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Microsoft Certified Programmer
Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 1 of 8
Email: SanjeevKumarPaul@Hotmail.com or SanjeevKumarPaul@Gmail.com
Phone: 732 694 0985
Microsoft Certified Professional with more than 15 years of experience in software application
development using Microsoft Technologies (VB6.0, ASP, C#, ASP.NET w/o MVC Pattern, Entity
Framework 6 (ADO.NET), WCF, .Net Framework 4.0/4.5, WPF (Prism), Team Foundation Server
(Continuous Integration, Task Allocation), HTML/HTML5, XML, XSL, VBScript and Java Script
(JQuery/Prototype/Angular JS Libraries) and along with Databases Oracle 10/11g and MS SQL
 Worked in N tier architecture Framework team for the Client(s) like, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan,
Bank of America, Pine River Capital Management and NBA (National Basketball Association).
 Hold a strong technical expertise in application on Windows platform; fluency in component/pattern
architecture (.NET Components, User Control, Prism, MVVC, MVC, MVP);
scripting/programming languages(C#, SQL/PL-SQL and VB/Java Script); strong knowledge of
RDBMS (MS SQL Server2000/2005/2008 and Oracle 8 to 11g) and Service Oriented Architecture
(Web Services, WCF, WEB API) and UI designing with ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and WPF.
 Good knowledge of software life cycle models (Water Fall, Spiral etc.). Good in Understanding the
specs, Design, Coding and Integrate it, with proper unit testing and integrating testing.
 Good knowledge on usage of Microsoft VISIO with respect to data modeling and domain diagram
 Good Knowledge of using Version Control via Team Foundation Server/SVN/Perforce. Understanding
of TFS 2010 with respect to Deliverables, User Stories and Tasks management, allocating work to
team members and setting for Gated check-ins and some partially scheduling click-once automated
MS-build process, along with Team City and Jerkins.
 Good knowledge on Object Oriented analysis, and UML and Design patterns and participated in Sprint
meetings daily basis.
Languages : C#, VB.NET, JavaScript
.NET Platforms : ASP.NET /w MVC, WEB API, WCF (Restful OData
Services), Entity Framework and WPF.
Framework : .Net 3.0/4.0/4.5, EF 5.0/6.0
Design Patterns : Prism  MVC/ MVVM/Repository-Unit of Work (Unity and NINJECT
as Dependency Injection)
Database/ETL : SQL Server 2005/2008, Oracle 8/10/11g
Operating Systems : Windows 9x/NT/XP/7/8/10
Tools : VSS, Sync fusion, TFS/Team City/JIRA (Gated Check-Ins, MS-Build
for Click Once), Component Space for SAML, Continuous Integration
with TFS and SQL Code Comparison and Toad for SQL Server.
Scripting : JQuery, Angular JS, Kendo UI, HTML5
Microsoft Certified Programmer
Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 2 of 8
Bank of America, NY June 2015 to Present
Project #1: RAILS
Role: Tech Lead
Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2013, Framework 4.5 (WCF, Web Services, Web
API), UI (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, Angular JS, Kendo UI) and Oracle/MS SQL Server.
Integrator with Components  JIRA (work allocation), TFS (VC & Builds), Perforce (SQL/PLSQL
The Registration and Licensing group at Bank of America Corporation is focused on creating an in house
application called RAILS (Registration and Insurance Licensing System) to centralize the licensing system
for Insurance, Securities, Registration and Mortgages. This will replace transaction services (not data)
from third party systems like NIPR (provides Insurance Licenses information), DTCC (provides
Appointments Information), RegEd (Regulatory Education and Continuing Education information), FINRA
(Securities Regulatory Information), NMLS (Mortgage Information) etc.
 Involved in developing framework with ASP.NET MVC, Angular-JS, Kendo UI.
 Architecting Server side Service Components via C#-WCF with Entity Framework 6.0 via
Repository/Unit of Work pattern to handle data using LINQ, Lambda Expressions, Generics etc.
 Designing and Scheduling Night Jobs within SQL Server and Pull Broker/Insurance information via
SSIS Packages from Oracle Centric database, (EAI tool) and push them to Centralized data store.
Packages uses Stored Procedures and Views to pull (Oracle) and store (SQL Server) information.
 Designingdatavalidationviainteractive WEB-APIcallsusingC#-ASP.Netforanykindof updatesfrom
anywhere within the organization.
 Architected frameworkforLoggingeachactionandAuditingimportantchangesto data,eitherfrom
UI or Service or WEB-API.
 Build WCF libraries where services exposed and consumed between many internal and external
 Create JQuery Asynchronous Ajax framework for on time web widgets.
