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Stratified Random Sampling:

So far, we have discussed random and systematic location of cruise plots in the context of simple

random sampling. These methods work well when the area sampled is homogeneous. Foresters,

however, often cruise areas with different forest cover types (i.e., stands). These different stands

make the area heterogeneous in terms of cover types. In this case, stratified random sampling

can be used to calculate a more precise cruise.

In stratified random sampling, the units of the population (e.g., stands) are grouped together

based on similar criterion (e.g., overstory tree type). Each unit (stratum) or stand is then cruised

and the stratum estimates are combined to give an estimate for the entire area. We will illustrate

this methodology with an example.

EXAMPLE: You cruise a 500 acre tract using variable radius plots and determine the following

cubic foot volumes per acre for cruise points in three timber types:

I. Black Cherry  Maple (SAF Cover Type 28)

                          PLOT VOLUMES (cubic foot volume per acre)

570                 640                  480                  560                 510

590                 670                  600                  780                 700

II. Yellow-Poplar  White Oak  Northern Red Oak (SAF Cover Type 59)

                             PLOT VOLUMES (cubic foot volume per acre)

520                    710               770                     840         630

760                    890               810                     580         860

III. White Oak  Black Oak  Northern Red Oak (SAF Cover Type 52)

                             PLOT VOLUMES (cubic foot volume per acre)

200                    420               210                     290         350

540                    180               260                     320         270

Mean: First, calculate the mean cubic foot volume per acre (CFV/A) for each stratum using the

simple random procedure we used earlier:

       X I = 6100 / 10 = 610 cfv/a

       X II = 7370 / 10 = 737 cfv/a

       X III = 3040 / 10 = 304 cfv/a

The mean of the stratified sample can now be computed by:

                N     h    Xh
       X ST =   h =1

where: L = The number of strata

       Nh = The size of stratum h (h = 1, 2, , L) in acres.

       N = The total size of the tract in acres ( N =  N h ).
                                                     h =1

If the strata sizes are:

        NI = 250 acres

        NII = 100 acres

        NIII = 150 acres

        Total Acres: N = 500 acres.

Then the stratified sample mean cubic volume per acre is:

                 250 *610 + 100 * 737 + 150 * 304
        X ST =                                    = 543.6 cfv/a

If you used the simple random sampling formula to calculate the mean, you would get:

        XS =          = 550.3 cfv/a

which is close to the stratified mean.

Standard Errors: Next, calculate the variance ( s 2 ) of cubic foot volume per acre (CFV/A) for

each stratum using the simple random methodology we used earlier:

        s 2 = 8111.1 cfv/a

        s 2 = 15,556.7 cfv/a

        s 2 = 12,204.4 cfv/a

With these variances, calculate the stratified standard error of cubic foot volume per acre for the

sample by:

        SE ST =    w
                              h           ,
                   h =1              nh   

where nh = number of cruise plots

        wh = weight factor = Nh / N.

So, the stratified standard error for this example is:

                            2                         2                   2
                   250  8111.1  100  15,556.7  150  12,204.4
        SE SR   =            +             +              = 19.4 cfv/a ,
                   500    10    500     10     500     10

If you used the simple random sampling formula to calculate the standard error, you would get:

        SES = 38.9 cfv/a,

which is greater than the stratified standard error. Thus, stratifying the sample will improve our

overall cruise precision in this example (why?).

95% Confidence Interval: Calculate the 95% confidence interval for cubic foot volume per


        X ST 賊 t0.05,n-1=29 * SEST  543.6 賊 2.045*19.4 or 543.6 賊 39.7 cfv/a

Cruise Precision: Calculate the cruise precision for this stratified cruise:

                       SE ST * t 0.05, 29       19.4  2.045
        Pr ecision =                        =                 100  7%
                                X ST               543.6

        Pr ecision (SRS)  15%

Sample Size: You can calculate the number of plots needed in each stratum that are necessary to

achieve a specified statistical objective. First, determine the total number of plots necessary by:

           t *   w h * s xh 

        n=      h =1          ,

where: E = allowable error in absolute units

        all other variables defined as before.

So, for our example, we want to find the number of plots needed to be 95% confident that we are

within plus or minus 10% of the true cubic foot volume per acre. In absolute units, E = 543.6

cfv/a * (0.10) = 54.4 cfv/a.

                 250            100              150            
           22 *      * 8111.1 +     * 15,556.7 +     * 12,204.4 
        n=       500            500              500              15 plots

For our example, we actually collected more sample points than necessary to achieve this

statistical objective.

Continuing with our example, we can now allocate (i.e., optimum allocation) these 15 plots to

the three strata with the formula:

                 w h * s xh
        nh =    L
               h =1
                      h   * s xh


                                * 8111.1
nI =                       500                                * 15 =
                                                                              * 15  7 plots
      250              100                150                    103.12
           * 8111.1 +       * 15,556.7 +       * 12,204.4
      500              500                500 

             * 15,556.7
n II =  500             *15  4 plots

                * 12,204.4
n III   =  500             * 15  5 plots

You will notice that the total number of plots equals 16 if you add up the strata plot numbers.

This number is greater than 15 because you should always round up the result when calculating

sample size.

