This lesson plan focuses on teaching students about customer service in the hospitality industry. The lesson will define key terms related to customer service and identify the importance of quality service. Students will learn about the different types of hospitality employees and characteristics of customer-focused employees. They will participate in role-playing activities demonstrating how to handle customer complaints effectively. The goal is for students to understand best practices for customer service and how to satisfy customer needs in hospitality businesses.
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1. Lesson Plan
Check One:
____ Individual Lesson for one or more elements
__X__ Unit Lesson for one (whole) standard
Name of Cluster: Name of Pathway: Name of Course:
Hospitality and Tourism
Hospitality, Recreation &
Hospitality, Recreation &
Tourism Management Course
Number: 08.45400
Standard No: Element No(s): Name of Lesson:
MKT-HRTM-10 MKT-HRTM-10.1 -10.4 Heart of Hospitality
Brief Overview of Lesson:
Two to Three Sentence Overview of the lesson:
Customer Service is viewed as the Heart of the Hospitality Industry which enlightens the
customers experience. The purpose of this lesson is to identify and implement the most
effective Customer Services Practices in the Hospitality Industry. The goal of this lesson
is to provide the students with an in depth understanding of customer service in
hospitality businesses.
Concept the lessonteaches:
The concept of this lesson teaches students how to effectively interact and maintain
positive relationships within a professional setting. This lesson will enable students to
describe and explain the true value of making the customer feel right at home.
What students will know/understand as a result of this lesson:
Students will understand to use the communication process in order to build positive
human relationships in order to become a successful employee. Students will know that
any problem can be solved by following various problem solving techniques.
What will students will be able to do as a result of this lesson:
Students will be able to:
a. Analyze why customers are important to the hospitality business.
b. Describe the needs that hospitality businesses satisfy.
c. Explain the importance of quality service.
d. Describe the two types of hospitality employees.
2. e. List the six characteristics of customer-focused employees.
f. Distinguish the 11 critical moments in customer service.
g. Assess the importance of good communication skills.
h. Describe methods of handling customer complaints.
Resources Developedand Included to Teach This Lesson:
List all resources developed for this lesson.
Power Point Presentation(s)
The Heart of Hospitality
Note-Taking Sheets or something for reinforcing the concept (understanding) The
Heart of Hospitality Student Note- Taking Handout
Activity/Activities or Projects for implementing the concept (application)
See Lesson Plan Performance Section
Pre-Assessment (Determine what students already know.)
See Lesson Plan Performance Section
Formative Assessment (Determine what students learned.)
See Lesson Plan Summary Section
Equipment and/or Supplies Neededfor This Lesson:
Students will need the following items to complete this individual assignment:
The Heart of Hospitality PowerPoint Handout
Poster Board
Additional Information About Lessons Concept:
(i.e., for Teachers Benefit and/or May be Used With Students)
Textbook Chapter/pages: Hospitality Services, 3rd Edition Goodheart-Willcox
By: Johnny Sue Reynolds, Ph.D. and Dorothy Chase
Approximate Timeframe for Teaching This Lesson:
1-2 55 minute class periods
3. Unit Summary and Rationale:
Customer service is the service or care that a consumer receives before, during and after a
purchase. Its one of the factors that come in to play when a consumer is determining buying
value; the other is the quality of the product or service that is being offered.
Consumers often must encounter an experience to not only be a satisfied customer, but a loyal
customer. Customer service is a part of that experience. Top notch service will create loyalty and
a returning customer which is what we all must strive for.
Excellent customer service is important to many businesses today. Its a component that is often missing,
unfortunately. How do you provide great customer service? Always make your customer a priority. Greet
them in a friendly manner, whether that be via telephone, email or in person. Let them know you are there
to help and that you will take care of them, not only before the sale but after as well. After all, in a
thriving business customers are not optional its a requirement for businesses to survive.
Unit Standards:
Developcustomer service skills and an overall understanding of the importance of guest
services in the hospitality, recreation, and tourism industry.
a) 10.1 Apply exceptional customer service strategies.
b) 10.2 Explain the importance of delivering effective customer service and establishing
strong guest relations in the hospitality, recreation, and tourism industry.
c) 10.3 Determine skills, traits and attributes needed to offer top-quality guest services and
build relationships with customer and clients.
d) 10.4 Explore the use of social media and the importance of the industrys timely
responses to guests feedback.
Academic GPS:
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups,
and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 910 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that
listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style
are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
The student uses research and technology to support writing.
