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Mark W. Jones
Flywheel Strategies
8 Elements of Success
1. The Case
2. Capacity
3. Resources
4. Relationships
5. Persistence and
6. Stewardship
(Donor Relations)
7. Leadership
8. Volunteer
Essential Elements for Sustained Fundraising Success
8 Elements of Success
1. The Case
 The vision
 The needand the cost of meeting that need
 The organizations proposed response
 The impact of the projects and programs
 The impact that donors and their philanthropic
gifts can impart
8 Elements of Success
2. Capacity
 What new/additional revenue sources are
 What is the potential for new/additional
philanthropic revenue?
Potential of key philanthropic constituencies
Readiness of those philanthropic constituencies
Timeframe for maximizing philanthropic potential
8 Elements of Success
3. Resources
 Capable personnel
 Adequate budget
 Robust and reliable data
 Reasonable expectations
 Realistic timeframes
The Critical Question: Are you positioned to unlock
the potential capacity that is in your donor base?
8 Elements of Success
4. Relationships
 Connections to organization or cause
 Familiarity and trust among donors and leaders
 Identification with beneficiaries of gifts
Your goal is to strengthen and sustain relationships
to the organizationnot with its individuals
8 Elements of Success
5. Persistence and Consistency
 Relationships take time to build
 Strong relationships emerge from consistent
 Change interrupts momentum
 Remember the flywheel
Sample Presentation 1
8 Elements of Success
6. Stewardship (a.k.a. Donor Relations)
 Act of giving doesnt end with receipt of gift
 Future support is contingent on a good experience
(The best candidates for future support are your
current donors)
 Additional support follows when a gifts impact is
demonstrated effectively
 Its not difficulty, but it does require intentionality
8 Elements of Success
7. Leadership
 After mission, the top reason for giving to charity
is confidence in an organizations leadership
 Fundraising success follows when an
organizations leaders.
Understand the fundraising process
Have realistic expectations
Provide encouragement and adequate resources
Exercise both accountability and patience
8 Elements of Success
7. Leadership (contd.)
 It is also critically important that an organizations
leaders lead by example
In giving
In cultivating/soliciting giving from other
In facilitating culture change
8 Elements of Success
8. Volunteer Engagement
 Volunteers can extend and leverage staff efforts:
More coverage and reach
Stronger personal connections
Peer empathy and greater credibility
Generating ideas and opportunities
 Volunteer participation strengthens their own
8 Elements of Success
8. Volunteer Engagement (contd.)
 But choosing to increase volunteer engagement
will entail making trade-offs:
Reallocation of staff time (for support and training)
Reshuffling board/volunteer agendas
Adjusting the expectations of board members
8 Elements of Success
 Take a blank sheet of paper and spend a few moments
reconsidering each of these eight elements as they apply
to the your organization.
 On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being poor and 5 being
excellent, how would you rate your organizations
current readiness and effectiveness on each of them
(whole numbers only). Jot down a couple notes on why
you gave that grade.
 Finally, add up all eight grades for a grand-total score.
8 Elements of Success
Group Discussion Questions
 Share the overall ratings. Who got a total higher than
30? Lower than 16?
 Did anyone rate the organization as a 5 on any
element? Which one(s)? Why?
 Did anyone rate the organization as a1 on any
element? Which one(s)? Why?
8 Elements of Success
Further Group Discussion
 Numbers and ratings aside, how do you assess the
Foundations readiness and commitment to engage
in more effective and productive fundraising?
 Where do you have agreement on strengths,
weaknesses and needs for improvement?
 What are the 2-3 most important changes/actions
the Foundation might take to position itself for
greater fundraising success? How ready is it?
Thank You!
Mark W. Jones
Flywheel Strategies
148 Daylesford Boulevard
Berwyn, PA 19312
(920) 265-0851
Follow my articles and blog posts at:
For additional information or conversation

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Sample Presentation 1

  • 2. 8 Elements of Success 1. The Case 2. Capacity 3. Resources 4. Relationships 5. Persistence and Consistency 6. Stewardship (Donor Relations) 7. Leadership 8. Volunteer Engagement Essential Elements for Sustained Fundraising Success
  • 3. 8 Elements of Success 1. The Case The vision The needand the cost of meeting that need The organizations proposed response The impact of the projects and programs The impact that donors and their philanthropic gifts can impart
  • 4. 8 Elements of Success 2. Capacity What new/additional revenue sources are available? What is the potential for new/additional philanthropic revenue? Potential of key philanthropic constituencies Readiness of those philanthropic constituencies Timeframe for maximizing philanthropic potential
  • 5. 8 Elements of Success 3. Resources Capable personnel Adequate budget Robust and reliable data Reasonable expectations Realistic timeframes The Critical Question: Are you positioned to unlock the potential capacity that is in your donor base?
  • 6. 8 Elements of Success 4. Relationships Connections to organization or cause Familiarity and trust among donors and leaders Identification with beneficiaries of gifts Your goal is to strengthen and sustain relationships to the organizationnot with its individuals
  • 7. 8 Elements of Success 5. Persistence and Consistency Relationships take time to build Strong relationships emerge from consistent engagement Change interrupts momentum Remember the flywheel metaphor
  • 9. 8 Elements of Success 6. Stewardship (a.k.a. Donor Relations) Act of giving doesnt end with receipt of gift Future support is contingent on a good experience (The best candidates for future support are your current donors) Additional support follows when a gifts impact is demonstrated effectively Its not difficulty, but it does require intentionality
  • 10. 8 Elements of Success 7. Leadership After mission, the top reason for giving to charity is confidence in an organizations leadership Fundraising success follows when an organizations leaders. Understand the fundraising process Have realistic expectations Provide encouragement and adequate resources Exercise both accountability and patience
  • 11. 8 Elements of Success 7. Leadership (contd.) It is also critically important that an organizations leaders lead by example In giving In cultivating/soliciting giving from other In facilitating culture change
  • 12. 8 Elements of Success 8. Volunteer Engagement Volunteers can extend and leverage staff efforts: More coverage and reach Stronger personal connections Peer empathy and greater credibility Generating ideas and opportunities Volunteer participation strengthens their own commitment
  • 13. 8 Elements of Success 8. Volunteer Engagement (contd.) But choosing to increase volunteer engagement will entail making trade-offs: Reallocation of staff time (for support and training) Reshuffling board/volunteer agendas Adjusting the expectations of board members
  • 14. 8 Elements of Success Exercise Take a blank sheet of paper and spend a few moments reconsidering each of these eight elements as they apply to the your organization. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent, how would you rate your organizations current readiness and effectiveness on each of them (whole numbers only). Jot down a couple notes on why you gave that grade. Finally, add up all eight grades for a grand-total score.
  • 15. 8 Elements of Success Group Discussion Questions Share the overall ratings. Who got a total higher than 30? Lower than 16? Did anyone rate the organization as a 5 on any element? Which one(s)? Why? Did anyone rate the organization as a1 on any element? Which one(s)? Why?
  • 16. 8 Elements of Success Further Group Discussion Numbers and ratings aside, how do you assess the Foundations readiness and commitment to engage in more effective and productive fundraising? Where do you have agreement on strengths, weaknesses and needs for improvement? What are the 2-3 most important changes/actions the Foundation might take to position itself for greater fundraising success? How ready is it?
  • 17. Thank You! Mark W. Jones Flywheel Strategies 148 Daylesford Boulevard Berwyn, PA 19312 mwj150@hotmail. (920) 265-0851 Follow my articles and blog posts at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markwjones15 For additional information or conversation