Redefining marriage brings about social change. A small part of this change is positive, but it also brings about a lot of negative social outcomes too. In this lecture, we look at how, in a marriage redefined culture, heterosexuals are encouraged to experiment with same-sex sex from a range of places. This is not a good idea for children who are still forming their sexual identity. It can only lead to them finding it ever harder to build the lasting heterosexual relationship the overwhelmingly desire
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Same-sex Marriage Lecture 4. Heterosexuals turn towards same sex sex
1. Lecture Series: Why the Redefinition of
Marriage to Include Same-sex Marriages
harms Future Societies and What Other
Options Exist
Lecture 4:
The growing loss of the social understanding
that marriage is primarily about offering
children the best possible start in life
(Please see lecture 1 first see familyman2 below light
blue lecture)
2. The question we are asking in this lecture
how does redefining marriage
From this
To this
Two opposite-sex adults
making a commitment to
work together to fulfil the
RIGHT of their future
biological children to the best
possible start in life
Any two adults
making a commitment
to each other based
on mutual, sexual
Cause the 98% of heterosexual teens to be ever more
persuaded that same-sex sex is OK, fun, and progressive
even if in the real world this means that many will eventually
struggle with their sexual identity and, as such, they will find it
harder to build the lasting relationships they actually desire
3. When we look at what happens in countries
where marriage has been redefined we see
a worrying trend
In Canada, for example, school books are redesigned to
have a large number of examples and pictures of people
from diverse forms of sexual orientation in far greater
proportions than in actual society
We also find that many teachers who fear the outcomes
of teaching immature teens about same-sex sex start to
withdraw from teaching sex-education classes.
In their place same-sex marriage activists start taking
over sex-education curriculum
4. We find that in these countries what ideally should
be a lesson on respect for all people, no matter what
their sexual identity, often turns into something
MUCH more. Some examples
- 12 year old children hold pretend same-sex
marriage ceremonies
- Children are taught same-sex sex positions
- Kindergarten children read books about same-sex
And the parents have no rights to withdraw their
children from lessons. The same-sex activists often
become the childs educator around sexual norms
5. The challenge here, of course, is that young
people are very impressionable.
Many healthy, well rounded heterosexual teens DO
experience same-sex attraction during their teens
but the overwhelming majority grow out of these
emotional feelings as they move into adulthood,
and move onto becoming heterosexuals who
would only consider having sex with a person of
the opposite sex.
But what happens when an over zealous teacher
says things like If you have feelings of attraction
towards a member of the same-sex, its OK to have
sex with them to children who have an adolescent
crush on a friend of the same sex?
6. To understand how easy it is to create
confused sexual identities in young teens
Research finds that children raised by a mother
or father who enters into a same-sex
relationship have a FAR greater chance
experimenting with same-sex sex themselves
7. Such education in a school setting creates a
heightened risk that the heterosexual child WILL
experiment with same-sex sex even though they
really have no real gay or lesbian tendencies.
This risk is heightened even more by the fact that many
teens now watch pornography, much of which is about
two women making out and these two women are
not seen to be lesbians in any shape or form.
When one adds to this the growing trend of Hollywood
to show soap operas depicting heterosexual women
and teens experimenting with same-sex sex, then the
potential for young heterosexual teens to experiment
with same-sex sex rises dramatically.
8. Put simply, over time, we expect to see the
growth of heterosexuals acting as lesbian and
gay friends do engaging in same-sex sex.
Even if we just see a 2% rise per year in the
numbers of heterosexual children experimenting
with same-sex sex in 20 years some 40% of
young adults may well have bi-sexual
In a marriage redefined world the state becomes
the owner of the childs sexual development and
parents can only watch in fear.
9. Parental concerns for the future of their children are
disregarded in the belief that to keep a child out of such
lessons might turn the child in to a bigot, and being a
bigot is far worse than becoming a bi-sexual who finds it
hard to create a stable marital-family home.
The concerns for the 2% of gay or lesbian students
take full precedence over the concerns for the
future well-being of millions of heterosexual
Put simply, to protect 1-2% of children from a few
bigoted teens the state is willing to eventually harm
the sexual identity of 20-30% of heterosexual
children, and bring about social chaos
10. Im going for a sleep over at my friends house
might take on a whole new meaning in
heterosexual, same-sex friendships.
Arguments between parents and children about
such behaviour will fill homes across the country.
The parents might have to spend years dealing with
the devastation caused by the confused sexual
identity of their children and meanwhile the
school teachers carry on teaching what they believe
is healthy.
And anyone who disagrees is a bigot.
11. What were perfectly healthy same-sex
friendships might become highly charged - My
friend touched me? Does that mean she fancies
me? Maybe I should stay away from her.
Many vulnerable girls might have to give out to
other girls just to be accepted into their clique.
What was a wholesome and wonderful aspect of
growing up, to have same-sex friends just to chill
with, will have the potential to now become
places where feelings of sexual betrayal and
jealousy dominate
12. Over time, we will see sexuality increasingly
becoming a part of every form of relationship in
society especially in same-sex friendships.
Though Hollywood will present the idea that this
is all harmless, all analysis of such a sexualised
world shows outcomes to be extremely negative.
In ten years or so we can expect that TV shows
and movies will be showing same-sex,
heterosexual teens enjoying sex with each other
every evening.
It will become ever harder for people to be clear
about where the social boundaries around
sexuality lie.
13. In a world where children have sex at ever younger
ages professionals will call for the age of consent to
be lowered, first to 15, then 14 in order to legally
provide sexual advice to them
Of course, such a law change opens the doors to even
more harming of children.
And as same-sex sex grows and is on the TV every
night, maybe sisters will experiment, or an older
brother with his young brother and who will judge
this as wrong as worthy of prosecution.
In such a highly sexualised world where many
peoples sexual identity will be confused the concept
of heterosexual-marriage will become more and
more unclear for more and more people, and ever
more children will grow up in more fragile forms of
14. One has to ask why politicians are even
contemplating the creation of such a cruel
future for future generations of children
Why should some 20-30-40% of the
population lose their natural sexual
identity in order to promote the sexual
identity of some 2% of the population?
There are MUCH less damaging ways to
deal with sexual education and with
bigotry based on sexual identity
15. For the next lecture lecture 5
Through redefining marriage the state agrees
with same-sex activists that those who
oppose redefinition are small-minded bigots
even law breakers. This is a social lie a lie
so dangerous that it traps society in a spiral
of social decay. Laws ever more get passed
that work to destroy heterosexual marriage
the best place to raise kids and the lie traps
society in a mind set that it cannot get out of
until social collapse has run its course.
See below Familyman2 lecture 5 is black
and green