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 18 Palfrey Street
 Watertown, MA 02472

  鰹器駕o器ワo器居駕ワワэ                                 AutoCAD
  Boston, MA                                                  4 years
  Advanced AutoCAD                                            Illustrator
  Summer Continuing Education, 2008                           2 Years
  ¥駕駈¥駕わ駈ワ駕鰹器                                          7 years
  Cambridge, MA                                               Indesign
  Theory of Globalization, Sociology                          6 years
  Summer Continuing Education, 2007                           Lasercutting
                                                              1 year
  わワ鰹¥わoワ鰹э                        Hand drafting
                                                              Photography: digital and traditional
  Providence, RI
                                                              Wood working: General woodshop
  Bachelor of Architecture, 2007
  Bachelor of Fine Arts, 2007
  Liberal Arts, Pending
  Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
                                                              Photoshop rendering of Thornes,
                                                              Northampton selected for publication in
                                                   NY real estate magazine.
                                                              Completed for APD, Cambridge MA 2008
  Center Sandwich, NH I August - September 09                oo駕ワわ器¥器
  Began construction of a house I have designed for           Degree Project selected to represent
  my parents. Design includes general structure,              Architecture department
  lighting plan, window specs, and sourcing of all            Providence, RI 2007
  interior furnishings.
  削¥¥鰹¥わ¥鰹鰹o¥器ワ鰹o                          Sample of studio project selected by
  Watertown, MA I Architect Assistant March-August 09         Architecture Department
  Worked on a varity of MBTA train station projects,          Providence, RI 2006
  particularly focusing on the interior restoration
  of a station in Attleboro, MA. Designed the casework,
                                                              Drawings and wire sculpture
  and chose the lighting 鍖xtures and tile work.
                                                              Woods Gerry
                                                              Providence, RI 2002
  Cambride, MA I Architect Assistant Fall 07-Present          居駕ワ刻わ件駕¥
  Worked on a wide variety of retail and residentail          Boston, MA 2000
  projects, primarily in AutoCAD, Illustrator, and            Awarded for a proposal to redesign the
  Photoshop. Involved in process from Schematic               Shawmut train station in Dorchester, MA.
  Design through Design Development, as well as               Completed a series of drafted renderings
  Environmental Graphics.                                     and scaled model of proposed design.

  Boston, MA I Intern Summer 2006
  Created a series of physical models showing
  variations of a loft complex, for the renovation of
  historic mill buildings into mixed-income housing.
Sensations of experience become a kind of reasoning distinct to the
making of architecture. Whether re鍖ecting on the unity of concept and
sensation, or the intertwining of idea and phenomenon, the hope is to
unite intellect and feeling, precision with soul. 
        -Steven Holl Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture
醐ワ鰹わワo   ¥駕醐э¥o
Knox Residence
These are recent progress photos taken of a house I have designed
for my parents, located in Sandwich, New Hampshire. This is phase
one of an ongoing project - The barn-like structure has a year round
apartment above a garage, which will ultimately be the guest house
when phase II is complete. My involvement included the design of
the barn, and I also worked for our contractor in building the
 foundation last August.
 Master plan drawing for Masons Grand Lodge
 Final plans of design development phase for Joy Road Residence
 Rendering for Thornes, a marketplace in Northampton, MA
 Drawings of guest house, schematic design phase for Orsi Residence
Thornes_Northampton, MA
            These renderings were completed for a retail revitalization project, Thornes
            Martketplace in Northampton. The project was the renovation of an existing
            historic mill building, including a new restaurant in the courtyard, new elevators and
            gathering spaces, and recladding the existing staircases.
Environmental Graphics

Sign for Marketplace Facade

After showing the client several
ready-made fonts, I proposed
a more personal approach for
the look of the market. Using
sumi ink and a bambo pencil,
Thornes was written out
until a font with the right look
was achieved. The logo was then
turned into a font using Illustra-
tor, and will be used as the sign
for the marketplace, as well as
interior graphic way鍖nding and
other forms of branding.
Web Layout and Brochure