You should also know that if you had an estimate of variability and you defined your strata

before the cruise, you can calculate your sample size before the cruise and allocate the plots to

each stratum with the same methodology.


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  • 1. LECTURES FOR WEEK 11 Stratified Random Sampling: So far, we have discussed random and systematic location of cruise plots in the context of simple random sampling. These methods work well when the area sampled is homogeneous. Foresters, however, often cruise areas with different forest cover types (i.e., stands). These different stands make the area heterogeneous in terms of cover types. In this case, stratified random sampling can be used to calculate a more precise cruise. In stratified random sampling, the units of the population (e.g., stands) are grouped together based on similar criterion (e.g., overstory tree type). Each unit (stratum) or stand is then cruised and the stratum estimates are combined to give an estimate for the entire area. We will illustrate this methodology with an example. EXAMPLE: You cruise a 500 acre tract using variable radius plots and determine the following cubic foot volumes per acre for cruise points in three timber types: I. Black Cherry Maple (SAF Cover Type 28) PLOT VOLUMES (cubic foot volume per acre) 570 640 480 560 510 590 670 600 780 700 1
  • 2. II. Yellow-Poplar White Oak Northern Red Oak (SAF Cover Type 59) PLOT VOLUMES (cubic foot volume per acre) 520 710 770 840 630 760 890 810 580 860 III. White Oak Black Oak Northern Red Oak (SAF Cover Type 52) PLOT VOLUMES (cubic foot volume per acre) 200 420 210 290 350 540 180 260 320 270 Mean: First, calculate the mean cubic foot volume per acre (CFV/A) for each stratum using the simple random procedure we used earlier: X I = 6100 / 10 = 610 cfv/a X II = 7370 / 10 = 737 cfv/a X III = 3040 / 10 = 304 cfv/a The mean of the stratified sample can now be computed by: L N h Xh X ST = h =1 , N where: L = The number of strata Nh = The size of stratum h (h = 1, 2, , L) in acres. L N = The total size of the tract in acres ( N = N h ). h =1 2
  • 3. If the strata sizes are: NI = 250 acres NII = 100 acres NIII = 150 acres Total Acres: N = 500 acres. Then the stratified sample mean cubic volume per acre is: 250 *610 + 100 * 737 + 150 * 304 X ST = = 543.6 cfv/a 500 If you used the simple random sampling formula to calculate the mean, you would get: 16,510 XS = = 550.3 cfv/a 30 which is close to the stratified mean. Standard Errors: Next, calculate the variance ( s 2 ) of cubic foot volume per acre (CFV/A) for each stratum using the simple random methodology we used earlier: s 2 = 8111.1 cfv/a I s 2 = 15,556.7 cfv/a II s 2 = 12,204.4 cfv/a III With these variances, calculate the stratified standard error of cubic foot volume per acre for the sample by: L sh SE ST = w 2 h , h =1 nh where nh = number of cruise plots wh = weight factor = Nh / N. 3
  • 4. So, the stratified standard error for this example is: 2 2 2 250 8111.1 100 15,556.7 150 12,204.4 SE SR = + + = 19.4 cfv/a , 500 10 500 10 500 10 If you used the simple random sampling formula to calculate the standard error, you would get: SES = 38.9 cfv/a, which is greater than the stratified standard error. Thus, stratifying the sample will improve our overall cruise precision in this example (why?). 95% Confidence Interval: Calculate the 95% confidence interval for cubic foot volume per acre: X ST 賊 t0.05,n-1=29 * SEST 543.6 賊 2.045*19.4 or 543.6 賊 39.7 cfv/a Cruise Precision: Calculate the cruise precision for this stratified cruise: SE ST * t 0.05, 29 19.4 2.045 Pr ecision = = 100 7% X ST 543.6 Pr ecision (SRS) 15% Sample Size: You can calculate the number of plots needed in each stratum that are necessary to achieve a specified statistical objective. First, determine the total number of plots necessary by: 2 L t * w h * s xh 2 n= h =1 , E2 4
  • 5. where: E = allowable error in absolute units all other variables defined as before. So, for our example, we want to find the number of plots needed to be 95% confident that we are within plus or minus 10% of the true cubic foot volume per acre. In absolute units, E = 543.6 cfv/a * (0.10) = 54.4 cfv/a. 2 250 100 150 22 * * 8111.1 + * 15,556.7 + * 12,204.4 n= 500 500 500 15 plots 2 54.4 For our example, we actually collected more sample points than necessary to achieve this statistical objective. Continuing with our example, we can now allocate (i.e., optimum allocation) these 15 plots to the three strata with the formula: w h * s xh nh = L *n w h =1 h * s xh So, 250 * 8111.1 nI = 500 * 15 = 45.03 * 15 7 plots 250 100 150 103.12 * 8111.1 + * 15,556.7 + * 12,204.4 500 500 500 100 * 15,556.7 n II = 500 *15 4 plots 103.12 5
  • 6. 150 * 12,204.4 n III = 500 * 15 5 plots 103.12 You will notice that the total number of plots equals 16 if you add up the strata plot numbers. This number is greater than 15 because you should always round up the result when calculating sample size. You should also know that if you had an estimate of variability and you defined your strata before the cruise, you can calculate your sample size before the cruise and allocate the plots to each stratum with the same methodology. 6