 Extensively used Angular-JS, JQuery, Kendo UI (Grid, Tree View, Drop Down, Data Source, etc.)
objectsforrenderingdynamiclayoutdesignalong withHTML5for frontendclientside interactions.
 Participated in Integration Test between the modules. Written Unit Test cases in C# via NUNIT for
the modules developed by team.
 Actively Participated in handling Version control (Perforce) and Build and Schedule continuous
integration with other tools.
 ActivelyinvolvedinDatabase designandstoredprocedureoptimization,writingtechnical design
document,documentationof applicationflows,code reviewsandperformance tuning.
Pine River Capital Management, NY November 2014 to May 2015
Project #1: Pine Link Web, Workflow Engine
Role: Tech Lead
Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2013, Framework 4.5 (WCF, Web Services), UI
(ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, WPF and Win-forms) and MS SQL Server 2008.
Integrator with Components  NUGIT
Microsoft Certified Programmer
Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 3 of 8
 Understanding Business Requirement(s), Detail analyzing, Converting functional aspects into POC,
Coding, Integration Testing.
 CodingServerside WindowsServicesvia C#-WCFinordertopull tradeinformationbasedondifferent
destination for Hedge fund in a multithreaded Queued architecture.
 Design and code ASP.NET web Services for downstream systems and ASP.NET Web Pages via MVC
Pattern and HTML 5 for trade manipulations in real time with Signal-R.
 Enable Signal-RChatservice between the users within Web ASP.NET MVC web application via C#.
 Scheduling Night Jobs within SQL Server and Pull trade trenches and settlement details via SSIS
Packages (EAI tool) and push them to Centralized data store. Packages use Stored Procedures and
Views to store information.
 UsingKendoUI forASP.NETandAngularJS,implementeddatainthe formof Gridsand Graphs,with
export functionality.
 Created Asynchronous call oriented single page Web Application with JQuery which calls ASP.NET
Web Services and performs data updates well connected with SQL server via ADO.net.
 Coded Stored Procedures, User Defined functions, Views to incorporate the Updates and inserts
between tables within SQL Server.
 ParticipatedinIntegrationTestbetweenthe modules.WrittenUnitTestcasesinC# forthe modules
developed by team.
Speridian Technologies, MD March 2013  October 2014
Department: Benefit Align Health Exchange, MD
Project #1: Health Care Modulation Portal for Individual/Family and Small Groups
Role: Tech Lead
Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2010/2012, Framework 4.5 (WCF, Web Services),
UI (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, Angular JS, JQuery) and Oracle 11g.
Integrator with Components  Team Foundation Server, Component Space SAML implementation
for single sign on.
Benefit Align is a product for health care sale and management, built from scratch to facilitate all around
product load and enhanced way to sell and incorporate insurance detail for all States at USA. It was built
to consume data from OBAMA Health care and translate these into client specific requirement and also
have built in payment gateway for many a kinds of payment mechanism.
 Analyzing and Understanding Business Requirement from the functional Specifications.
 DesignedWCFWeb Services(C#,PL-SQL)inordertointeractwithouterworldERPapplications(such
as SAP) to gather medical history information for the Users in the system and persist via Stored
Procedures Oracle.
 Architectand Developfew componentswithC#in orderto interactwithlegacysystemsforpushing
data into downstream systems for detail analysis, like Credit Check, income verification, payment
integration etc.
 Developed Asp.net Web Pages with respect to data feed for the health insurance users.
 Architected advertisement site for the Health insurance plan videos incorporation with HTML5
canvases, preserve in the local storage and retrieve them on timely fashion.
 ArchitectedandcodedServicestogetusercreationatActiveDirectoryforthe clienttowhichinsured
planwas purchasedafterhe is approved.UsedforfurtherSSO (single signon) integrationacrossall
systems via SAML 2.0
Microsoft Certified Programmer
Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 4 of 8
 DesignedmanydifferentWebParts on UI regardingdetail billing withKendoUI/AngularJS/JQuery,
communication to customer support via Signal-R Chat, contact Google map service etc. to users
within the pages.
 Used IntegratedI-Frame parts to displayfor the partneredinsurance companycommunicationand
financial growth data for users to choose medical insurance plans.
JP Morgan Chase, NY March 2010  Feb 2013
Project #1: 1. Re-Engineering Commercial Paper (Conduit Management)
2. Surveillance Suite/AB-Suite Portal
Role: Tech Lead
Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Entity Framework (Code First), Visual studio 2008/2010,
Framework 3.0/3.5/4.0 (WCF, Web Services), UI (ASP.NET/HTML5, WPF-Prism) and MS SQL Server
2005/2008 and Oracle 11g.