A set of documents were created for the
Tenant Design Criteria, intended for a
website and brochure to attract potential
new tenants to the marketplace.
Text was used as the back-
                                          ground, serving a decorative
                                          and functional purpose of
Signs for Levels of Marketplace           indicating the type of
                                          merchandise sold on each
Signs were created for the three 鍖oors,   level.
using a font which mimicks the
hand-written one used for Thornes.
                                          Level Two: Fashion
                                          Glamour, Boutique, Classic,
                                          Original, Fun, Fashion, Casual,
                                          Haute- Couture, Occasion, Style,
                                          Costume, Seasonal, Modern,
Ceiling Concepts
                        Level Two: Drape/Curving

                                                           Evocative of factory windows

                                                           Glass windows with random colored

                                                           Layered in progression down hall

                        First Floor: Screens/              Pendant lights between windows

                   LL   Lower Level:
                                                   Linear, evocative of delicate machinery

                                                   Lightbulb within abstract globe of lines
                                                   and shapes
Passage < A Collaborative Installation for Watching

Passage _ A Collaborative Installation for Watch_ Instructor Kyna Leski, Fall 03
                           Beginning with the word watch our team of seven students with shared design
                           responsibility realized a passsage using eight foot furring strips and bolts to
                           create a moir辿 pattern . This provided the experience of having the view broken
                           up into varying degrees. The installation was constructed in segments and
                           assembled on site.
Urban Renewal _ Jewelry District, Providence Rhode Island_ Instructor Lili Herman, Fall 05
                With the relocation of Interstate 195, the historic Jewelry District will be reconnected with downtown
                Providence. The districts waterfront location was an incentive for continuing the city grid to its edge
                by creating canals lined by student housing with an avenue of open park bisecting it. The river
                was also brougt further into the city.
Slaughterhouse to Museum _ Lugano, Switzerland_ Instructor Lynett Widder, Spring 06
                            The concept was to divide the complex into separate spaces for different functions, similar to a fac-
                            tory. This was applied to create intimate interior and exterior courtyards for focusing on the works of
                            art. There was also an experience of progression towards the increasingly enclosed, and arrival at the
                            main performance hall where the view opens up of the river.
Light Sculpture _ Boston Center for the Arts_ Instructor Leonard Newcomb, Spring 04
                 Through analysis of Giacomettis bronze City Square, an understanding of the ability for objects to guide and
                 impel one through a space was gained. An interactive sculpture was designed to act as a brand for the promi-
                 nent corner locations of the Boston Center for the Arts. Images are projected onto cast-glass panels which re-
                 fract light, and shadows created as one moves through the space.
Kindegarten, Horizon _ Providence, Rhode Island_Instructor Kyna Leski, Fall 06
                       The sloped nature of the site allowed for an opportunity to address the horizon,
                       visible in the distance. Given the program, the design speci鍖cally dealt with how a
                       childs view could be raised to that of adults, and thus provided with a heightened
                       and unique experience of what it means to be in alignment with the horizon.
Techtonic Wire Structure_ Instructor Jack Ryan, Fall 03
               From the study of a leaf cell, a tectonic wire system was created based on the concept
               of a subsystem that operates within a larger framework. Because of the con鍖gura-
               tion of its joints, the interior has the ability to expand and contract, affecting the outer
               form. When several of these cells are linked, they each impact the larger structure.
Degree Project _The North End, Boston_ Advisor Ann Tate, Spring 07
             The proposal was to de鍖ne the edge of the North End with seven buildings that act
             as gatehouses to the neighborhood. The conditions for the sites vary, predominantly
             corner lots where the blocks were severed by the Interstate. All of the sites call for a
             need to maximize land. The buildings are intended as cultural centers, the
             connection to bene鍖t both those Downtown and the residents of the North End.
Sarah H. Knox