The student delivers focused, coherent, and polished presentation that convey a clear and distinct
perspective, demonstrate solid reasoning, and combine traditional rhetorical strategies of
narration, exposition, persuasion, and description.
4. Unit ConnectionCollege andCareerReady Descriptions:
Students will demonstrate independence.
Students will value evidence.
Students will build strong content knowledge.
Students will respond to the varying demands of audience, task, and discipline.
Students will critique as well as comprehend.
Students will use technology and digital media strategically and capably.
Students will develop an understanding of other perspectives and cultures.
EQ 1.1- Why customer satisfaction is important?
EQ 1.2- When does a customers experience make the biggest impact on customer
EQ 1.3- How does consistent quality service help a business gain and keep customers?
EQ 1.4- Why an attitude of enthusiasm is a good quality for a hospitality worker?
EQ 1.5- What is the difference between a service encounter and a critical moment?
Students with Disabilities:
For students with disabilities, the instructor should refer to the student's IEP to be sure that the
accommodations specified are being provided. Instructors should also familiarize themselves with
the provisions of Behavior Intervention Plans that may be part of a student's IEP. Frequent
consultation with a student's special education instructor will be beneficial in providing
appropriate differentiation.
Learning Objectives:
After successfully completing this activity, students will be able to:
1. Explain the concept of service as it relates to the hospitality industry.
2. Identify the outcomes of good service, and craft strategies to achieve this goal.
3. Discuss industry best practices and their applications in all hospitality industries.
4. Describe the needs that hospitality businesses satisfy.
5. Explain the importance of quality service.
6. Describe the two types of hospitality employees.
7. List the six characteristics of customer-focused employees.
Differentiation Activities
__ X__ Flexible grouping
_____ Tiered instruction
__X__ Interest-based investigation
_____ Learning centers
__X__ Product
____ Personalagenda
_X__ Graphic Organizer
_X__ Exit card
_X__ Project
_X__ Presentation
5. Key Terms / Vocabulary:
service quality service back-of-the-house
customer service consistent quality service front-of-the-house employees
customer service encounter back-of-the-house employees
guest word-of-mouth publicity customer-focused employee
empathy front-of-the-house critical moment
hospitality tourism industry chain
hospitality industry travel package brand
foodservice industry recreation franchise
lodging recreation industry franchisor
accommodation single-unit business franchisee
lodging industry independent business professional association
travel industry multi-unit business career and technical student
organization (CTS)
Learning Activities
Activity Day 5: Skits
Students will develop and perform a skit. The skit should demonstrate the correct way to deal with one of
the described scenarios.
Teacher will present key phrases that will be used to handle the situation.
Students will role play the situation and use the key phrases given to settle it.
Standard: MKT-HRTM-10
Topic: The Heart of Hospitality Management
Essential Question: What is the difference between a service encounter and a critical moment?
Performance: This section will consist of the Teaching Strategies and Students Learning
Opening (Bell ringer): Imagine you are the manager of a small hotel and you would
like all your employees to come to a workshop on customer service. You could require
them to attend, but you would prefer that they sign up voluntarily. Consider the following
employee objections. How would you convince each person that the workshop is
Objection: I know how to do my job, and I do it well. If this hotel has a customer service
problem, its not my responsibility to 鍖 x it.
6. Teacher will select various students to discuss their answers.
Time Frame 5 minutes
Teaching Strategies:
Teacher will play videos about good quality customer service.
Time Frame 5 minutes
Student Activity:
Directions: When Customers Complain
Working in small teams, develop and perform a skit. The skit should demonstrate the
correct way to deal with one of the scenarios described below. As each team performs its
skit, the rest of the class should evaluate the way the employees handle the customers
complaint and give suggestions for improvement.
Scenario 1: Waiter, theres a bug in my salad.
Scenario 2: I dont know why your machine is rejecting my credit card, but I assure you
the card is good. Your machine must be broken.
Scenario 3: What do you mean you dont have a record of my reservation?
Scenario 4: My room is close to the ice machine. Its so noisy that I didnt get any sleep
last night.
Scenario 5: That lamp was already broken when I got here. Housekeeping in this hotel
is lousy.
Time Frame: 45 minutes
Summary: Ticket out the Door (Informal Assessment)
Name 6 Characteristics of a Customer-Focused Employee.
Time Frame 5 minutes
7. Questions for the Lesson Plan Developer:
Kelli Wesley
Dual Enrollment Hospitality Management Instructor
Alcovy High School