This document is a business intelligence portfolio that contains examples of Sam Kamara's skills in areas like data modeling, SQL programming, SSIS, SSAS, MDX, SSRS, and PPS. It includes samples of work done with these technologies like an SSAS cube for construction company All Works Corp and an SSRS report with drop down parameters. Sam's experience summary notes over 10 years of experience in areas like report development, database development, and Microsoft business intelligence technologies.
2. Contents
This portfolio contains examples of my development
skills in the Business Intelligence arena.
Subject Page
Data Modeling 3
SQL Programming 5
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 9
SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) 14
MDX Programming 21
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 24
Performance Point Server (PPS) 27
Experience Summary 30
6. This query returns a list of books where there are less than
ten copies and more than 50 reservations.
SELECT ti.title_no,
COUNT(*) as total_reservations
FROM Title ti
JOIN item itm ON ti.title_no = itm.title_no
JOIN reservation rs ON rs.isbn = itm.isbn
WHERE 11 > (SELECT count(cp.copy_no)
FROM copy cp
WHERE cp.isbn = itm.isbn)
AND itm.isbn IN (SELECT DISTINCT rs1.isbn
FROM reservation rs1
FROM Reservation rs2
WHERE rs1.isbn = s2.isbn))
GROUP BY ti.title_no, ti.title, rs.isbn
ORDER BY ti.title_no
7. Script to load Date Dimension data into an Analysis Services
staging database table.
(Results on next page)
declare @startDate DateTime,
@EndDate datetime
set @StartDate = '1-1-2006'
set @EndDate = '12-31-2010'
while @StartDate <= @EndDate
insert into DimDates (ActualDate, WeekEndDate, MonthDescr, QuarterDescr, Year,
MonthKey, QuarterKey, ShortWeekEnd, ShortActualDate )
values (@StartDate,
@StartDate + (7 - datepart(dw,@StartDate)), -- assumes a Sunday to Saturday business week
datename(m,@StartDate) + ' ' + cast(year(@StartDate) as varchar(4)) , -- "March 2006"
'Q' + cast(datepart(qq,@StartDate) as varchar(1)) + ' ' + cast(year(@StartDate) as varchar(4)) , -- "Q3 2006"
Year(@StartDate) , -- 2006
cast(year(@StartDate) as varchar(4)) + '-' +
case when datepart(m,@StartDate) < 10 then '0' else '' end +
cast(datepart(m,@StartDate) as varchar(2)) , -- "2006-12 or "2006-01"
cast(year(@StartDate) as varchar(4)) + '-' +
cast(datepart(qq,@StartDate) as varchar(1)), -- "2006-1" for key for Q1 2006
set @StartDate = @StartDate + 1
update DimDates set ShortWeekEnd = cast(WeekEndDate as varchar(11))
update DimDates set ShortActualDate = cast(ActualDate as varchar(11))
10. ETL process which imports multiple CSV files containing Job Time Sheets and
loads them into a staging database. A status email is sent upon completion,
indicating job statistics.
11. Data flow task for the Job Time Sheets package processes through a
single CSV file doing multiple lookups to ensure database integrity.
It logs any rows that error out for review and correction.
12. VB.Net script used in previous package to keep a
running total of the rows processed and the rows that
contained errors.
13. ETL Master Package which runs all ETL packages and then runs database
maintenance tasks. Email is sent out upon completion with job stats.
28. KPI Scorecard created in PPS showing KPI Status and
Trending of Growth % and Returns %.
29. KPI Scorecard with Hot Link (clicking Sales Goal on left brings up
the graph on the right).
30. Experience Summary
10 years experience in IT
Report Development, Data Analysis, Requirements Gathering
Database Development Oracle & SQL Server
Queries, Stored Procedures, Indexs, Triggers, Optimization
MS Business Intelligence
SQL Server 2005
Integration Services (SSIS)
Analysis Services (SSAS)
MDX Programming
Reporting Services (SSRS)
Excel & Excel Services
Performance Point Server 2007 (PPS)