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Mobile: 00447405738292 /00447459863338 ,E-Mail:sanjaypai01@ymail.com or shilpapai01@ymail.com
Steel Structure Engineer with 16+Yrs of total experience in Steel Structure
fabrication,welding& Erection works is seeking assignment with a growth oriented
organization of repute.
Presently working with Fusion Fabrication in Luton as Steel Structures Fabrication and
Erection Supervisor.
Planning, Monitoring, execution and inspection of Steel Structure fabrication, Pre-
fabrication, erection and modification activities pertaining to MainPipe Racks, Sub-racks,
Equipment Structures, etc(Including Gratings and Handrails).
Conducting TSTI( Total Safety Task Instructions),Tool box talks and meetings with Ras
Gas (Client) and Sub Contractors.
Monitoring stage wise inspections based on RFI and handing over Structures to preceeding
Maintaining safe work practice as per site requirement.
Preparing of daily reports and reporting to section head.
Issuing of site instructions as per job requirement and monitoring with sub contractors.
Diploma in Fabrication Technology & Erection Engg(4Yrs)
Government Polytechnic, Panaji, Goa, India.
Year of Passing:1996 With First Class.
Electives:Welding Tech, Design of steel structures, Erection Engg, Estimation & Costing.
S.S.C in June 1992 With First Class from Goa Board.
Operating Environments Windows 97.
Applications SoftwaresM.S.Office(Word, Excel, Power point)
Date of Birth:November 25th
1974 Marital Status:married.
Age: 40 yrs. Sex:Male
Nationality: PORTUGUESE.
From January 2016 till date working with Fusion Fabrications in Luton Bedfordshire
U.K as Steel Structures Fabrication and Installations Supervisor.
Planning, Monitoring execution of Fabrication and erection activities of steel structure works pertaining to Industrial
sheds, Ware house structure consisting of Built-up Columns, Trusses, Crane girders, beams etc.
Quantity estimation, preparing cutting schedule, work schedule and plans and setting monthly targets for fabrication
and erection work.
Follow up with clients day to day activities.
Checking monthly bill and reconciliation of steel works.
Preparation of daily reports and follow ups.
From July 2014 to December 2015 worked with Bristol Laboratories Luton U.K as
Maintenance Engineer.
From October 2013 to February 2014 with Fabco Steel Fabrication, Pilerne, Saligao, Goa,
India as Asst Manager  Fabrication & Site Installation.
Planning work sequence and alloting work to workers, intending raw material, planning cutting schedule for
materials to minimise wastage, monitoring and controlling activities in workshop and site, alloting jobs to
juniors and other work force, attending client and consultant meetings, reporting to seniors with daily and
fortnightly work progress and planned work schedule, etc.
From March 2012 to September 2013 with J.G.C in Qatar as Steel Structure Supervisor.
Project Done
Construction of Barzan Gas LNG plant at Raslaffan, Qatar
Client : RAS GAS
Designation : Steel Structure Supervisor
Duration : 26th
March 2012 to 07th
September 2013
 Monitoring, execution and inspection of Fabrication, erection and modification activities of steel structure
pertaining to Main piperacks, Sub-racks, Equipment structures, Stagings and stanchions( including handrails
and gratings) of the UTILITY area by the sub-contractor.
 Reporting mis-fabrication, erection problems and requesting for generation of Site Instructions(S.I) for
modification works and monitoring DWS(Day Work Sheets) for same.
 Conducting every morning Tool Box Talks and creating safety awareness and safe working enviournment for
the work force.
 Attending Progress meetings, Safety meetings and raising concerns over the bottle necks in progress.
 Preparing Daily Progress report(DPR) and maintaing all relevant records as required for QC inspection.
 Monitoring Fabrication works in work shop pertaining to modification, extra works performed by the sub-con.
 Ensuring work being carried out as per specified standards, codes and project specifications and reporting any
 Ensuring Method statements, JSA, Work permit are in place before execution of work.
 Assisting stage wise inspection of various steel structure works as per ITP and release of same to others or for
preceding activities.
From 1st
June2010 to 20th
March 2012 with METAL CREATION PVT LTD in Pilerne, Saligao,
(Total 1.9 yrs)
Project Done
Construction & Expansion work of Highmark India Ltd company
Client : Highmark India Ltd
Designation : Sr.Steel Structure Engineer
Duration : 1st
Jun 2010 to 20th
March 2012
Planning, Monitoring execution of Fabrication and erection activities of steel structure works(1200 Ton) pertaining
to Industrial sheds, Ware house structure consisting of Built-up Columns, Trusses, Crane girders, beams etc.
Quantity estimation, preparing cutting schedule, work schedule and plans and setting monthly targets for fabrication
and erection work.
