This document contains 10 multiple choice questions related to SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting. The questions cover topics such as when document numbers are assigned, differences between international and local GAAP, how SAP HANA architecture improves performance, required fields for document entry, asset class data sections, the SAP product that supports digital transformation, currency types that can be set, hardware technologies used by SAP HANA, business scenarios for accrual and deferral postings, and vendor/customer payment settings.
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1. 01. Duringwhichactionsdoesthe systemassignthe documentnumberforFinancial Accounting?
There are 2 correct answersto thisquestion.
a) Park
b) Hold
c) Post
d) Simulate
02. In an assetmainnumberinAssetAccounting,whichinformationcanbe differentbetween
international GAAPandlocal GAAP?
There are 2 correct answersto thisquestion.
a) Capitalizationdate
b) Netbook value
c) Assetclass
d) Deprecationstartdate
03. How doesthe SAPHANA architecture improve SAPS/4HANA systemperformance?
Please choose the correctanswer.
a) SAPHANA usesa structuredhierarchical datamodel withamultitude of leanprebuiltaggregated
tablestowrite efficientcode.
b) SAP HANA makesextensiveuse of database indexesprovidingcommonaccesspathsto data in
orderto improve accessspeed.
c) SAPHANA allowsyoutobuildaggregate tablesontopof aggregatesand,inaddition,special
versionsof the database tablestosupportspecial applications.
d) SAP HANA organizesdatainline itemtablesandcanaggregate data fromthese line itemtablesat
04. You wantto make the field"Reference documentnumber"requiredforentry.Whichobject
Please choose the correctanswer.
a) Documenttype
b) Documentreference key
c) Documentfieldstatus
d) Documentpostingkey
2. 05. Whichdata sectionsare part of everyassetclass?
There are 2 correct answersto thisquestion.
a) Depreciationdatasection
b) Master data section
c) Accountdeterminationdatasection
d) Valuationareadata section
06. WhichSAPtechnological productprovidesthe platformrequiredforSAPtosupportthe digital
transformationof anorganization?
Please choose the correctanswer.
c) SAPFiori
d) SAP NetWeaver
07. Whichcurrency typescanyou setin customizingactivity"definesettingforledgersandcurrency
There are 2 correct answersto thisquestion.
a) Material LedgerCurrency
b) Transaction Currency
c) Local Currency
d) Group Currency
08. SAPHANA makesextensive use of whichhigh-speedhardware technologytooffermore speed?
Please choose the correctanswer.
a) Read-onlymemory
b) Solid-State Drives(SSDs)
c) Graphic ProcessingUnits(GPUs)
d) Multicore CPUs
09. Whichbusinessscenarioscanbe handledwithaccrual anddeferral postings?
3. Please choose the correctanswer.
a) One-time paymentforfixingfloodingdamage
b) Monthlyrent paymentsforan office building
c) One-time paymentforone-yearcloudstorage service
d) Monthlysubscriptiontoa financial newspaper
10. A vendorisalsoa customer.The paymentprogramhas to clearthe openitems.Whichsetting
has to be maintainedforthe businesspartner?
Please choose the correctanswer.
a) The account link
b) The same paymentmethod
c) The alternative payerandpayee
d) The same bankdetails
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