Sample Text in Response to Letter from HSE Director General (From Acute Hospital Network Meeting, March 2014) [AHN2]
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Sample Text in Response to Letter from HSE Director General (From Acute Hospital Network Meeting, March 2014) [AHN2]
1. Dear Mr OBrien
I am writing to you as Chair of the End-of-Life Care Standing Committee for XXXXX hospital.
In yourlettertoall healthcare staff on 6 February2014 youinvitedideasandsuggestionstoimprove
care for our patients.
Id like to share with you some of our hospitals initiatives to improve end-of-life care.
We are implementingthe Hospice Friendly Hospitals Quality Standards for End-of-Life Care
We have an end-of-lifecare standingcommitteeinourhospitalswhichisrepresentedby xxx
and meets xx times a year
Alongwithover30 otheracute hospitals,we are a memberof the Hospice FriendlyHospitals
We are using the Hospice Friendly Hospital resources to promote dignity and respect for
patients at end of life- see images overleaf
We have upgraded family roomsinsert photo
We have piloted the National End-of-Life Care Audit & Review system This system was
developed in partnership with the Palliative Clinical Care Programme. It proactively seeks
feedback from bereaved families on the care that their relative received. ?quotes
Remembrance services
Bereaved parents support days
Letter of condolence for families / sympathy card
Post mortems
Bereavement leaflets
Insert positive quotes from staff/families
Insert photos
Howeverthere isstill a lot for us to do to ensure we give the best possible care to our patients and
We would like to take this opportunity to advocate for:
- Staff to be released for training on palliative and end of life care
- The inclusionof communicationstraining inthe ongoing continuing professional development
for staff. Examples include Dealing with bad news and Final Journeys workshops
- The prohibitionof the use of plasticbagsfor returning deceased patientsbelongingstofamilies
- A high-level commitment to roll out the End-of-Life Care Audit and Review System nationally
- The use of the Design & Dignity Guidelines for all new buildings and refurbishment projects
- Greateravailabilityof private spaces for private conversations between staff and patients and
their families. Bad news should never be broken on corridors.
- Dedicated End-of-Life Care Coordinators to coordinate the implementation of the Quality
Standards for End-of-Life Care
Thank you for the opportunity to .
Best wishes
2. Chair of Standing Committee
End of Life Spiral
Thisspiral isdisplayedinthe clinical areawheneverapersonisvery
close to deathor has died. Itisa signal toall staff that an intensely
personal andprofoundeventishappeningforthe patientandtheir
Thisis a special drape tobe placedoverthe bodyof the deceased
personto promote a dignifiedceremonyasthe deceasedpatientis
transferredoff the ward/outof hospital.
FamilyHandover Bag
We use thisbag as a dignifiedwayof returningthe deceasedpatients
belongingstothe family.
Sympathy Card
The Quality Standards for End-of-Life Care in Hospitals recommend sending
a sympathy card / letter of condolence within two weeks of the patients
death and before the hospital bill.
In our hospital we send a card from a staff member who cared for the
patient or their family.