Follow-up with subordinates for completing assigned tasks without bottle neck.
Checking sub-contractors monthly bill and reconciliation of steel works.
Monitoring stage wise inspection based on RFI and handing over of structure to preceeding departments.
From April 3rd
2008 to March 24th
2010 in SAIPEM LTD on 2 locations as below ( Total
1.9 yrs)
 ERSAI COMPANY (7months)
Client: AgipKcoKazakshtan
Designation: Worked as steel Structure Supervisor for 6 months.
Duration: September 20th
2009 to March 24th
Primary Responsibilities
 Execution & Supervision of Fabrication& erection activities of pipe racks, Equipment structure, Local Platforms &pipe supports
As per Specification and codes
Familiar with and adhering to various International codes and standards used in Steel works(ASTM, AISC, AWS, etc)
 Rasing RFI for stage wise inspection as per ITP.
 Reporting and solving technical discrepancies in structural works arised on site
 Fabrication & Modification of hand rails.
 Fabrication of Ladders& Platform members.
 Conducting of Tool box talks & generating Safety awareness at work place.
 Estimate & Billing of work.
 Supervision of Cutting of material by use of panthograph machine (plasma &oxyprophane).
Worked as a Steel Structure Fabrication & Erection Foreman for 8 months and as acting Supervisor for 6 months
for Saudi Arabian SaipemLtd for their ongoing KhuraisCrudde Contract (K.C.C)project at K.S.A.
Client: Saudi Arabian ARAMCO.
Designation:Worked as Steel Structure Fabrication& Erection Foreman for 8 months
and as acting Supervisor for 6 months
Duration:April 3rd
, 2008to June 07th, 2009
Primary Responsibilities
 Execution& Supervision of Erection activities of Pipe racks, Pipe Supports(C.S & S.S) & Sub-racks.
 Modification of Pipe Supports in case of discripencies.
 Fabrication of Pipe Supports, Cable Trays, Structural Supports, etc as per schedule.
 Inspection of Welding for above.
 Assist in Qualification of welders.
 Conduct Safety tool box talk, generate safety awareness and provide safe working environment for co-workers on site.
 Periodical checking of rigging & safety tools before erection.
 Generating safe working environment at work place.
GovermentAgriculturalDepartment(I.C.A.R), Panaji, Goa, India(4.3Years)
Duration:Dec 2003TO March 2008 (Right now I am on extra ordinary leave for 6 years under government department from March
2008 onwards.
Primary Responsibilities
 Planning, Execution & Supervision of all fabrication activities including maintenance & welding of agriculture equipments
 Fabrication & erection of Structural Sheds.
 Maintaining records, Checking contractors Bill, Quantity surveying.
 Maintaining records of periodic maintenance of machinaries and equipments.
 Generating safe working environment at work place.

A reputed ISO 9001 Consultant company with its presence in India & Abroad and expertise in the field of Design, Drawing &
specification having executed prestigious projects in the field of Pharmaceutical & Industrial constructions
Designation:SiteEngineer(Fabrication & safety).
Duration:Aug 1998  November 2003
Primary Responsibilities
 Follow-up with Contractor to ensure that Planned activities are completed in time schedule.
 Coordinating with Design dept for resolving technical discrepancies encountered during execution.
 Resolving and overseeing technical issues related to safety with client and subcontractors to facilitate project progress.
 Check and Pass Contractors monthly bill for work executed.
 Witnessing Inspections and resolving quality related technical issues with Quality Control staff at various stages of execution.
 Issue of Punch list to contractor for Final inspection and Handing over of the structure as per Construction Schedule.
 Verify all Quality related documents, Instrument calibrations, inspection records as per ITP & PQP.
PROJECT 1: Construction of Teksid-Kalyani Iron foundry Plant at Surla, Navelim, Goa, India.
Client: Teksid India Ltd.
PROJECT 2: Construction of Bharat Diamond Bourse at Bandra-kurla Complex, Mumbai, India.
Client: Bharat Diamond Bourse.
Architect: Raja Adheri.
A well established small scale fabrication unit in Goa with interests in Light & medium scale fabrication of steel structure, ornamental
fabrication and sheet metal fabrication.
Designation: Jr. Engineer.
Duration:Jan 1997  August1998
Primary Responsibilities
 Plan and Supervise all fabrication and erection activities in shop and site.
 Verify actual physical measurement on site before fabrication.
 Estimate Quantity of material required and procure same.
 Prepare cutting schedule to minimise wastage.
 Prepare and raise monthly bills, claims with the main contractor or client.
I declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and ability.
