This document summarizes key concepts in signals and systems. It discusses different types of signals including continuous-time and discrete-time signals. It covers signal classification such as even/odd signals and periodic/non-periodic signals. It also discusses energy and power signals. The document then explains systems and provides examples. It introduces important concepts in linear time-invariant systems including convolution and the Fourier transform. Finally, it discusses applications of signals and systems in areas like communication systems.
2. Signals & Systems
Signals and systems introduction and mathematical background
Signal classification and energy, basic operations with signals, useful signals
Systems - examples and classification, LTI systems
LTI systems and the impulse response - Convolution
Linear systems: zero-input and zero-state response
The trigonometric Fourier series as a convenient signal representation for LTI systems analysis
The exponential Fourier series - Fundamental frequency and properties
Beyond Fourier Series - The Fourier Transform
Existence condition, inverse transform, useful Fourier transforms
Properties of the Fourier transform
LTI systems and the Fourier transform
Laplace Transform, Properties of Laplace transform
Inverse Laplace transform
Z-transform , Region of convergence, The inverse Z-transform , More on the Z-transform ,Left
and right hand signals , Stable and unstable signals ,Causal and anti-causal signals
3. Signals
Signals are functions of independent variables that
carry information. For example:
Electrical signals
Voltages and currents in a circuit
Acoustic signals
Acoustic pressure (sound) over time
Mechanical signals
Velocity of a car over time
Video signals
Intensity level of a pixel (camera, video) over time
4. How is a Signal Represented?
Mathematically, signals are represented as a function of one or
more independent variables.
For instance a black & white video signal intensity is dependent on
x, y coordinates and time t f(x,y,t)
On this course, we shall be exclusively concerned with signals
that are a function of a single variable: time
5. What is System?
Systems process input signals to produce output
A system is combination of elements that
manipulates one or more signals to accomplish a
function and produces some output.
system output
6. Examples of Systems
A circuit involving a capacitor can be viewed as a
system that transforms the source voltage (signal)
to the voltage (signal) across the capacitor
A communication system is generally composed of
three sub-systems, the transmitter, the channel and
the receiver. The channel typically attenuates and
adds noise to the transmitted signal which must be
processed by the receiver
Biomedical system resulting in biomedical signal
Control systems
8. Communication Systems
o A communication system conveys information from its
source to a destination.
o Examples:
o Telephone
o TV
o Radio
o Cell phone
o Satellite
9. Communication Systems
o A communication system is composed of the following:
Fig. 1 Block Diagram of Communication System
10. Basic Components of a Communication
Input Transducer
o Source: Analog or digital
o Example: Speech, music, written text, pictures
o Input Transducer: Converts the message produced
by a source to a form suitable for the
communication system.
o Example:
o Speech waves Microphone Voltage
11. Transmitter
o Prepare the Input signal for actual
transmission over the communication channel
e.g. Modulation
o Examples: TV station, radio station, web
12. Channel
o Physical medium that does the transmission
o Examples: Air, wires, coaxial cable, radio
wave, laser beam, fiber optic cable
o Every channel introduces some amount of
distortion, noise and interference
13. Receiver
o Job of receiver also includes to undo all the harmful
degradation introduced by channel e.g. noise
introduced by channel
o Demodulation: Extracts message from the
received signal
o Operations: Amplification, Demodulation, Filtering
o Examples: TV set, radio, web client
16. Modulation
o Modulation is an important step of communication
system. Modulation is defined as the process whereby
some characteristic (amplitude, frequency, phase of a
high frequency signal wave (carrier wave) is varied in
accordance with instantaneous value intensity of low
frequency signal wave (modulating wave.)
)cos( cctwA 縁
17. Modulation
o Modulation is a process that causes a
shift in the range of frequencies in a signal
o Two Type of communications
o In baseband communication baseband
signals are sent without any shift in the range
of frequencies
o Any communication that uses modulation of a
high-frequency carrier signal is called carrier
18. Pulse Code Modulation(PCM)
Pulse code modulation is used to convert an analog
data to digital signal(digitization).
