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                                                        Ana Sequeira

息 2011 Visionary Partners | This document cannot be reproduced without the previous authorization of Visionary Partners
Not exaustive
Our professionals experience

Ana Sofia Sequeira is a senior consultant and managing partner in Visionary Partners since October 2009.

Is specialized in the financial area and participated in several nacional and internacional projects.

Her professional experience includes the following customers/projects:

         Forbo Portugal  Rollout project (ECC6.0). Advisor regarding the implementation of SAP system in Portugal                    Ana Sofia Sim探es Sequeira
          taking into consideration the portuguse legal requirements and process optimization.                                         Senior Consultant
         HONDA PORTUGAL  Rollout project (ECC6.0). Responsible for the rollout of SAP system in Portugal taking
          into consideration the portuguse legal requirements, process optimization and adaption to portuguese reality.                Studies
          Modules: FI-GL; FI-AP; FI-AR; FI-TR; FI-CO.                                                                                  - Management degree by Instituto
                                                                                                                                       Superior de Economia e Gest達o da
         INSTITUTO DE INFORMTICA DO MINISTRIO DAS FINANAS (Portuguese Ministry of Finance)                                        Universidade T辿cnica de Lisboa
          Implementation of a funcionality to convert the Portuguese budget automatically (from transitory to definitive)              (ISEG);
          Modules: EA-PS.                                                                                                              - Specialization in Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                                        Instituto de Forma巽達o Empresarial
         GRUPO MEDIA CAPITAL  Accounting conversion (to portuguese SNC) using the tool SLO from SAP;
                                                                                                                                       Avan巽ada (IFEA  ISEG);
         ISQ  Accounting conversion (to portuguese SNC) using the tool SLO from SAP. System maintenance                              -   Certified   trainner   nr   EDF
          (correctional). Implementation of Liquidity Planner to use Cash Flow Statement.                                              540000/2010 DL
                                                                                                                                       - SAP FI-CO academy.
         SONILS (Logistics Services Sonangol)  System maintenance (correctional). Implementation of Liquidity
          Planner to use Cash Flow Statement.                                                                                          Languages
                                                                                                                                       Portuguese, English.
         GRUPO GALP ENERGIA  Design and implementation of Legal Consolidation of the company (SEM-BCS).
          Business Blueprint to year end closure optimization.

         息 2011 Visionary Partners | This document cannot be reproduced without the previous authorization of Visionary Partners
Not Exaustive
Our professionals experience (cont.)

       GRUPO MEDIA CAPITAL  Evolutive maitenance in SAP ECC5.0. Team Leader operacional manager.

       AREA Infinitas  Implementation of mySAP Retail (ECC 6.0). Integrated in the financial team, was focused
        mainely in the modules of Accounts Payable (FI-AP), Accounts Receivable (FI-AR), and participated in the
        implementation of the General Ledger and Cash Managment (TR-CM) modules;

       TEIXEIRA DUARTE  Upgrade from SAP version 4.6C to ECC6.0. Responsible for the financial area. Modules:                      Ana Sofia Sim探es Sequeira
        Accounts Payable (FI-AP), Accounts Receivable (FI-AR), Assets (FI-AA), Controlling (FI-CO), Cash Managment                   Senior Consultant
        (TR-CM), and Treasury - Loans (TR-LO).                                                                                       Financials

       NEO ENERGA  Design and implementation of the modules: Treasury Loans (TR-LO) e Treasury Management                         Habilita巽探es Liter叩rias
        in the components Derivative Financial Instruments (TR-TM-TR-DE) and Money Market (TR-TM-TR-MM). The                         - Licenciatura em Gest達o, Instituto
        implementation was for 88 companies of the group. Project based in Madrid, official language was Spanish.                    Superior de Economia e Gest達o da
                                                                                                                                     Universidade T辿cnica de Lisboa
       METROPOLITANO DE LISBOA  Upgrade from SAP version 4.6C to ECC6.0. Team leader for the financial
        area. Modules: Accounts Payable (FI-AP), Accounts Receivable (FI-AR), Assets (FI-AA), Controlling (FI-CO),
                                                                                                                                     - Curso de Especializa巽達o em
        and Cash Managment (TR-CM).
                                                                                                                                     Empreededorismo  Instituto de
       GRUPO SAG  Upgrade from SAP version 4.6C to ECC5.0. Participated in the modules Accounts Payable (FI-                       Forma巽達o Empresarial Avan巽ada
        AP), Accounts Receivable (FI-AR), Assets (FI-AA), Controlling (FI-CO), Cash Managment (TR-CM); Treasury                      (IFEA  ISEG);
        Loans (TR-LO) and Treasury Managment in the component Derivative Financial Instruments (TR-TM-TR-DE)                         - Certificado de aptid達o pedag坦gica
        and Money Market (TR-TM-TR-MM). Participated also in the implementation of Accruals, new ledger and year e-                  n尊 EDF 540000/2010 DL
        nd closure program.                                                                                                          - Academia SAP FI-CO.