(Sanjay R Pai)

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  • 1. SANJAY RAJENDRA PAI 5 FERNDALE ROAD LUTON UK LU1 1PF Mobile: 00447405738292 /00447459863338 ,E-Mail:sanjaypai01@ymail.com or shilpapai01@ymail.com Steel Structure Engineer with 16+Yrs of total experience in Steel Structure fabrication,welding& Erection works is seeking assignment with a growth oriented organization of repute. Presently working with Fusion Fabrication in Luton as Steel Structures Fabrication and Erection Supervisor. SYNOPSIS Planning, Monitoring, execution and inspection of Steel Structure fabrication, Pre- fabrication, erection and modification activities pertaining to MainPipe Racks, Sub-racks, Equipment Structures, etc(Including Gratings and Handrails). Conducting TSTI( Total Safety Task Instructions),Tool box talks and meetings with Ras Gas (Client) and Sub Contractors. Monitoring stage wise inspections based on RFI and handing over Structures to preceeding departments. Maintaining safe work practice as per site requirement. Preparing of daily reports and reporting to section head. Issuing of site instructions as per job requirement and monitoring with sub contractors. ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS AND CERTIFICATIONS Diploma in Fabrication Technology & Erection Engg(4Yrs) Government Polytechnic, Panaji, Goa, India. Year of Passing:1996 With First Class. Electives:Welding Tech, Design of steel structures, Erection Engg, Estimation & Costing. S.S.C in June 1992 With First Class from Goa Board. COMPUTER PROFICIENCY Operating Environments Windows 97. Applications SoftwaresM.S.Office(Word, Excel, Power point) PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth:November 25th 1974 Marital Status:married. Age: 40 yrs. Sex:Male Nationality: PORTUGUESE.
  • 2. WORK EXPERIENCE From January 2016 till date working with Fusion Fabrications in Luton Bedfordshire U.K as Steel Structures Fabrication and Installations Supervisor. Planning, Monitoring execution of Fabrication and erection activities of steel structure works pertaining to Industrial sheds, Ware house structure consisting of Built-up Columns, Trusses, Crane girders, beams etc. Quantity estimation, preparing cutting schedule, work schedule and plans and setting monthly targets for fabrication and erection work. Follow up with clients day to day activities. Checking monthly bill and reconciliation of steel works. Preparation of daily reports and follow ups. From July 2014 to December 2015 worked with Bristol Laboratories Luton U.K as Maintenance Engineer. From October 2013 to February 2014 with Fabco Steel Fabrication, Pilerne, Saligao, Goa, India as Asst Manager Fabrication & Site Installation. Responsibilities: Planning work sequence and alloting work to workers, intending raw material, planning cutting schedule for materials to minimise wastage, monitoring and controlling activities in workshop and site, alloting jobs to juniors and other work force, attending client and consultant meetings, reporting to seniors with daily and fortnightly work progress and planned work schedule, etc. From March 2012 to September 2013 with J.G.C in Qatar as Steel Structure Supervisor. Project Done Construction of Barzan Gas LNG plant at Raslaffan, Qatar Client : RAS GAS Designation : Steel Structure Supervisor Duration : 26th March 2012 to 07th September 2013 Responsibilities: Monitoring, execution and inspection of Fabrication, erection and modification activities of steel structure pertaining to Main piperacks, Sub-racks, Equipment structures, Stagings and stanchions( including handrails and gratings) of the UTILITY area by the sub-contractor. Reporting mis-fabrication, erection problems and requesting for generation of Site Instructions(S.I) for modification works and monitoring DWS(Day Work Sheets) for same. Conducting every morning Tool Box Talks and creating safety awareness and safe working enviournment for the work force. Attending Progress meetings, Safety meetings and raising concerns over the bottle necks in progress. Preparing Daily Progress report(DPR) and maintaing all relevant records as required for QC inspection. Monitoring Fabrication works in work shop pertaining to modification, extra works performed by the sub-con. Ensuring work being carried out as per specified standards, codes and project specifications and reporting any discrepancies. Ensuring Method statements, JSA, Work permit are in place before execution of work.
