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15 of 71
Sequential Spelling 1
1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day
1. * in * I thin thins
2. ** pin pins pinned pinning
3. sin sins sinned sinning
4. spin spins * I spinning
5. kin shin shins
6. skin skins skinned
7. win wins winning
8. twin twins inner
9. * be * be
10. begin begins
11. chin chins
12. she * we
13. * wee
14. * bee
15. * see
16. tree
* Homophones:
in Come on in.
inn They spent the weekend at a country inn.
I I really love chocolate.
eye My brother got a black eye.
aye All in favor, say, ¡°Aye!¡±
be We will all be there.
bee I hate to be stung by a bee.
Bea My Aunt Bea had a party.
we We all went to her party.
wee She called the baby boy a wee lad and the girl a wee lass.
oui The French say ¡°oui¡± for yes.
see I can see you.
sea A sea is bigger than a lake; smaller than an ocean.
si In Spanish, the word for yes is si.
** In some dialects: pin/pen.
pin You pin the tail on the donkey. Pins and needles.
pen You keep pigs in a pig pen. You write with a pen.
The complete -in family is found on p. 123 in The Patterns of English Spelling; the -inner
family on p. 635; the -e & -ee families on pp. 304-305.
16 of 71
Sequential Spelling 1
5th day 6th day 7th day 8th day
1. thinned thinning thin thinner
2. thinner thinnest * in ins
3. sinner sinners * inn inns
4. spinner spinners spin spinning
5. fins tin tins tin
6. Mr. Skinner Mr. Skinner's *inn skinny skins
7. winner winners winning winner
8. * be * bee * be * be
9. inning innings inner being
10. beginning beginnings beginner beginners
11. chinned chinning chin chins
12. * we * wee * wee * we
13. * wee * we * we * wee
14. * bee * bees * bee bees
15. * see * sees seeing * see
16. trees treed treeing trees
17. free * frees freed freeing
18. agree agrees agreed agreeing
19. disagree disagrees disagreed disagreeing
20. fees * flee * flees fleeing
* Homophones:
sees She sees everything that happens in our neighborhood.
seas Lakes are smaller than seas. Oceans are bigger.
seize The police wanted to seize my uncle's car.
flee To flee is to run away.
flea A flea is a little insect that lives on animals.
flees A flea flees from insecticide.
fleas Fleas flee from insecticide.
levy/levee The state decided to levy a tax to pay for the building of a levee.
frees A robot frees a worker from working.
freeze Water will freeze if it's below zero outside.
See p. 16 for in/inn, ins/inns, we/wee/oui, be/bee/Bea.
The complete -in family is found on p. 123 in The Patterns of English Spelling; the -inner
family on p. 635; the -e & -ee families on pp. 304-305; the -inny skinny
& innie Minnie family on p. 704.

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Sample 301-sequential-spelling-1-first-8-days

  • 1. 15 of 71 Sequential Spelling 1 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 1. * in * I thin thins 2. ** pin pins pinned pinning 3. sin sins sinned sinning 4. spin spins * I spinning 5. kin shin shins 6. skin skins skinned 7. win wins winning 8. twin twins inner 9. * be * be 10. begin begins 11. chin chins 12. she * we 13. * wee 14. * bee 15. * see 16. tree * Homophones: in Come on in. inn They spent the weekend at a country inn. I I really love chocolate. eye My brother got a black eye. aye All in favor, say, ¡°Aye!¡± be We will all be there. bee I hate to be stung by a bee. Bea My Aunt Bea had a party. we We all went to her party. wee She called the baby boy a wee lad and the girl a wee lass. oui The French say ¡°oui¡± for yes. see I can see you. sea A sea is bigger than a lake; smaller than an ocean. si In Spanish, the word for yes is si. ** In some dialects: pin/pen. pin You pin the tail on the donkey. Pins and needles. pen You keep pigs in a pig pen. You write with a pen. The complete -in family is found on p. 123 in The Patterns of English Spelling; the -inner family on p. 635; the -e & -ee families on pp. 304-305.
  • 2. 16 of 71 Sequential Spelling 1 5th day 6th day 7th day 8th day 1. thinned thinning thin thinner 2. thinner thinnest * in ins 3. sinner sinners * inn inns 4. spinner spinners spin spinning 5. fins tin tins tin 6. Mr. Skinner Mr. Skinner's *inn skinny skins 7. winner winners winning winner 8. * be * bee * be * be 9. inning innings inner being 10. beginning beginnings beginner beginners 11. chinned chinning chin chins 12. * we * wee * wee * we 13. * wee * we * we * wee 14. * bee * bees * bee bees 15. * see * sees seeing * see 16. trees treed treeing trees 17. free * frees freed freeing 18. agree agrees agreed agreeing 19. disagree disagrees disagreed disagreeing 20. fees * flee * flees fleeing * Homophones: sees She sees everything that happens in our neighborhood. seas Lakes are smaller than seas. Oceans are bigger. seize The police wanted to seize my uncle's car. flee To flee is to run away. flea A flea is a little insect that lives on animals. flees A flea flees from insecticide. fleas Fleas flee from insecticide. levy/levee The state decided to levy a tax to pay for the building of a levee. frees A robot frees a worker from working. freeze Water will freeze if it's below zero outside. See p. 16 for in/inn, ins/inns, we/wee/oui, be/bee/Bea. The complete -in family is found on p. 123 in The Patterns of English Spelling; the -inner family on p. 635; the -e & -ee families on pp. 304-305; the -inny skinny & innie Minnie family on p. 704.