A sample document to support my blog on Goal Setting. This worksheet provides the basic topics to establish a goal that can be achieved. It requires the user to be specific, include measurements, define attainable task steps that are reasonable to complete and provides target dates with a desired end state. Also see my deck on setting goals: http://www.slideshare.net/ChrisStCyr1/achieve-29982036. You can view my blog at http://christopherstcyr.wordpress.com/2014/03/22/check-your-map-achieve-your-goal/
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Goal Setting Worksheet Example
1. Goal Worksheet
Start Date: Today Target Completion Date: Sometime after today
Goal: Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, & time-bound
Task steps:
1. Do this first
2. Do this next
3. Do this third
Success look like 80% this and 20% that. (measurable from above)
Desired outcome/endstate: Achieving this goal will create a desirable situation for me or my employer
or family member because I will be a better person, have power or wealth to achieve other things or
whatever. This is your vision.
Should be <250 words and can be reviewed in under 60 seconds.