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Sarah H. Knox

  • 1. 属¥駕¥鏘 18 Palfrey Street Watertown, MA 02472 617.429.3787 sarhknox@gmail.com 鰹器駕o器ワo器居駕ワワэ AutoCAD Boston, MA 4 years Advanced AutoCAD Illustrator Summer Continuing Education, 2008 2 Years Photoshop ¥駕駈¥駕わ駈ワ駕鰹器 7 years Cambridge, MA Indesign Theory of Globalization, Sociology 6 years Summer Continuing Education, 2007 Lasercutting 1 year わワ鰹¥わoワ鰹э Hand drafting Photography: digital and traditional Providence, RI Wood working: General woodshop Bachelor of Architecture, 2007 Bachelor of Fine Arts, 2007 Liberal Arts, Pending 件¥駕わ鰹¥わ醐器鰹 ワэ Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 2001-2002 ¥э¥削ワ居o¥器 Photoshop rendering of Thornes, Northampton selected for publication in NY real estate magazine. Completed for APD, Cambridge MA 2008 駕ワワ鰹わワ鰹器駕居o器 Center Sandwich, NH I August - September 09 oo駕ワわ器¥器 Began construction of a house I have designed for Degree Project selected to represent my parents. Design includes general structure, Architecture department lighting plan, window specs, and sourcing of all Providence, RI 2007 interior furnishings. 駕oワ逸¥駕器ワ器居o¥器 削¥¥鰹¥わ¥鰹鰹o¥器ワ鰹o Sample of studio project selected by Watertown, MA I Architect Assistant March-August 09 Architecture Department Worked on a varity of MBTA train station projects, Providence, RI 2006 particularly focusing on the interior restoration of a station in Attleboro, MA. Designed the casework, ¥居わ¥器器居わワ鰹 Drawings and wire sculpture and chose the lighting 鍖xtures and tile work. Woods Gerry Providence, RI 2002 わワ駕鰹駕器ワ駕ワ鰹э Cambride, MA I Architect Assistant Fall 07-Present 居駕ワ刻わ件駕¥ Worked on a wide variety of retail and residentail Boston, MA 2000 projects, primarily in AutoCAD, Illustrator, and Awarded for a proposal to redesign the Photoshop. Involved in process from Schematic Shawmut train station in Dorchester, MA. Design through Design Development, as well as Completed a series of drafted renderings Environmental Graphics. and scaled model of proposed design. ワ¥¥ワ Boston, MA I Intern Summer 2006 Created a series of physical models showing variations of a loft complex, for the renovation of historic mill buildings into mixed-income housing.
  • 2. Sensations of experience become a kind of reasoning distinct to the making of architecture. Whether re鍖ecting on the unity of concept and sensation, or the intertwining of idea and phenomenon, the hope is to unite intellect and feeling, precision with soul. -Steven Holl Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture
  • 3. 属¥駕¥鏘 縁醐逸¥駕ワ刻鰹器駕ワワ 件¥器ワ駕器件逸駕器件 醐ワ鰹わワo ¥駕醐э¥o
  • 4. Knox Residence These are recent progress photos taken of a house I have designed for my parents, located in Sandwich, New Hampshire. This is phase one of an ongoing project - The barn-like structure has a year round apartment above a garage, which will ultimately be the guest house when phase II is complete. My involvement included the design of the barn, and I also worked for our contractor in building the foundation last August.
  • 5.
  • 8. э逸件э逸 Master plan drawing for Masons Grand Lodge Final plans of design development phase for Joy Road Residence Rendering for Thornes, a marketplace in Northampton, MA Drawings of guest house, schematic design phase for Orsi Residence
  • 9. Thornes_Northampton, MA These renderings were completed for a retail revitalization project, Thornes Martketplace in Northampton. The project was the renovation of an existing historic mill building, including a new restaurant in the courtyard, new elevators and gathering spaces, and recladding the existing staircases.
  • 10. Environmental Graphics Sign for Marketplace Facade After showing the client several ready-made fonts, I proposed a more personal approach for the look of the market. Using sumi ink and a bambo pencil, Thornes was written out until a font with the right look was achieved. The logo was then turned into a font using Illustra- tor, and will be used as the sign for the marketplace, as well as interior graphic way鍖nding and other forms of branding.