Integrator with Components  Team Foundation Server.
Old system is being Re-Engineered with new business logic and enhancement with new technologies to
bring all the modules together into one application to have users access whole application in one go.
Enhance the existing portal and WCF application to force new modules into the same.
 Function specs understanding and detailing out with Flow Chat diagram. Designing Interaction
diagram between systems UML.
 Evaluated few tools with respect to .NET and SQL server and Active Directory for secure
communication between systems with FIX transport protocol.
 Designed and prototyped Integration channel via WCF/C# Windows services between financial
services(suchasBloomberg,FixedIncomeData) fordatapointsrequiredatSecuritizedAssetbacked
commercial Papers.
 Analyzed,Architected,Designed,CodedandImplementedSingle signonbetweenfinancial systems
via Active Directory Services filtering groups layering individual system.
 DesignedandcodedUI for mass data activityintegrationforcorrectionsandsubstitute commercial
paperswithothersecuritiesviaC#and Oracle (StoredProcedures&FunctionsPackaged) connected
via ADO.net.
 Writtenmany StoredProcedures andUser FunctionsonOracle/SQLServerfor instrumental datato
trigger the data updates via UI.
 ArchitectednightlybatchjobviaSSISpackages(EAI Tool),whichgetsinteractedwithUpstreamand
Downstream systems, for Security interest and settlement calculation.
 Automatedemail generatedreportviaShare Pointservicestothe requiredgroupsasweeklyservice
hosted on Business Layer server.
 Designed UI on ASP.NET for trading partners to look into their Securities and analyze market share
and chat with other users within their Active Directory groups via share point interaction within
HTML5 canvases.
 Designed interactive Help video pages with ASP.net and HTML5 canvases for training and
understanding as Wiki.
 Written unit test scripts for each layer of activityat Visual Studio for .net and consolidatedwith all
team members.
Microsoft Certified Programmer
Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 5 of 8
 Developed RSS feeds and relevant web services via C# and ASP.NET for quick review of data each
morning for relevant users.
Amtex Systems INC., NY Jan 2009  Feb 2010
Client: Human Resource Administration, NY (Brooklyn)
Projects: Food Stamp Employment Management,
Date of Birth Enquiry Report and
IVRS (Info line Verified Telephone Record Reporting System)
Role: Sr. Software Developer
Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2008, Framework 3.0/3.5(WCF, Windows
Services) Based on SOA Architecture, MS SQL Server 2005/Oracle 10g. Crystal Reports for the
Report designs, and JQuery and Prototype.js with Ajax Calls.
Integrator with Components  Team Foundation Server with Visual Studio
, Database Designing
Requirement was to manage the employment details of the under poverty level population throughout the
New York City and issue Food Stamps, Maintain DOH Call report and present it ad-hoc, and Generate
Web Pages for data entry of each communication at customer support based on department(s).
Client: National Basketball Associations (NBA), NJ (Secaucus)
Projects: 1. Desensitizing Commercials Information from Video,
2. VIDEO PAKAGING & RULE BOOK TOOL for Live Video Delivery and Guidance
3. CONTROL CENTER for Encoding Live Video
Role: Sr. Software Developer
Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2008, Framework 3.0(WCF, Windows
Services) Based on SOA Architecture, MS SQL Server 2000. Crystal Reports for Reports.
ASP.NET2.0 with AJAX Toolkit, JavaScript.
Integrator with Components  Team Foundation Server with Visual Studio, Database Designing
Requirement was to remove Commercials frames from the original video(s). And Sports Feed
management web site called as Rule Book.
 Analyzedclientserverrequirementsandspeckedoutdesigndocumentforthe same with UML and
Data Flow Diagrams.
 Proposedsolutionfurtherto analysissoastoreduce the cost andget independentonmaintenance.
 Designed and coded C# service which chops commercials from broadcasting videos of sports and
send to high end servers as streams.
 ArticulatedUIvia ASP.NETpagesfor Game Registrationasa Team or Individual memberandstored
the same with many conditional data at Oracle/SQL Server via Stored Procedures and Triggers.
 Written C# Windows Services to merge Video(s) from different camera sources to single length
pattern and send it to Processing server(s).
 Designed and coded Active Directory Service for categorizing groups between users for interacting
Web/Video Channel or Commercial correction for Upstream Systems.
 Coded mass video ready feed instructions from downstream system feed into ERP solution via
DTS/SSIS packages (EAI Tool) as a nightly batch job.
 Unit testedmany.netmodulessoasto integrate themintomassivewebprojectforthe playersand
users for easy interactivity.
Microsoft Certified Programmer
Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 6 of 8
 Developed many web pages with ASP.NET for administrative work like approval/denial, director
notes, etc.
