4. In everyday experience and observation it is a clear fact that the ability to read and write
is very important today. Even for a job English became an essential role. That is read,
write, listen, understand and communicate English effectively. So in most urban areas in
Sri Lanka, there is a big gap basically in IT and English literacy.
So Grade 11 students take on a project to make a library in the village to overcome the
above requirement. They will work as social workers (volunteers) to set up a new library
in a village where there is no library near to them.
They will plan the whole library like design buildings, furniture, and structure and choosing
books. To design library they will use 3d graphics and select the final design of the library
with the help of local authorities. With the help of presentation they will show lack of
English knowledge and analyzed reading skills among villagers. They will motivate
villagers for the development of the library. They will integrate technology in an effective
way for this project.
犇巌蹢犇 犒 犒犇準 犇犇 犒 犇謹犒犒犇 犒犇 犇 犒犒 犇巌蹢 犇 犒犇死矯 犒犇謹犒 犇犇
犇犇. 犇巌蹢犒 犇 犒犇死矯 犇犇 犒犒犇犒蹡園矯 犇謹犇 犇 犇伍凶 6 犒 犒 犇 犒 犒犒犇劇
犇犇死 犇 犒 犒犇 犇犇犒 犒犒 犇死犒 犇犇 犒蹡巌怯犇 犒犒犇 犇 犒犇死矯犇 犒犇犒 犇
犇材怯 犇巌蹡犇 犇 犇犇死 犒 犒蹡巌 犇 犇材 犇伍 犇 犒犇 犇 犇巌胸犇伍 犇犇 .
犒犇 犇巌蹢 犇 犒犇死矯 犒犇犇 犇犇 犇 犒犇 犒 犇 犒犇準 犇材蹡犇 犇 犒犇死矯
犇犇 犒 犇犒犇 犒 犒 犇園 犒犇犇 犇犒犒蹡 犇 犒犒 犇 . 犒犇犇 犒犒 犇材 犇
犇 犇謹強犒 犇犇 犒犒犒 犇犇 犒犒犒 犇 犇 犇犒 犒 犇 犒犇橿犒 犇
犇伍蹡 犇 犇 犇 犒犇犒 . 犇犒犒犇 犇 犇 犇犒蹢 犒犇犒犒犇犇 犇巌蹢犇 犇犒犇 犇∇蹢 犇犒 犒
犇犇 . 犇犒 犇死凶 犒犇 犇犇 犒犇伍 犒犒蹡 犇÷ 犇 犒犇橿犒 犒犒 犇犇 犇 犇伍蹡犇 犇犇
犇犒蹢犇材凶 犇 犇犇 .
All the people in the world are doing their specific tasks & daily activities. When they are
doing their tasks continuously they get mental and physical tiredness. Because of that all
of us want a leisure time. The activities, which people are doing during their leisure time,
are called Hobbies But most of the people are not aware of how to manage a hobby
according to effective manner.
So grade 8 students hope to create a broacher, a visual presentation and a launch web site
through a project. As a result they will form hobbies entertaining club. They will
organize walk campaigns, exhibitions and help people to sell their created items through
the club. The student club decides to give updated tips according to the hobbies.
犇犇 犇死 犒犇 犒犒 犒 犒 犒犇 犒 犒 犇犇 犇 犒犇園犇 犒犒犇園犒犇. 犒犒犇 犒 犒犇材犇о狂 犇犇 犒犇準
犇∇興犇 犇準犒犇 犒 犇園犇.犒犇伍犇 犒 犒 犇犇犒 犒犇 犇材凶犒犒犇 犇犇犇 犒犇伍犇 犒 犒 犒犇準凶 犇伍凶
犇巌犒 犇∇興犇 犒犒 犇材蹡 犒 犇犇犒 犒犒犇犇 犒犇準犇.
犇伍凶 犇∇興犇 犇 犒 犒 犒犇 犇∇興犇 犇犒犇伍怯犒蹡犇死叫犇 犇犇 犇犒 犇伍凶 9 犒犒犇 犒犒 10 犒犒犇
犒犇伍狂 犒 犒蹡巌 犇 犇犇 . 犒犇 犇 犒犇死 犒犇準 犇犇 犇犇死怯 犇犇犇 犒 犒犒
犇∇怯犇犒蹢 犒犒犇 犒犇 犒犒 犒 犒犇犇 犒犇 犇 犇∇興 犇園蹢犒 犇 犇犒犇 犇伍凶 犒犒 犇 犇犒 犇伍凶
犇犒 犒 犒 犒犒犇犒犇о犇 犇犇 . 犒犇 犇 犇伍蹡 犇 犇 犇 犇 犒犒
犇 犇 犇犒蹢 犇劇 犇犒 犇犇 .
