ican develop and analyze all types of Source which I have experience, simulation models and apply statistical tools to a wide variety of situations in order to improve the quality of products / services and reduce costs. My CV is enclosed. I will be glad to discuss with you in person my Technical qualifications and expertise in greater details and how I could be beneficial to your organization. Sincerely, Kh. Abdul Basit Dubai - U.A.E. Mobile #: +971-52-3242797 Email: basitcv@gmail.com
  • 2. 2 of 3 KKhhaawwaajjaa AAbbdduull BBaassiitt DDuubbaaii -- UU..AA..EE.. MMoobbiillee ##:: ++997711--5522--33224422779977 EEmmaaiill:: bbaassiittccvv@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm VVaalliidd UUAAEE DDrriivviinngg LLiicceennssee ssiinnccee 22000066 OOBBJJEECCTTIIVVEE:: Seeking a challenging opportunity in a progressive organization, which will allow my experience and extensive communication and organizational skills while providing an opportunity for career growth. PPRROOFFIILLEE:: I have 08 years of Sales and Marketing experience in Dubai, UAE with proven track record and valid UAE Driving License since 2006. Ialways meet the target quota of the company due to my being hardworking and independent worker. WWOORRKK EEXXPPEERRIIEENNCCEE:: SHUROOQ INTERNET SERVICES AL-SATWA DUBAI, U.A.E Feb 2004 to Dec. 2012 Customer Service / Sales & Marketing Computer Technician (Printer) My Job responsibilities included the following: Coordinates with the Sales Team to monitor status of the brands. Conducts store check to ensure 100% availability of the brands to all outlets. Receiving and checking invoices for all advertisement materials incurred/used Reports directly to the president regarding the brands monthly sales performance. Assembling and categorizing facts and figures for written computation and calculations. Typing routine correspondence and reports from dictation or handwritten copy. Receiving/outgoing faxed letters, documents, memos, transmittal from the company and clients. Updating everyday invoices and receipts. Filing the correspondence. Scanning, printing in the photocopying machine. Receiving and outgoing telephone calls. Knowledge of computers and database/word processing software. Knowledge of standard office equipment and procedures. Excellent keyboard skills. Good proofreading skills.
  • 3. 3 of 3 COMPUTER LAND ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN Jan. 2002 to Dec. 2003 Sales & Marketing My Job responsibilities included the following: Develop sales strategies and implementing them to achieved the desired sales target Submit day – to- day sales report to the management Maintaining the relationship with the customer Identifying customers needs to aid company policies Ensures company commitment for a timely and reliable issuance of picking slips and invoices PERSONAL SKILLS: Fast to learn new things Loyal and easy to be with person Very hard working and dedicated Responsible and self motivated A positive out look. Energetic Dynamic OTHER CERTIFICATION: MS Office XP Applications  MS-Word, MS-Excel and MS-PowerPoin t  Good Typing Speed and good com m end of Keyboard Designing Applications:  Corel Draw, Paint, Im ages, Cover Page Editor, Control Viewer & Photo Center. ACADEMIC RECORD: Diploma in information Technology Secondary school certificate (SSC) LANGUAGES: Urdu, English and Arabic PERSONAL INFORMATION: Date of Birth : 11 March, 1979 Visa Status : Employment Transferable Visa Date of Expiry : 07/10/2011 Nationality : Pakistani Sex : Male Religion : Islam Marital Status : Single Passport No. : AR 4196311