 Developed web-widgets as web parts within main web site for Referee to set points and note
behavior off the players, for Players to send notes to team management, for team management
analyze these sets of data and take action.
 DevelopedmanyC#-ASP.NETWebServicesfordownstreamsystemtoknow the status of the video
feeds per game, which were pulled by any authenticated users.
HCL Technologies, Bangalore (India) July 2004  July 2007
Client: Deutsche Bank, NY
Projects: 1. ARCSFX II (Forex Schedule and Risk Management)
2. Profit and Loss Reconciliation and Reporting.
Role: Sr. Software Developer and DBA
Environments: ASP.NET2.0, C#.NET,ADO.NET, Visual studio 2005, Web Forms, VB 6.0 &
JavaScript, Framework 2.0, MS SQL Server 2000.
Report Designer - XML (SCHEMA), XSD, XPath, XSL, XSLT
Integrator with Components - Web-services, Visual Source Safe, Database Designing and .Net
 Developedenterprise applicationsolutionforforeignexchangetrading,riskmanagement,profitand
loss reconciliation and reporting.
 WrittenSQL serverstoredprocedures,functionsandtriggerswithrespectto businessrequirement
for reporting.
 Participatedinintegrationandunittestbetweenthe modulesanddeploymentasapartof complete
life cycle of the projects.
 UsedVB,ASP.NET,asUImediumtodisplayuseraboutthe datapointsinagirdlayoutandchatlayout.
 Provided Web Parts for correction of data within UI, sent to approval as email link to managers via
Active Directory services to recognize managers for the interactive user/data.
 Processed Excel, CSV data so as to parse into XML (XSD & XPath and considered for schema
verification) via WCF built Windows Servicesand push them to SQL Server via DTS Transformation
(EAI tool).
 Coded Ajax interaction webparts for quick update on recall of data during any phase as user looks
into main pages.
 Developed C#, ASP.NET Web Services for the downstream system to pick the relevant loaded data
as a part of P/L reporting or exchange rate calculation.
 For the back end systems, Designed VB win forms for quick access.
 DesignedandcodedDTSPackagestooforheavydutydataloadon PLand Riskbaseddatapatternas
a night batched and configured support email on the same service if there is a leak.
 Performed unit and quality testing on each of the module developed before production and
supported well at integration testing.
Apollo Health Street, India (Hyderabad) August 2002 to June 2004
Project(s): 1. Clinical System
2. Lifeline (Hospital Management System)
3. Management Reporting
Microsoft Certified Programmer
Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 7 of 8
Role: Sr. Software Developer
Languages: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2003, ASP, Dot net Framework 1.0 and Win-Forms ,
VBScript, JScript, XML, XSL, MS OLAP, Analysis Server (MDX)
Report Designer: Crystal Reports 8.0
Database Designing: MS SQL Server 2000.
 Performedseniorsoftwareengineeringandprogrammingdutiesforamajorproviderof HealthCare
services in India. Developed application solutions for Health Care services including Clinical
ManagementSystems,andHospital ManagementSystems.Responsible forthe analysisandcoding
of software modules for the front-end and back-end of the overall enterprise solutions. Performed
application unit testing and quality control.
Tangent InfoTech Pvt. Ltd., India (Visakhapatnam) July 2000  July 2002
Projects: 1. Procurement and Sales Automation System
2. The Vedic Light for Ancient Wisdom, Australian University
Role: Software Developer
Languages  ASP, VBScript, Jscript, ADO, B6.0, and Reports at RTF Files.
Database: MS ACCESS
Day to Day milk procurement, transactions and Reports.
 Performed software engineering and programming duties. Performed software coding of modules
for the front-end and backend of assigned projects. Performed software code analysis and was
responsible forthe implementationanddeliveryof the completedapplication.Integrateddeveloped
code within the primary application and performed functional unit testing. Provided Technical
support and training to the end-user.