犒犇 犇犒 犒犇 犇犒蹡 犇 犇 犇材蹢 犒犒 犒犒 犇犒犇材蹡伍 犇 犒犒 犒犇 犇犇 犇 犇犒犒蹡
犇 犇犇 犇犇犒 犇犒犇 犒 犇萎怯犇 犒犇園橋犒 犒犒 犇材蹢犇犇 犇犇. 犒犇 犒犒 犇犇 犒犒 犇犒 犇死凶
犒犇伍狂 犇 犒犇材凶 犇 犇伍凶 犇犒 犇 犇 犇犒蹡 犇 犇犇犒 犒犒犇犇 犇. 犇犒犒 犇 犇犒犒蹡
犇 , 犇犒 犒犇 犇 犇犒犇伍怯犒蹡犇死叫犇 犇犇 犒犇 犒犒 犇犒犇 犇犇 犇犒 犇伍
犇 犇犒犇 犒犇 犒 犇 犇犒犒蹡 犇 犇 犇犇死犒 犇 犇犇 犒 犒犇 犇 .
犒犇伍狂 犇巌蹡犇 犇 犇 犇犇 犒 10 犒 犒 犇犒 犇 犇伍矯 犒犒 犇犒犒蹡 犇犒 犒犇犇 犒犇
犒 犒犇材凶 犇犇犒蹡 犒犇 犇 犇犒犇伍怯犒蹡犇死叫犇 犇犇 犇犒犒犒 犒犒 犇 犇犒犇 犇犇 犇材怯
犇犇犒蹢犇 犇材凶犒 犇犒犒蹡 犇謹恭 犇 犒 犒犇犇 犒犇準 犇犒犇材 犇犇 犇犇園蹡犇 犇犒
犇犒犒犒 犒犒 犇 犇犒犇 犇犇 犇犒 犇伍凶 犇犒犒 犒 犒犒 犇 犇犇 . 犇 犇犒犒犒 犒犒 犒犇
犇犒犒犒犇犒, 犇 犇犒犒犒 犒犒 犒犇 犇犒犒犒犇犒, 犇 犇犒犒犒 犒犒 犇犒犇 犇犇死 犇園 犇犇 犇 犒犇
犇 犇謹恭 犇巌 犒犒 犇巌侠犒蹢 犇犒 犒 犇伍凶 犇犇 犇犇死怯 犇犇犇死狂 犇 犒犇橿犒 PowerPoint
Presentation, 犇 犇巌境犒犇犒蹢 犒犒 犒犒 犇犇 犇 犇伍蹡犇 犇犇 犇犇.
5. 5
Bloom Taxonomy
犒 犇犇 犒蹡 犇 犒 犇犇死叫犇
(6 Steps)
Low Order Thinking Skills
犇犒犇 犇 犇о 犒 犒犇準境犒
High Order Thinking Skills
犇巌犇 犇 犇о 犒 犒犇準境犒
Blooms Goes Digital
犒 犇犇 犒蹡 犇 犒 犇犇死叫犇
犇 犇犇死叫犇
(Blooms Revised Taxonomy)
(Creativity is the highest Part)
犇伍蹡犇犇死怯犇 犇犒犇準狂 犇材犇
犒 犇犇 犒蹡 犇 犒 犇犇死叫犇 犇犒犇 犒犒犇犒 犇伍凶 犇巌犇 犇 犇 犇 犇園胸犇 犇
Program CDModule_02Higher-Level_Thinking_Skills
1. Blooms ppt 2. Blooms matrix
3. High Level Thinking Skills Keywords
犒犇巌胸 犒犇 犇 犇謹興 犇.
