The document provides guidelines for drafting a literary analysis of a novel. It instructs the reader to identify three specific elements to discuss: 1) Plot points or other details that support their overall claim or argument about the novel. 2) Their favorite literary elements used effectively in the novel and the strongest evidence demonstrating why. 3) Their least favorite literary elements used ineffectively in the novel and the clearest evidence showing why. The analysis should focus on improvement and effective usage, not just failure.
3. 1.  What exact plot points,
lines, images, etc., from
the novel could support
my claim?"
4. 2. "What literary elements
(plot, symbols, themes,
images, etc.) do I like the
most? What evidences
from the novel best show
why this element was
effectively used?"
5. 3. "What literary elements
(plot, symbols, themes,
images, etc.) do I like the
least? What evidences
from the novel best show
why this element was not
effectively used?"