APRIL 01 2001 TO AUGUST 31 2003
MAY 01 1996 TO MARCH 31 1999
MAY 01 1994 TO MARCH 31 1996
MAY 01 1993 TO MARCH 31 1994
Microsoft Certified Programmer
Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 8 of 8
1. MCP in C#, Windows Application with C# in 2006 Jan, with 94%.
2. MCP in Visual Basic 6.0, securing 90% as aggregate.
3. HDSE (Higher Diploma in Software Engineering) through APTECH during 2006.

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  • 1. Microsoft Certified Programmer Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 1 of 8 SANJEEV KUMAR PAUL Email: SanjeevKumarPaul@Hotmail.com or SanjeevKumarPaul@Gmail.com Phone: 732 694 0985 SUMMARY Microsoft Certified Professional with more than 15 years of experience in software application development using Microsoft Technologies (VB6.0, ASP, C#, ASP.NET w/o MVC Pattern, Entity Framework 6 (ADO.NET), WCF, .Net Framework 4.0/4.5, WPF (Prism), Team Foundation Server (Continuous Integration, Task Allocation), HTML/HTML5, XML, XSL, VBScript and Java Script (JQuery/Prototype/Angular JS Libraries) and along with Databases Oracle 10/11g and MS SQL Server. Worked in N tier architecture Framework team for the Client(s) like, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Pine River Capital Management and NBA (National Basketball Association). Hold a strong technical expertise in application on Windows platform; fluency in component/pattern architecture (.NET Components, User Control, Prism, MVVC, MVC, MVP); scripting/programming languages(C#, SQL/PL-SQL and VB/Java Script); strong knowledge of RDBMS (MS SQL Server2000/2005/2008 and Oracle 8 to 11g) and Service Oriented Architecture (Web Services, WCF, WEB API) and UI designing with ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and WPF. Good knowledge of software life cycle models (Water Fall, Spiral etc.). Good in Understanding the specs, Design, Coding and Integrate it, with proper unit testing and integrating testing. Good knowledge on usage of Microsoft VISIO with respect to data modeling and domain diagram designing. Good Knowledge of using Version Control via Team Foundation Server/SVN/Perforce. Understanding of TFS 2010 with respect to Deliverables, User Stories and Tasks management, allocating work to team members and setting for Gated check-ins and some partially scheduling click-once automated MS-build process, along with Team City and Jerkins. Good knowledge on Object Oriented analysis, and UML and Design patterns and participated in Sprint meetings daily basis. TECHNICAL SKILLS Languages : C#, VB.NET, JavaScript .NET Platforms : ASP.NET /w MVC, WEB API, WCF (Restful OData Services), Entity Framework and WPF. Framework : .Net 3.0/4.0/4.5, EF 5.0/6.0 Design Patterns : Prism MVC/ MVVM/Repository-Unit of Work (Unity and NINJECT as Dependency Injection) Database/ETL : SQL Server 2005/2008, Oracle 8/10/11g Operating Systems : Windows 9x/NT/XP/7/8/10 Tools : VSS, Sync fusion, TFS/Team City/JIRA (Gated Check-Ins, MS-Build for Click Once), Component Space for SAML, Continuous Integration with TFS and SQL Code Comparison and Toad for SQL Server. Scripting : JQuery, Angular JS, Kendo UI, HTML5
  • 2. Microsoft Certified Programmer Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 2 of 8 EXPERIENCE Bank of America, NY June 2015 to Present Project #1: RAILS Role: Tech Lead Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2013, Framework 4.5 (WCF, Web Services, Web API), UI (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, Angular JS, Kendo UI) and Oracle/MS SQL Server. Integrator with Components JIRA (work allocation), TFS (VC & Builds), Perforce (SQL/PLSQL VC), The Registration and Licensing group at Bank of America Corporation is focused on creating an in house application called RAILS (Registration and Insurance Licensing System) to centralize the licensing system for Insurance, Securities, Registration and Mortgages. This will replace transaction services (not data) from third party systems like NIPR (provides Insurance Licenses information), DTCC (provides Appointments Information), RegEd (Regulatory Education and Continuing Education information), FINRA (Securities Regulatory Information), NMLS (Mortgage Information) etc. Responsibilities Involved in developing framework with ASP.NET MVC, Angular-JS, Kendo UI. Architecting Server side Service Components via C#-WCF with Entity Framework 6.0 via Repository/Unit of Work pattern to handle data using LINQ, Lambda Expressions, Generics etc. Designing and Scheduling Night Jobs within SQL Server and Pull Broker/Insurance information via SSIS Packages from Oracle Centric database, (EAI tool) and push them to Centralized data store. Packages uses Stored Procedures and Views to pull (Oracle) and store (SQL Server) information. Designingdatavalidationviainteractive WEB-APIcallsusingC#-ASP.Netforanykindof updatesfrom anywhere within the organization. Architected frameworkforLoggingeachactionandAuditingimportantchangesto data,eitherfrom UI or Service or WEB-API. Build WCF libraries where services exposed and consumed between many internal and external systemsalongwithWebAPIforoptimizedandlightweightdatatransformationbetweenUIandDB. Create JQuery Asynchronous Ajax framework for on time web widgets. Extensively used Angular-JS, JQuery, Kendo UI (Grid, Tree View, Drop Down, Data Source, etc.) objectsforrenderingdynamiclayoutdesignalong withHTML5for frontendclientside interactions. Participated in Integration Test between the modules. Written Unit Test cases in C# via NUNIT for the modules developed by team. Actively Participated in handling Version control (Perforce) and Build and Schedule continuous integration with other tools. ActivelyinvolvedinDatabase designandstoredprocedureoptimization,writingtechnical design document,documentationof applicationflows,code reviewsandperformance tuning. Pine River Capital Management, NY November 2014 to May 2015 Project #1: Pine Link Web, Workflow Engine Role: Tech Lead Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2013, Framework 4.5 (WCF, Web Services), UI (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, WPF and Win-forms) and MS SQL Server 2008. Integrator with Components NUGIT