  • 3. Assisting stage wise inspection of various steel structure works as per ITP and release of same to others or for preceding activities. From 1st June2010 to 20th March 2012 with METAL CREATION PVT LTD in Pilerne, Saligao, Goa. (Total 1.9 yrs) Project Done Construction & Expansion work of Highmark India Ltd company Client : Highmark India Ltd Designation : Sr.Steel Structure Engineer Duration : 1st Jun 2010 to 20th March 2012 Responsibilities: Planning, Monitoring execution of Fabrication and erection activities of steel structure works(1200 Ton) pertaining to Industrial sheds, Ware house structure consisting of Built-up Columns, Trusses, Crane girders, beams etc. Quantity estimation, preparing cutting schedule, work schedule and plans and setting monthly targets for fabrication and erection work. Follow-up with subordinates for completing assigned tasks without bottle neck. Checking sub-contractors monthly bill and reconciliation of steel works. Monitoring stage wise inspection based on RFI and handing over of structure to preceeding departments. From April 3rd 2008 to March 24th 2010 in SAIPEM LTD on 2 locations as below ( Total 1.9 yrs) ERSAI COMPANY (7months) Client: AgipKcoKazakshtan Designation: Worked as steel Structure Supervisor for 6 months. Duration: September 20th 2009 to March 24th 2010. Primary Responsibilities Execution & Supervision of Fabrication& erection activities of pipe racks, Equipment structure, Local Platforms &pipe supports As per Specification and codes Familiar with and adhering to various International codes and standards used in Steel works(ASTM, AISC, AWS, etc) Rasing RFI for stage wise inspection as per ITP. Reporting and solving technical discrepancies in structural works arised on site Fabrication & Modification of hand rails. Fabrication of Ladders& Platform members. Conducting of Tool box talks & generating Safety awareness at work place. Estimate & Billing of work. Supervision of Cutting of material by use of panthograph machine (plasma &oxyprophane). SAUDI ARABIAN SAIPEM LTD, K.S.A, (1.2 Years) Worked as a Steel Structure Fabrication & Erection Foreman for 8 months and as acting Supervisor for 6 months for Saudi Arabian SaipemLtd for their ongoing KhuraisCrudde Contract (K.C.C)project at K.S.A. Client: Saudi Arabian ARAMCO. Designation:Worked as Steel Structure Fabrication& Erection Foreman for 8 months and as acting Supervisor for 6 months
  • 4. Duration:April 3rd , 2008to June 07th, 2009 Primary Responsibilities Execution& Supervision of Erection activities of Pipe racks, Pipe Supports(C.S & S.S) & Sub-racks. Modification of Pipe Supports in case of discripencies. Fabrication of Pipe Supports, Cable Trays, Structural Supports, etc as per schedule. Inspection of Welding for above. Assist in Qualification of welders. Conduct Safety tool box talk, generate safety awareness and provide safe working environment for co-workers on site. Periodical checking of rigging & safety tools before erection. Generating safe working environment at work place. GovermentAgriculturalDepartment(I.C.A.R), Panaji, Goa, India(4.3Years) Designation:JrEngineer(fabrication) Duration:Dec 2003TO March 2008 (Right now I am on extra ordinary leave for 6 years under government department from March 2008 onwards. Primary Responsibilities Planning, Execution & Supervision of all fabrication activities including maintenance & welding of agriculture equipments Fabrication & erection of Structural Sheds. Maintaining records, Checking contractors Bill, Quantity surveying. Maintaining records of periodic maintenance of machinaries and equipments. Generating safe working environment at work place. DALAL CONSULTANTS AND ENGINEERS LTD, WORLI, MUMBAI.(5.3 Years) A reputed ISO 9001 Consultant company with its presence in India & Abroad and expertise in the field of Design, Drawing & specification having executed prestigious projects in the field of Pharmaceutical & Industrial constructions Designation:SiteEngineer(Fabrication & safety). Duration:Aug 1998 November 2003 Primary Responsibilities Follow-up with Contractor to ensure that Planned activities are completed in time schedule. Coordinating with Design dept for resolving technical discrepancies encountered during execution. Resolving and overseeing technical issues related to safety with client and subcontractors to facilitate project progress. Check and Pass Contractors monthly bill for work executed. Witnessing Inspections and resolving quality related technical issues with Quality Control staff at various stages of execution. Issue of Punch list to contractor for Final inspection and Handing over of the structure as per Construction Schedule. Verify all Quality related documents, Instrument calibrations, inspection records as per ITP & PQP. PROJECT 1: Construction of Teksid-Kalyani Iron foundry Plant at Surla, Navelim, Goa, India. Client: Teksid India Ltd. PROJECT 2: Construction of Bharat Diamond Bourse at Bandra-kurla Complex, Mumbai, India. Client: Bharat Diamond Bourse. Architect: Raja Adheri. ........................................................................................................................................................ UNIVERSAL CONSTRUCTION, MARCELA, GOA, INDIA. (1.7Yrs) A well established small scale fabrication unit in Goa with interests in Light & medium scale fabrication of steel structure, ornamental fabrication and sheet metal fabrication. Designation: Jr. Engineer. Duration:Jan 1997 August1998 Primary Responsibilities Plan and Supervise all fabrication and erection activities in shop and site.
  • 5. Verify actual physical measurement on site before fabrication. Estimate Quantity of material required and procure same. Prepare cutting schedule to minimise wastage. Prepare and raise monthly bills, claims with the main contractor or client. I declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and ability. (Sanjay R Pai)