A PCM encoder has three processes
1.The analog signal is sampled
2.The sampled signal is quantized.
3.The quantized values are encoded as stream of bits.
22. Modes of Communications
There are two basic modes of Communications
Broadcast(Single Tx and Multiple Rxs)
Radio and Tv
Point-To-Point Communication
Single Transmitter single Receiver
Telephone systems
Deep Space Communication(link b/w earth station and robot
navigating the surface of distant planet)
Pathfinder Robot landed on Mars on July 4, 1997, a historic
day in the National Aeronautics and Space
23. Classification of Signals
Continuous & Discrete-Time Signals
Even and Odd Signals
Periodic and Non-periodic Signals
Energy and Power Signals
Deterministic Signals and Random Signals
24. Continuous & Discrete-Time Signals
Continuous-Time Signals
Most signals in the real world are
continuous time, as the scale is
infinitesimally fine.
Eg voltage, velocity,
Denote by x(t), where the time interval
may be bounded (finite) or infinite
Discrete-Time Signals
discrete time signals are defined only at
discrete instants of time.
E.g. pixels, daily stock price (anything
that a digital computer processes)
Denote by x[n], where n is an integer
value that varies discretely
Sampled continuous signal
x[n] =x(nT) is sample time
25. Even and Odd Signals
Even Functions Odd Functions
g t g t g t g t
26. Even and Odd Parts of Functions
g g
The of a function is g
t t
even part
g g
The of a function is g
t t
odd part
Ex 1.1 see book
27. Various Combinations of even and
odd functions
Function type Sum Difference Product Quotient
Both even Even Even Even Even
Both odd Odd Odd Even Even
Even and odd Neither Neither Odd Odd
28. Discrete Time Even and Odd Signals
g g
n n
g g
n n
g gn n g gn n
29. Combination of even and odd
function for DT Signals
Function type Sum Difference Product Quotient
Both even Even Even Even Even
Both odd Odd Odd Even Even
Even and odd Even or Odd Even or odd Odd Odd
30. Periodic and Non-periodic Signals
Given x(t) is a continuous-time signal
x (t) is periodic if x(t) = x(t+T) for any T and any integer
x(t) = A cos(wt)
x(t+T) = A cos[w(t+T)] = A cos(wt+wT)= A
cos(wt+2p) = A cos(wt)
Note: T =1/f ; w=2pf
31. Periodic and Non-periodic Signals
For non-periodic signals
x(t) x(t+T)
Example of non periodic signal is an
exponential signal
See problem 1.3
32. Important Condition of Periodicity for
Discrete Time Signals
A discrete time signal is periodic if
x(n) = x(n+N)
For satisfying the above condition the
frequency of the discrete time signal
should be ratio of two integers
i.e. f = k/N
33. Energy and Power Signals
Energy Signal
A signal with finite energy and zero power is
called Energy Signal i.e.for energy signal
0<E< and P =0
Signal energy of a signal is defined as the area
under the square of the magnitude of the
The units of signal energy depends on the unit
of the signal.
x xE t dt
34. Energy and Power Signals Contd.
Power Signal
Some signals have infinite signal energy. In
that caseit is more convenient to deal with
average signal power.
For power signals
0<P< and E =
Average power of the signal is given by
lim x
P t dt
35. Energy and Power Signals Contd.
For a periodic signal x(t) the average
signal power is
T is any period of the signal.
Periodic signals are generally power
P t dt
36. Signal Energy and Power for DT
The signal energy of a for a discrete time signal x[n] is
x x
E n
A discrtet time signal with finite energy and zero
power is called Energy Signal i.e.for energy signal
0<E< and P =0
37. Signal Energy and Power for DT
Signal Contd.
The average signal power of a discrete time power signal
x[n] is
lim x
n N
P n
n N
P n
For a periodic signal x[n] the average signal power is
The notation means the sum over any set of
consecutive 's exactly in length.
n N
n N