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Samsung IAP

Manikantan K
 In-App Purchase enables you to sell various items from
inside your applications.
 In-App Purchase is only available for Android-based
applications for Samsung Apps.
 Currently, it supports more than 60 countries with Credit
card, P-SMS, and several local payment methods.
IAP v2
New version of library was released recently. Supports
 Account based purchase management (not IMEI based)
 Supports Samsung Single Sign On.
 Increased geographic coverage US via Credit card.
 Uses AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) for a
more seamless user experience
Consumable Vs Non consumables
One off purchase and cannot be restored.
Eg : Medikit, life points or coins in games.
Restorable and are account based.
Eg : Unlock stages in a game, premium upgrade
Subscriptions are convenient for recurring periodic
Eg : Magazines or TV shows or newspapers
A simple purchase flow Hotel Story
A simple purchase flow Hotel Story
Samsung IAP SDK
Step 1 IAP install check
 Check IAP installation
Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(
"com.sec.android.iap.service.iapService" );
Boolean flag = getPackageManager().queryIntentServices(
serviceIntent, 0 ).isEmpty()
Step 2 Samsung Account check
 Check Samsung Account on the phone
ComponentName com = new ComponentName(
"com.sec.android.iap.activity.AccountActivity" );
Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setComponent( com );
startActivityForResult(intent, 1001);
Step 3 Bind with IAPConnector
Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(
"com.sec.android.iap.service.iapService" );
bindService( serviceIntent, mServiceConn,
Step 4 Setup IAPConnector
Init() must be first called before any IAP operation.
Init() setups basic account payment information
Call it on separate thread to avoid ANR.

Bundle result = mIAPConnector.init( mMode );
Step 5 Functions on IAPConnector
Call it on separate thread to avoid ANR.
Result is a Bundle along with a STATUS_CODE

Bundle itemList = mIAPConnector.getItemList( developerMode,
getPackageName(), _itemGroupId, _startIndexInList,
_itemType );
Step 6 Purchase
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString( "THIRD_PARTY_NAME", getPackageName() );
bundle.putString( "ITEM_GROUP_ID", _itemGroupId );
bundle.putString( "ITEM_ID", _itemId );

ComponentName com = new ComponentName( "com.sec.android.iap",
"com.sec.android.iap.activity.PaymentMethodListActivity" );
Intent intent = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_MAIN );
intent.addCategory( Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER );
intent.setComponent( com );
intent.putExtras( bundle );
startActivityForResult( intent, 1000 );
Step 6 Purchase
Do Purchase in separate thread, to avoid ANR.
Returned result from purchase.
STATUS_CODE AND ERROR_STRING describe the outcome of
RESULT_OBJECT is a big JSON, which includes info such as
purchaseID, purchase Date, price, item image etc.
Step 7 Unbind IAPConnector
Unbind IAPConnector and Service Connection Object.
This after all IAP operations are completed and to release the
associated resources

unbindService( mServiceConn );
Includes sample code, technical documentation and FAQ.

Manikantan K

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Samsung IAP SDK

  • 2. Introduction In-App Purchase enables you to sell various items from inside your applications. In-App Purchase is only available for Android-based applications for Samsung Apps. Currently, it supports more than 60 countries with Credit card, P-SMS, and several local payment methods.
  • 3. IAP v2 New version of library was released recently. Supports Consumable/non-consumable/subscription Account based purchase management (not IMEI based) Supports Samsung Single Sign On. Increased geographic coverage US via Credit card. Uses AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) for a more seamless user experience
  • 4. Consumable Vs Non consumables CONSUMABLES One off purchase and cannot be restored. Eg : Medikit, life points or coins in games. NON CONSUMABLES Restorable and are account based. Eg : Unlock stages in a game, premium upgrade
  • 5. Subscriptions Subscriptions are convenient for recurring periodic purchases. Eg : Magazines or TV shows or newspapers
  • 6. A simple purchase flow Hotel Story
  • 7. A simple purchase flow Hotel Story
  • 9. Step 1 IAP install check Check IAP installation Intent serviceIntent = new Intent( "com.sec.android.iap.service.iapService" ); Boolean flag = getPackageManager().queryIntentServices( serviceIntent, 0 ).isEmpty()
  • 10. Step 2 Samsung Account check Check Samsung Account on the phone ComponentName com = new ComponentName( "com.sec.android.iap", "com.sec.android.iap.activity.AccountActivity" ); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setComponent( com ); startActivityForResult(intent, 1001);
  • 11. Step 3 Bind with IAPConnector Intent serviceIntent = new Intent( "com.sec.android.iap.service.iapService" ); bindService( serviceIntent, mServiceConn, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE );
  • 12. Step 4 Setup IAPConnector Init() must be first called before any IAP operation. Init() setups basic account payment information Call it on separate thread to avoid ANR. Bundle result = mIAPConnector.init( mMode );
  • 13. Step 5 Functions on IAPConnector Call it on separate thread to avoid ANR. Result is a Bundle along with a STATUS_CODE Bundle itemList = mIAPConnector.getItemList( developerMode, getPackageName(), _itemGroupId, _startIndexInList, _endIndexInList, _itemType );
  • 14. Step 6 Purchase Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString( "THIRD_PARTY_NAME", getPackageName() ); bundle.putString( "ITEM_GROUP_ID", _itemGroupId ); bundle.putString( "ITEM_ID", _itemId ); ComponentName com = new ComponentName( "com.sec.android.iap", "com.sec.android.iap.activity.PaymentMethodListActivity" ); Intent intent = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_MAIN ); intent.addCategory( Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER ); intent.setComponent( com ); intent.putExtras( bundle ); startActivityForResult( intent, 1000 );
  • 15. Step 6 Purchase Do Purchase in separate thread, to avoid ANR. Returned result from purchase. STATUS_CODE AND ERROR_STRING describe the outcome of purchase. RESULT_OBJECT is a big JSON, which includes info such as purchaseID, purchase Date, price, item image etc.
  • 16. Step 7 Unbind IAPConnector Unbind IAPConnector and Service Connection Object. This after all IAP operations are completed and to release the associated resources unbindService( mServiceConn );
  • 17. Resources http://developer.samsung.com/android/tools-sdks/In-App-Purchase-Library Includes sample code, technical documentation and FAQ. Manikantan K Manikantan.k@samsung.com @manikantan_k