This lesson plan aims to teach students to subtract fractions from whole numbers. The objectives are for students to subtract fractions from whole numbers without regrouping, analyze and solve word problems involving the subtraction of fractions from whole numbers, and work cooperatively in group and class activities. The learning content focuses on subtracting fractions from whole numbers. The learning experiences include preparatory activities like mental computation drills and games to review subtraction of fractions. Developmental activities include using a math song to motivate students, presenting sample problems, and having student groups work through practice exercises. The lesson concludes with an evaluation and assignment for students to complete independently.
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Sample Lesson Plan in Math Grade V
1. Schools Division Office
Quezon City, Metro Manila
School District XII
Sample Lesson Plan in Mathematics V
I. Objectives:
A. Subtracts fraction from whole a number without regrouping.
B. Analyzes and solves word problem involving subtraction of fraction from a whole number.
C. Works cooperatively with the group and class activities
Values: Sharing
II. Learning Content
Skills: Subtracting fractions from whole numbers.
References: BEC PELC II C1.4
Mathematics V
Materials: video clip, ball, illustration board, flash card, LCD projector
II. Learning Experiences:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental computation
Drill on adding like fractions.
Strategy: Serendipity Game
a. This game is played by the whole class.
b. A ball is passed from one child to another as the music is played
When the music stops, the child holding the ball will answer .
c. The child answer the exercise.
d. The music is played again and the ball. is passed.
g. The game continues until all the exercises are answered.
2. Review
Subtract like fractions without regrouping
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation
Math Dali Song
2. Presentation:
Orient the class the about the three stations: video , teacher of the group, performance level
Video station : The group will watch a video clip
ToG station : One member of the group will act as a teacher
PL station: The group will work out a problem
( Round Robin )
Strategy : Problem Solving
Mr. Mariano bought 6 kilograms of lanzones for his children. He shared 5/10 kilogram
with his office helper. How many kilograms of lanzones did he have left for his children?
3. Presentation of the output of the groups
4. Practice Exercises
Read and solve
1. Ms. Sison bough 4 gallons of paint.She asked a painter to paint their wall. The painter
used 他 gallons. How much paint was left?
2. Olive and MC harvested 5 kilograms of eggplants from their school garden. They gave
5/6 kg to their teacher. How many kilograms of eggplants did they bring home?
3. Mr. Garganta bought 5 kilograms of fertilizer. He gave 8/15 kilograms of fertilizer to his
pupils. How many kilograms of fertilizer were left?
5. Generalization:
What did we do today? How do we subtract fractions from whole numbers?
6. Fixing Skills
a. 6 - 4/5 b. 10 - 7/8 c. 5 - 2/6 d. 12 - 4/8
2. IV. Evaluation:
Express the difference in lowest terms if possible
1) 6 5/15 = 2) 8 3/12 = 3) 9 - 6/8 4) 10 - 6/8 5. 15 - 10/15
V. Assignment
Express the difference in lowest terms if possible
1) 6 5/25 2) 6 9/12 3) 4 7/12 = N
4) 8 7/14 = N 5) 7 7/24 = N
Prepared by:
MES, Teacher III