  • 11. Web Layout and Brochure A set of documents were created for the Tenant Design Criteria, intended for a website and brochure to attract potential new tenants to the marketplace.
  • 12. Text was used as the back- ground, serving a decorative and functional purpose of Signs for Levels of Marketplace indicating the type of merchandise sold on each Signs were created for the three 鍖oors, level. using a font which mimicks the hand-written one used for Thornes. Level Two: Fashion Glamour, Boutique, Classic, Original, Fun, Fashion, Casual, Haute- Couture, Occasion, Style, Costume, Seasonal, Modern, Glamour...
  • 13. Ceiling Concepts L2 Level Two: Drape/Curving L1 Evocative of factory windows Glass windows with random colored panes Layered in progression down hall First Floor: Screens/ Pendant lights between windows Planer LL Lower Level: Linear, evocative of delicate machinery Lightbulb within abstract globe of lines and shapes
  • 17. Passage < A Collaborative Installation for Watching Passage _ A Collaborative Installation for Watch_ Instructor Kyna Leski, Fall 03 Beginning with the word watch our team of seven students with shared design responsibility realized a passsage using eight foot furring strips and bolts to create a moir辿 pattern . This provided the experience of having the view broken up into varying degrees. The installation was constructed in segments and assembled on site.
  • 18. Urban Renewal _ Jewelry District, Providence Rhode Island_ Instructor Lili Herman, Fall 05 With the relocation of Interstate 195, the historic Jewelry District will be reconnected with downtown Providence. The districts waterfront location was an incentive for continuing the city grid to its edge by creating canals lined by student housing with an avenue of open park bisecting it. The river was also brougt further into the city.
  • 19. Slaughterhouse to Museum _ Lugano, Switzerland_ Instructor Lynett Widder, Spring 06 The concept was to divide the complex into separate spaces for different functions, similar to a fac- tory. This was applied to create intimate interior and exterior courtyards for focusing on the works of art. There was also an experience of progression towards the increasingly enclosed, and arrival at the main performance hall where the view opens up of the river.
  • 20. Light Sculpture _ Boston Center for the Arts_ Instructor Leonard Newcomb, Spring 04 Through analysis of Giacomettis bronze City Square, an understanding of the ability for objects to guide and impel one through a space was gained. An interactive sculpture was designed to act as a brand for the promi- nent corner locations of the Boston Center for the Arts. Images are projected onto cast-glass panels which re- fract light, and shadows created as one moves through the space.
  • 21. Kindegarten, Horizon _ Providence, Rhode Island_Instructor Kyna Leski, Fall 06 The sloped nature of the site allowed for an opportunity to address the horizon, visible in the distance. Given the program, the design speci鍖cally dealt with how a childs view could be raised to that of adults, and thus provided with a heightened and unique experience of what it means to be in alignment with the horizon.
  • 22. Techtonic Wire Structure_ Instructor Jack Ryan, Fall 03 From the study of a leaf cell, a tectonic wire system was created based on the concept of a subsystem that operates within a larger framework. Because of the con鍖gura- tion of its joints, the interior has the ability to expand and contract, affecting the outer form. When several of these cells are linked, they each impact the larger structure.
  • 23. Degree Project _The North End, Boston_ Advisor Ann Tate, Spring 07 The proposal was to de鍖ne the edge of the North End with seven buildings that act as gatehouses to the neighborhood. The conditions for the sites vary, predominantly corner lots where the blocks were severed by the Interstate. All of the sites call for a need to maximize land. The buildings are intended as cultural centers, the connection to bene鍖t both those Downtown and the residents of the North End.