San Francisco has mild Mediterranean weather with temperatures between 56-71 degrees Fahrenheit year-round. It is located in Northern California and has a hilly landscape near the ocean, with many unique buildings. The climate is affected by nearby ocean currents and mountains provide rain shadows. There are many animal species adapted to the environment like sea lions that move quickly in the water and birds with specialized beaks to find food. The city also has diverse plant life such as palm trees, roses, and lilies growing across its hills and valleys.
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San francisco
1. San Franc!co
San Francisco is also a very beautiful place
with lots of different things in there landscape.
San Francisco is in the state of California and
There are lots of
the country of North America.
lots of hills and
It has some of the best n valleys it also is
weather in california filled with plants,
flowers and tree’s.
not too hot and not too It has alot of San Francisco latitude is mild. It’s
cold. It’s climate group buildings that it latitude can be affected by a few different
looks like part things some of them that affect it is Ocean
is mild and it’s climate
of it is a big city. currents, Ocean large bodies of water, rain
type is Mediterranean It has tons of shadows, and cities. Up above is a picture
houses that are
Its highest temperatures of the San Francisco beach, as you can sea
very unique
are in the month of theres the oceans current and its also a large
looking. It is
body of water ocean. Below is a picture of part
August at 71F at rate on the
of San Francisco at the point of the famous
ocean where you can sea the sun rising and
the highest and 56F at San Francisco bridge, you can also see in this
setting almost every day. It also has a little bit
the lowest. The the lowest temperatures are in the big city in the background and mountains
of mountains there. It is a beautiful place to
the month of January at 58F at the highest behind the city.
live or even visit with tones of wonderful
and 46F at the lowest. It’s wettest month is in
different things in the landscape.
January at 4.72 in and it’s driest month there
is July at 0.04 in. As you can see San
Francisco’s weather is great all year long.
2. There are allot of different types of animals in There are also allot of different types of plants,
There are many different ways animals survive
it. Here a 5 popular animals that are seen allot flowers and trees in san francisco. Here are 5
in San Francisco behavioral adaptations. Two
in San Francisco. of the most popular plants in San Francisco.
ways they survive are. The bird there use the
shape of there beak nose to determine what
food they can catch this is important for birds
The california The San Francisco collinsia
sea lion because it helps the eat,
Palm trees
The harbor
The cherry headed
Pink calla lily
Another adaptation for animals in San
cunure also know as the
Francisco. California sea lions are agile and
cherry headed parrot move fast in water witch is important because it
helps them get food easily and get aways from
The great blue heron predators easily.
The snowy egret