See Samples in the previous pages (5, 6)
6. 炭Ih ud,dj mok誰 lr.;a m%Yak ixj他Okh
炭Ih ud,dj mok誰 lr.;a m%Yak iy Wodyrk kej; is;d n,d my; olajd we;s m%Yak w;=rska
EssentialQuestions- wjeis m%Yak y耽kdf.k ,l=Kq lrkak' iuyr m%Yak 炭探O l%u j,ska
fhdod.; yel' m%Yakh mx;sldurh ;=,oS fhdod.kakd wjia:dj yd l%uh u; o th wh;ajk
ldkavh fjkiaf探' lkavdhu ;=, idlPd lr ms<s;=re ,l=Kq lrkak'
m%Yakh T探 ke; 炭h yel
Question Yes No Maybe
ksj他;k jeis jkdka;r msysgkafka l=uk m%foaY j,o@
ud fjkila we;s lrkafka flfiao@
f,dj fjkia lrkakg wjYH fudkjdo@
Y%S ,xldf探 jeo.;a ia:dk fudkjdo@
j|湛hdug ,la湛 we;s i;=ka wdrlaId lsrSug Tnf.a mdi,g l,yels
foaj,a fudkjdo@
iudchg jevodhl mqoa.,hka w;rska Tn 湛ug leu;s prs;h
wm fjkqfjka ;SrK .kafka ljqrekao@
my; olajd we;af;a m%Yak 単Y%Khls" tu m%Yak .ek fydoska i,ld n,d tajd wh;a jkafka l=uk
j他.hgoehs ,l=Kq lrkak'
Questions EQ UQ CQ
ksj他;k jeis jkdka;r msysgkafka l=uk m%foaY j,o@
ksjfia oS c,h msrsis歎 lrkafka flfiao@
wm .kakd ;Srk cS炭;fha w他;j;aNdjhg fyda ;;ajhg
n,mdkafka flfiao@
.Ks;fhka wmf.a 炭;hg Wmu m%fhdackhla ,nd .kafka
c,h wmf;ahdu j,lajd .ekSug l, yels foa fudkjdo@
Lowa wenas karannata awashya monawada?
Lokaye usama kanda kumakda?
What is the different between above question?
ksIa;u ms<s;=re fkdue;
mq多,a mrdihl me;srS hk ms<s;=re we;
ksIa; tallhlg i誰nkaO fkdf探
Has No exact correct Answer
Has broaden spread answers
Not related to a subject
Unit Questions
ksIa;u ms<s;=re fkdue;
ksIa; tallhlg fyda mdvulg i誰nkaO f探
Has No exact correct Answer
Has broaden spread answers
Related to a subject
Content Questions
ksh単; ms<s;=re we;
ksIa; tallhlg i誰nkaO f探
Has exact correct Answer
Related to a specific subject
Only First Questions set in worksheet (EQ / UQ / CQ)
Self Test Questions (Do it your self) Marks will be given
17. 17
Mobile calls, SMS, Emails
Face book, Blogs, Wikis, and Twitter
Video Conference Software:
Lowest Rates:
Highest Rates:
PC to PC:
PC to Mobile:
Time Based Rates / Data amount Based / package Based
E-Mail Gmail / Yahoo
Chat G-Talk, Face-book chat
Audio / Video conversations / Conference
Skype / Viber
Adobe connect pro
web conference
blogs / forums
Social Media
E-Mail: senders email address verify
Subject should relate to that message
(Blank messages / only subject)
(Blank subjects / only messages)
(Proper Designation) Reply to requests
Politeness Usage of CC and BCC
Keep good contacts managements help you for save time
Synchronize your gmail contacts with your mobile phone
SMS Facility with Gmail
Should be Online Both Users
Before communicate each other receiver has to agree to sender once
Check your internet data rates before enable video.
Video takes more downloads from your data account.
Skype Video Calls
Administrative Guideline
Dulip Gunasekara
Intel Teach Program
P.O. Box. 35, Kandana
Phone & Fax 011-2242504
Mobile 077 36 11 945
E mail- dulip@dnrlk.com
Mr. Pubudu Adikaram
Mobile: +94 (71) 5345383
E-mail: pubudu@dnrlk.com
Mr. Sarath Senanayake
Mobile: +94 (77) 3981631
E-mail: sarath@dnrlk.com
Mr. Aruna Balasooriya
Mobile: +94 (71) 3533270
E-mail: aruna.i.balasooriya@gmail.com
Mr. Rukshan Edirisinghe
Mobile: +94 (77) 7597015
E-mail: Rukshan.edirisinghe@gmail.com
Mr. Shamly Ramanayake
Mobile: +94 (77) 8788434
TEACH PROGRAM Ministry of Education Sri Lanka