  • 3. Microsoft Certified Programmer Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 3 of 8 Responsibilities Understanding Business Requirement(s), Detail analyzing, Converting functional aspects into POC, Coding, Integration Testing. CodingServerside WindowsServicesvia C#-WCFinordertopull tradeinformationbasedondifferent destination for Hedge fund in a multithreaded Queued architecture. Design and code ASP.NET web Services for downstream systems and ASP.NET Web Pages via MVC Pattern and HTML 5 for trade manipulations in real time with Signal-R. Enable Signal-RChatservice between the users within Web ASP.NET MVC web application via C#. Scheduling Night Jobs within SQL Server and Pull trade trenches and settlement details via SSIS Packages (EAI tool) and push them to Centralized data store. Packages use Stored Procedures and Views to store information. UsingKendoUI forASP.NETandAngularJS,implementeddatainthe formof Gridsand Graphs,with export functionality. Created Asynchronous call oriented single page Web Application with JQuery which calls ASP.NET Web Services and performs data updates well connected with SQL server via ADO.net. Coded Stored Procedures, User Defined functions, Views to incorporate the Updates and inserts between tables within SQL Server. ParticipatedinIntegrationTestbetweenthe modules.WrittenUnitTestcasesinC# forthe modules developed by team. Speridian Technologies, MD March 2013 October 2014 Department: Benefit Align Health Exchange, MD Project #1: Health Care Modulation Portal for Individual/Family and Small Groups Role: Tech Lead Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2010/2012, Framework 4.5 (WCF, Web Services), UI (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, Angular JS, JQuery) and Oracle 11g. Integrator with Components Team Foundation Server, Component Space SAML implementation for single sign on. Benefit Align is a product for health care sale and management, built from scratch to facilitate all around product load and enhanced way to sell and incorporate insurance detail for all States at USA. It was built to consume data from OBAMA Health care and translate these into client specific requirement and also have built in payment gateway for many a kinds of payment mechanism. Responsibilities Analyzing and Understanding Business Requirement from the functional Specifications. DesignedWCFWeb Services(C#,PL-SQL)inordertointeractwithouterworldERPapplications(such as SAP) to gather medical history information for the Users in the system and persist via Stored Procedures Oracle. Architectand Developfew componentswithC#in orderto interactwithlegacysystemsforpushing data into downstream systems for detail analysis, like Credit Check, income verification, payment integration etc. Developed Asp.net Web Pages with respect to data feed for the health insurance users. Architected advertisement site for the Health insurance plan videos incorporation with HTML5 canvases, preserve in the local storage and retrieve them on timely fashion. ArchitectedandcodedServicestogetusercreationatActiveDirectoryforthe clienttowhichinsured planwas purchasedafterhe is approved.UsedforfurtherSSO (single signon) integrationacrossall systems via SAML 2.0
  • 4. Microsoft Certified Programmer Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 4 of 8 DesignedmanydifferentWebParts on UI regardingdetail billing withKendoUI/AngularJS/JQuery, communication to customer support via Signal-R Chat, contact Google map service etc. to users within the pages. Used IntegratedI-Frame parts to displayfor the partneredinsurance companycommunicationand financial growth data for users to choose medical insurance plans. JP Morgan Chase, NY March 2010 Feb 2013 Project #1: 1. Re-Engineering Commercial Paper (Conduit Management) 2. Surveillance Suite/AB-Suite Portal Role: Tech Lead Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Entity Framework (Code First), Visual studio 2008/2010, Framework 3.0/3.5/4.0 (WCF, Web Services), UI (ASP.NET/HTML5, WPF-Prism) and MS SQL Server 2005/2008 and Oracle 11g. Integrator with Components Team Foundation Server. Old system is being Re-Engineered with new business logic and enhancement with new technologies to bring all the modules together into one application to have users access whole application in one go. Enhance the existing portal and WCF application to force new modules into the same. Responsibilities Function specs understanding and detailing out with Flow Chat diagram. Designing Interaction diagram between systems UML. Evaluated few tools with respect to .NET and SQL server and Active Directory for secure communication between systems with FIX transport protocol. Designed and prototyped Integration channel via WCF/C# Windows services between financial services(suchasBloomberg,FixedIncomeData) fordatapointsrequiredatSecuritizedAssetbacked commercial Papers. Analyzed,Architected,Designed,CodedandImplementedSingle signonbetweenfinancial systems via Active Directory Services filtering groups layering individual system. DesignedandcodedUI for mass data activityintegrationforcorrectionsandsubstitute commercial paperswithothersecuritiesviaC#and Oracle (StoredProcedures&FunctionsPackaged) connected via ADO.net. Writtenmany StoredProcedures andUser FunctionsonOracle/SQLServerfor instrumental datato trigger the data updates via UI. ArchitectednightlybatchjobviaSSISpackages(EAI Tool),whichgetsinteractedwithUpstreamand Downstream systems, for Security interest and settlement calculation. Automatedemail generatedreportviaShare Pointservicestothe requiredgroupsasweeklyservice hosted on Business Layer server. Designed UI on ASP.NET for trading partners to look into their Securities and analyze market share and chat with other users within their Active Directory groups via share point interaction within HTML5 canvases. Designed interactive Help video pages with ASP.net and HTML5 canvases for training and understanding as Wiki. Written unit test scripts for each layer of activityat Visual Studio for .net and consolidatedwith all team members.
