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Samplesof mywriting
1) Textbasedon actual news
The CEO of CompanyB, Jack Limestone,announcedhisresignationonSeptember12.
The company issuedastatementclaimingthe departure isdue tohealthandpersonal
reasons,andoccurred twodays afterthe resignationof the chairpersonof the board,
The COO Karl Trask steppeduptothe Chief Executivepositiononthe same day
Limestone resigned.Inhisfirststatement,he pledgedtoinvestorsthatthe upcoming
IPOwill happeninDecemberasscheduled.Traskalsoexpressedhishopesthat
CompanyB debtwill sufferasharpdeclineafterthe IPO.
 Flesch-KincaidReadingEase 52.2
 Gunning-FogScore 11.8
2) Extract of an internal reportIwrote (adaptedforconfidentiality)
For the purposesof thisreport,itis importanttonotice that all investmentsof
CompanyX inthe Netherlands are recorded athistorical values,netof negative
revaluation (impairment).The revaluationof assetsisbasedon estimatesof future
cash flows,budget andprice forecasts,aswell as onthe weightedaverage costof
capital (WACC).The followingtable summarizesthe significantimpairmentcharges
occurred in the past twoyears, and the estimationfor2015:
Table 1: Impairment atCompanyX of itsinvestmentsinCompaniesA andB
US$ 000s 2015 (est.) 2014 2013
CompanyA 200 500 1,000
CompanyB 100 700 2,000
YearlyTotals 300 1,200 3,000
Overall ImpairmentCharges 4,500
CompanyA has its cash flow forecasts basedonthe volume of provedandpossible
reserves.The impairmentof itsinvestmentsreflects:(a) the sharpdeclineinoil prices,
and (b) the reductionof the estimatedreservesof ThorandMjolnirfields.
On the otherhand,impairmentchargesof CompanyBare due to: (a) the revaluation
of itstradable inventory atmarketprices, and(b) itshighlevel of debt.
 Flesch-KincaidReadingEase 47.7
 Gunning-FogScore 16.9
3) Extract of mymastersdissertation
Liquidityisnotaneasilydefinedterm. Keynes(1936) wrote that "there is,clearly,no
absolute standardof 'liquidity'butmerelyascale of liquidity - avaryingpremiumof
whichaccount hasto be taken... inestimatingthe comparative attractionsof holding
differentformsof wealth." Lippmanand McCall (1986) attemptto provide aprecise
definitionof liquidity intermsof itsmostimportantfeature:the periodof time untilan
assetisexchanged formoney. The authorsbeginwitheconomictheoryconcepts,test
the compatibilityof theirmodel withstudiesfromKeynesonthe subject,andfinally
formulate theoremsonliquidity,amongwhichwe highlightthe following:
Theorem2: Assetliquidityisan increasingfunctionof the predictabilityof itsprice.
Theorem3: An increase inthe costof searchcausesthe decrease of bothliquidityand
These twotheoremspointtothe importance of informationasymmetryin
determiningthe liquidityof agivenasset. Indeed,if there were notasymmetric
information,there wouldbe little ornocommercial transactiontakingplace.
 Flesch-KincaidReadingEase 37.5
 Gunning-FogScore 15.8

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Samples of my writing

  • 1. Samplesof mywriting 1) Textbasedon actual news The CEO of CompanyB, Jack Limestone,announcedhisresignationonSeptember12. The company issuedastatementclaimingthe departure isdue tohealthandpersonal reasons,andoccurred twodays afterthe resignationof the chairpersonof the board, JosephBellevue. The COO Karl Trask steppeduptothe Chief Executivepositiononthe same day Limestone resigned.Inhisfirststatement,he pledgedtoinvestorsthatthe upcoming IPOwill happeninDecemberasscheduled.Traskalsoexpressedhishopesthat CompanyB debtwill sufferasharpdeclineafterthe IPO. Flesch-KincaidReadingEase 52.2 Gunning-FogScore 11.8 2) Extract of an internal reportIwrote (adaptedforconfidentiality) For the purposesof thisreport,itis importanttonotice that all investmentsof CompanyX inthe Netherlands are recorded athistorical values,netof negative revaluation (impairment).The revaluationof assetsisbasedon estimatesof future cash flows,budget andprice forecasts,aswell as onthe weightedaverage costof capital (WACC).The followingtable summarizesthe significantimpairmentcharges occurred in the past twoyears, and the estimationfor2015: Table 1: Impairment atCompanyX of itsinvestmentsinCompaniesA andB US$ 000s 2015 (est.) 2014 2013 CompanyA 200 500 1,000 CompanyB 100 700 2,000 YearlyTotals 300 1,200 3,000 Overall ImpairmentCharges 4,500 CompanyA has its cash flow forecasts basedonthe volume of provedandpossible reserves.The impairmentof itsinvestmentsreflects:(a) the sharpdeclineinoil prices, and (b) the reductionof the estimatedreservesof ThorandMjolnirfields.
  • 2. On the otherhand,impairmentchargesof CompanyBare due to: (a) the revaluation of itstradable inventory atmarketprices, and(b) itshighlevel of debt. Flesch-KincaidReadingEase 47.7 Gunning-FogScore 16.9 3) Extract of mymastersdissertation Liquidityisnotaneasilydefinedterm. Keynes(1936) wrote that "there is,clearly,no absolute standardof 'liquidity'butmerelyascale of liquidity - avaryingpremiumof whichaccount hasto be taken... inestimatingthe comparative attractionsof holding differentformsof wealth." Lippmanand McCall (1986) attemptto provide aprecise definitionof liquidity intermsof itsmostimportantfeature:the periodof time untilan assetisexchanged formoney. The authorsbeginwitheconomictheoryconcepts,test the compatibilityof theirmodel withstudiesfromKeynesonthe subject,andfinally formulate theoremsonliquidity,amongwhichwe highlightthe following: Theorem2: Assetliquidityisan increasingfunctionof the predictabilityof itsprice. Theorem3: An increase inthe costof searchcausesthe decrease of bothliquidityand assetliquiditypremium. These twotheoremspointtothe importance of informationasymmetryin determiningthe liquidityof agivenasset. Indeed,if there were notasymmetric information,there wouldbe little ornocommercial transactiontakingplace. Flesch-KincaidReadingEase 37.5 Gunning-FogScore 15.8