                                                                                                                                     Portugu棚s, Ingl棚s.

       息 2011 Visionary Partners | This document cannot be reproduced without the previous authorization of Visionary Partners

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  • 1. CURRiCULUM Ana Sequeira 息 2011 Visionary Partners | This document cannot be reproduced without the previous authorization of Visionary Partners
  • 2. Not exaustive Our professionals experience Ana Sofia Sequeira is a senior consultant and managing partner in Visionary Partners since October 2009. Is specialized in the financial area and participated in several nacional and internacional projects. Her professional experience includes the following customers/projects: Forbo Portugal Rollout project (ECC6.0). Advisor regarding the implementation of SAP system in Portugal Ana Sofia Sim探es Sequeira taking into consideration the portuguse legal requirements and process optimization. Senior Consultant Financials HONDA PORTUGAL Rollout project (ECC6.0). Responsible for the rollout of SAP system in Portugal taking into consideration the portuguse legal requirements, process optimization and adaption to portuguese reality. Studies Modules: FI-GL; FI-AP; FI-AR; FI-TR; FI-CO. - Management degree by Instituto Superior de Economia e Gest達o da INSTITUTO DE INFORMTICA DO MINISTRIO DAS FINANAS (Portuguese Ministry of Finance) Universidade T辿cnica de Lisboa Implementation of a funcionality to convert the Portuguese budget automatically (from transitory to definitive) (ISEG); Modules: EA-PS. - Specialization in Entrepreneurship Instituto de Forma巽達o Empresarial GRUPO MEDIA CAPITAL Accounting conversion (to portuguese SNC) using the tool SLO from SAP; Avan巽ada (IFEA ISEG); ISQ Accounting conversion (to portuguese SNC) using the tool SLO from SAP. System maintenance - Certified trainner nr EDF (correctional). Implementation of Liquidity Planner to use Cash Flow Statement. 540000/2010 DL - SAP FI-CO academy. SONILS (Logistics Services Sonangol) System maintenance (correctional). Implementation of Liquidity Planner to use Cash Flow Statement. Languages Portuguese, English. GRUPO GALP ENERGIA Design and implementation of Legal Consolidation of the company (SEM-BCS). Business Blueprint to year end closure optimization. 2 息 2011 Visionary Partners | This document cannot be reproduced without the previous authorization of Visionary Partners
  • 3. Not Exaustive Our professionals experience (cont.) GRUPO MEDIA CAPITAL Evolutive maitenance in SAP ECC5.0. Team Leader operacional manager. AREA Infinitas Implementation of mySAP Retail (ECC 6.0). Integrated in the financial team, was focused mainely in the modules of Accounts Payable (FI-AP), Accounts Receivable (FI-AR), and participated in the implementation of the General Ledger and Cash Managment (TR-CM) modules; TEIXEIRA DUARTE Upgrade from SAP version 4.6C to ECC6.0. Responsible for the financial area. Modules: Ana Sofia Sim探es Sequeira Accounts Payable (FI-AP), Accounts Receivable (FI-AR), Assets (FI-AA), Controlling (FI-CO), Cash Managment Senior Consultant (TR-CM), and Treasury - Loans (TR-LO). Financials NEO ENERGA Design and implementation of the modules: Treasury Loans (TR-LO) e Treasury Management Habilita巽探es Liter叩rias in the components Derivative Financial Instruments (TR-TM-TR-DE) and Money Market (TR-TM-TR-MM). The - Licenciatura em Gest達o, Instituto implementation was for 88 companies of the group. Project based in Madrid, official language was Spanish. Superior de Economia e Gest達o da Universidade T辿cnica de Lisboa METROPOLITANO DE LISBOA Upgrade from SAP version 4.6C to ECC6.0. Team leader for the financial (ISEG); area. Modules: Accounts Payable (FI-AP), Accounts Receivable (FI-AR), Assets (FI-AA), Controlling (FI-CO), - Curso de Especializa巽達o em and Cash Managment (TR-CM). Empreededorismo Instituto de GRUPO SAG Upgrade from SAP version 4.6C to ECC5.0. Participated in the modules Accounts Payable (FI- Forma巽達o Empresarial Avan巽ada AP), Accounts Receivable (FI-AR), Assets (FI-AA), Controlling (FI-CO), Cash Managment (TR-CM); Treasury (IFEA ISEG); Loans (TR-LO) and Treasury Managment in the component Derivative Financial Instruments (TR-TM-TR-DE) - Certificado de aptid達o pedag坦gica and Money Market (TR-TM-TR-MM). Participated also in the implementation of Accruals, new ledger and year e- n尊 EDF 540000/2010 DL nd closure program. - Academia SAP FI-CO. Idiomas Portugu棚s, Ingl棚s. 3 息 2011 Visionary Partners | This document cannot be reproduced without the previous authorization of Visionary Partners