  • 5. Microsoft Certified Programmer Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 5 of 8 Developed RSS feeds and relevant web services via C# and ASP.NET for quick review of data each morning for relevant users. Amtex Systems INC., NY Jan 2009 Feb 2010 Client: Human Resource Administration, NY (Brooklyn) Projects: Food Stamp Employment Management, Date of Birth Enquiry Report and IVRS (Info line Verified Telephone Record Reporting System) Role: Sr. Software Developer Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2008, Framework 3.0/3.5(WCF, Windows Services) Based on SOA Architecture, MS SQL Server 2005/Oracle 10g. Crystal Reports for the Report designs, and JQuery and Prototype.js with Ajax Calls. Integrator with Components Team Foundation Server with Visual Studio , Database Designing Requirement was to manage the employment details of the under poverty level population throughout the New York City and issue Food Stamps, Maintain DOH Call report and present it ad-hoc, and Generate Web Pages for data entry of each communication at customer support based on department(s). Client: National Basketball Associations (NBA), NJ (Secaucus) Projects: 1. Desensitizing Commercials Information from Video, 2. VIDEO PAKAGING & RULE BOOK TOOL for Live Video Delivery and Guidance 3. CONTROL CENTER for Encoding Live Video Role: Sr. Software Developer Environment: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2008, Framework 3.0(WCF, Windows Services) Based on SOA Architecture, MS SQL Server 2000. Crystal Reports for Reports. ASP.NET2.0 with AJAX Toolkit, JavaScript. Integrator with Components Team Foundation Server with Visual Studio, Database Designing Requirement was to remove Commercials frames from the original video(s). And Sports Feed management web site called as Rule Book. Responsibilities Analyzedclientserverrequirementsandspeckedoutdesigndocumentforthe same with UML and Data Flow Diagrams. Proposedsolutionfurtherto analysissoastoreduce the cost andget independentonmaintenance. Designed and coded C# service which chops commercials from broadcasting videos of sports and send to high end servers as streams. ArticulatedUIvia ASP.NETpagesfor Game Registrationasa Team or Individual memberandstored the same with many conditional data at Oracle/SQL Server via Stored Procedures and Triggers. Written C# Windows Services to merge Video(s) from different camera sources to single length pattern and send it to Processing server(s). Designed and coded Active Directory Service for categorizing groups between users for interacting Web/Video Channel or Commercial correction for Upstream Systems. Coded mass video ready feed instructions from downstream system feed into ERP solution via DTS/SSIS packages (EAI Tool) as a nightly batch job. Unit testedmany.netmodulessoasto integrate themintomassivewebprojectforthe playersand users for easy interactivity.
