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SAML Test Harness
                                as of April 4, 2013

        Rainer H旦rbe

Donnerstag, 04. April 13
         Test Harness         Key Concepts

        Community Effort
          Use deployment experience to improve testing
          Manage test cases with web-2.0 style service
        Self-service Testing
           Test Harness provides Test Plans consisting of Test Cases
           Test Plans can be executed when combined with
           deployment-speci鍖c Test Con鍖guration
        Organization of Test Repository
          Analogy to Linux Distro and Packages: Test Plans and Cases
          Version Management, System Con鍖guration

Donnerstag, 04. April 13
         Test Harness                                      Overview
                  SAML 2.0 core,                                                                     Federation-
                 protocol, bindings,                                                                speci鍖c Pro鍖le
                 MD, conformance                        Deployment
                    pro鍖les, etc.                         Pro鍖le
                   (OASIS SSTC)

                                                                                                                     Pro鍖le Test
            SAML Test Harness                                                                        de鍖ne
                                                                                                     & use

                                                      Repository             de鍖ne & manage
                       Repository                      Manager             test cases & pro鍖les
                                       export                        GUI       con鍖gure &
                                                       Test GUI               execute tests
                                                                                      Test Target
                       Con鍖guration             Test Backend
                          Store                                                      (IdP/DS/SP)


Donnerstag, 04. April 13
         Test Harness           Key Domain Objects
        SAML Pro鍖les specify Requirements (grouped in Features)
                e.g.: SAML2Int requires EntityDescriptors, which is part of the
                Metadata Feature

        Test Cases verify the Test Targets conformance with a
                e.g.: The IDPs metadata MUST include an<md:IDPSSODescriptor>
                element containing all necessary <md:KeyDescriptor>
                and<md:SingleSignOnService> elements

        Test Plans select a set of Test Cases and de鍖ne the relevance for
        each one (MUST/SHOULD/MAY comply and n/a)
        A Test Con鍖guration adds the deployment-speci鍖c data to
        execute a test plan, like metadata and the test targets EntityId
Donnerstag, 04. April 13
         Test Harness                      Repository Schema                    Repository

                           Group Test Cases in Test Plans                                                         Organize Test Cases

                                       1                                                                                              Feature Group
                              *                                      *
                                  SAML Deployment                                                                                               1
                                       P rofile
                                                                                                              *                          Feature
                                                           Profile Test Plan                      Requirement        *

                                                                           *                              1

                            Define Test Cases                                      *         *                                             .

                                                                                 Test Case
                                                                     1                                1

                                               *                                         *

                             PreTest                                           SAML Request                                          PostTest

                                           *                                            *                                *
                                                                 *                                    *
                                                                                Test Class


                                                                         V ersioning and undo
Donnerstag, 04. April 13
         Test Harness           How to deploy a Test Plan
        a) Select Test Plan
                The Test GUI provides a list of available Pro鍖le Test Plans. The Test Operator needs to
                selected one to which this Test Con鍖guration pertains.

        b) Provide deployment con鍖guration data to Test Harness
                Set MD Feed URL
                Provide any data and artifacts that are needed in addition to MD. E.g.:
                      MD certi鍖cate
                      User Interaction with the Test Target (AuthN, ..)
                      Test Results interface
                      Entity certi鍖cates if these are not provided with MD
                      Attribute release policy
        c) Provide test target with Test Harness metadata
                Provide the selected subset of MD that is required to execute the Test Plan. The Test
                Operator may provide own certi鍖cates to the test harness.

        d) Add Test Harness MD to Test target

Donnerstag, 04. April 13

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SAML Test Harness Specification

  • 1. SAML Test Harness Speci鍖cation as of April 4, 2013 Rainer H旦rbe 1 Donnerstag, 04. April 13
  • 2. SAML Test Harness Key Concepts Community Effort Use deployment experience to improve testing Manage test cases with web-2.0 style service Self-service Testing Test Harness provides Test Plans consisting of Test Cases Test Plans can be executed when combined with deployment-speci鍖c Test Con鍖guration Organization of Test Repository Analogy to Linux Distro and Packages: Test Plans and Cases Version Management, System Con鍖guration 2 Donnerstag, 04. April 13
  • 3. SAML Test Harness Overview SAML 2.0 core, Federation- protocol, bindings, speci鍖c Pro鍖le SAML MD, conformance Deployment pro鍖les, etc. Pro鍖le (OASIS SSTC) Pro鍖le Test Plan SAML Test Harness de鍖ne & use Repository de鍖ne & manage Repository Manager test cases & pro鍖les Test Designer Deployment Metadata export GUI con鍖gure & Test GUI execute tests Test CLI Operator Deployment Data use Test Target Con鍖guration Test Backend Store (IdP/DS/SP) Test results 3 Donnerstag, 04. April 13
  • 4. SAML Test Harness Key Domain Objects SAML Pro鍖les specify Requirements (grouped in Features) e.g.: SAML2Int requires EntityDescriptors, which is part of the Metadata Feature Test Cases verify the Test Targets conformance with a Requirement e.g.: The IDPs metadata MUST include an<md:IDPSSODescriptor> element containing all necessary <md:KeyDescriptor> and<md:SingleSignOnService> elements Test Plans select a set of Test Cases and de鍖ne the relevance for each one (MUST/SHOULD/MAY comply and n/a) A Test Con鍖guration adds the deployment-speci鍖c data to execute a test plan, like metadata and the test targets EntityId 4 Donnerstag, 04. April 13
  • 5. SAML Test Harness Repository Schema Repository Group Test Cases in Test Plans Organize Test Cases 1 Feature Group * * SAML Deployment 1 P rofile * 1 * Feature * 1 Profile Test Plan Requirement * * 1 Define Test Cases * * . Test Case 1 1 1 * * * PreTest SAML Request PostTest * * * * * * Test Class extend 5 V ersioning and undo Donnerstag, 04. April 13
  • 6. SAML Test Harness How to deploy a Test Plan a) Select Test Plan The Test GUI provides a list of available Pro鍖le Test Plans. The Test Operator needs to selected one to which this Test Con鍖guration pertains. b) Provide deployment con鍖guration data to Test Harness Set MD Feed URL Provide any data and artifacts that are needed in addition to MD. E.g.: MD certi鍖cate User Interaction with the Test Target (AuthN, ..) Test Results interface Entity certi鍖cates if these are not provided with MD Attribute release policy c) Provide test target with Test Harness metadata Provide the selected subset of MD that is required to execute the Test Plan. The Test Operator may provide own certi鍖cates to the test harness. d) Add Test Harness MD to Test target 6 Donnerstag, 04. April 13