  • 6. Microsoft Certified Programmer Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 6 of 8 Developed many web pages with ASP.NET for administrative work like approval/denial, director notes, etc. Developed web-widgets as web parts within main web site for Referee to set points and note behavior off the players, for Players to send notes to team management, for team management analyze these sets of data and take action. DevelopedmanyC#-ASP.NETWebServicesfordownstreamsystemtoknow the status of the video feeds per game, which were pulled by any authenticated users. HCL Technologies, Bangalore (India) July 2004 July 2007 Client: Deutsche Bank, NY Projects: 1. ARCSFX II (Forex Schedule and Risk Management) 2. Profit and Loss Reconciliation and Reporting. Role: Sr. Software Developer and DBA Environments: ASP.NET2.0, C#.NET,ADO.NET, Visual studio 2005, Web Forms, VB 6.0 & JavaScript, Framework 2.0, MS SQL Server 2000. Report Designer - XML (SCHEMA), XSD, XPath, XSL, XSLT Integrator with Components - Web-services, Visual Source Safe, Database Designing and .Net Remoting. Responsibilities Developedenterprise applicationsolutionforforeignexchangetrading,riskmanagement,profitand loss reconciliation and reporting. WrittenSQL serverstoredprocedures,functionsandtriggerswithrespectto businessrequirement for reporting. Participatedinintegrationandunittestbetweenthe modulesanddeploymentasapartof complete life cycle of the projects. UsedVB,ASP.NET,asUImediumtodisplayuseraboutthe datapointsinagirdlayoutandchatlayout. Provided Web Parts for correction of data within UI, sent to approval as email link to managers via Active Directory services to recognize managers for the interactive user/data. Processed Excel, CSV data so as to parse into XML (XSD & XPath and considered for schema verification) via WCF built Windows Servicesand push them to SQL Server via DTS Transformation (EAI tool). Coded Ajax interaction webparts for quick update on recall of data during any phase as user looks into main pages. Developed C#, ASP.NET Web Services for the downstream system to pick the relevant loaded data as a part of P/L reporting or exchange rate calculation. For the back end systems, Designed VB win forms for quick access. DesignedandcodedDTSPackagestooforheavydutydataloadon PLand Riskbaseddatapatternas a night batched and configured support email on the same service if there is a leak. Performed unit and quality testing on each of the module developed before production and supported well at integration testing. Apollo Health Street, India (Hyderabad) August 2002 to June 2004 Project(s): 1. Clinical System 2. Lifeline (Hospital Management System) 3. Management Reporting
  • 7. Microsoft Certified Programmer Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 7 of 8 Role: Sr. Software Developer Languages: C#.NET, ADO.NET, Visual studio 2003, ASP, Dot net Framework 1.0 and Win-Forms , VBScript, JScript, XML, XSL, MS OLAP, Analysis Server (MDX) Report Designer: Crystal Reports 8.0 Database Designing: MS SQL Server 2000. Responsibilities Performedseniorsoftwareengineeringandprogrammingdutiesforamajorproviderof HealthCare services in India. Developed application solutions for Health Care services including Clinical ManagementSystems,andHospital ManagementSystems.Responsible forthe analysisandcoding of software modules for the front-end and back-end of the overall enterprise solutions. Performed application unit testing and quality control. Tangent InfoTech Pvt. Ltd., India (Visakhapatnam) July 2000 July 2002 Projects: 1. Procurement and Sales Automation System 2. The Vedic Light for Ancient Wisdom, Australian University Role: Software Developer Languages ASP, VBScript, Jscript, ADO, B6.0, and Reports at RTF Files. Database: MS ACCESS Day to Day milk procurement, transactions and Reports. Responsibilities Performed software engineering and programming duties. Performed software coding of modules for the front-end and backend of assigned projects. Performed software code analysis and was responsible forthe implementationanddeliveryof the completedapplication.Integrateddeveloped code within the primary application and performed functional unit testing. Provided Technical support and training to the end-user. EDUCATION MASTER OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APRIL 01 2001 TO AUGUST 31 2003 SIKKIM MANIPAL UNIVERSITY 5TH MILE, TANDONG, GANGTOK SIKKIM 737 102 INDIA BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) MAY 01 1996 TO MARCH 31 1999 ANDHRA UNIVERSITY ANDHRA UNIVERSITY, VISAKHAPATNAM, ANDHRA PRADESH 530 003 INDIA 11TH & 12TH GRADE (INTERMEDIATE) CERTIFICATION MAY 01 1994 TO MARCH 31 1996 BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION GOVT. OF ANDHRA PRADESH VIDHYABHAVAN, NAMPALLY HYDERABAD - 500001 ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA 10TH GRADE (SECONDARY SCHOOL) CERTIFICATION MAY 01 1993 TO MARCH 31 1994
  • 8. Microsoft Certified Programmer Sanjeev Kumar Paul Page 8 of 8 BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION ANDHRA PRADESH DIRECTOR OF GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS CHAPEL ROAD, NAMPALLY, HYDERABAD (A.P.) - 500 001. CERTIFICATION 1. MCP in C#, Windows Application with C# in 2006 Jan, with 94%. 2. MCP in Visual Basic 6.0, securing 90% as aggregate. 3. HDSE (Higher Diploma in Software Engineering) through APTECH during 2006.