Mari, 17 martie 2014, Reprezentan釘a Comisiei Europene 樽n Rom但nia a organizat 樽n prezen釘a comisarului european Dacian Ciolo, o dezbatere la Biblioteca Na釘ional Bucureti, 樽n contextul continurii ac釘iunilor specifice Anului European al Cet釘enilor 2013. Cet釘enii au primit invita釘ia de a dialoga despre drepturile ce decurg din calitatea de cet釘ean european, precum i despre viitorul construc釘iei europene 樽n ansamblul ei. Dezbaterea a fost moderat de jurnalistul Luca Niculescu, 樽n prezen釘a a peste 300 de persoane. Printre subiectele abordate in cadrul dezbaterii, s-au numrat stadiul ini釘iativelor cet釘eneti, cet釘enia european, politica agricol comun, pastrarea traditiilor si a obiceiurilor traditionale in cadrul statelor din UE, dreptul la liber circula釘ie i aderarea Rom但niei la zona Schengen, parlamentele rurale.
Evenimentul a fost dedicat publicului larg, la acesta participand inclusiv reprezentantii tuturor centrelor de informare Europe Direct din Rom但nia, alturi de jurnalitii locali.
Datorit unor defec釘iuni de ordin tehnic evenimentul a trebuit 樽ntrerupt dup 45 de minute. Astfel, pe 4 aprilie 2014 va avea loc partea a doua a acestui dialog.
The document provides forward-looking statements and production guidance for Agnico Eagle at the BMO Capital Markets 24th Global Metals and Mining Conference in February 2015. It notes key assumptions used in projections, such as metal prices and exchange rates, and risks that could impact projections. It also provides context on non-GAAP terms used, such as total cash costs per ounce and minesite costs per tonne, and reconciles them to GAAP financial reporting. Finally, it states that the gold production guidance is based on mineral reserves but includes contingencies, and does not reconcile exactly to reserve models due to factors like metal price and exchange rate assumptions.
- Agnico Eagle reported record quarterly gold production of 315,828 ounces at a total cash cost of $591 per ounce in Q3 2013.
- Production and cost guidance for 2013 was increased and decreased, respectively, with production now expected to be approximately 1,060,000 ounces of gold at a total cash cost of approximately $690 per ounce.
- Key factors contributing to the strong results included record quarterly production at Meadowbank and improved costs across all operations driven by ongoing cost reduction initiatives.
The document analyzes the conditional statement "If you wear Nike then you will just do it" using logical operators. It determines that the conditional statement and its inverse are true, while the converse is false. Both the contrapositive and biconditional statements derived from the original conditional are found to be true, except the biconditional which is false.
The document discusses NFL player salaries, including average salaries by position and conference from 2000 to 2003. It notes that quarterbacks typically earn the highest salaries of any position, while overall salary ranges remained consistent in both years. The NFL was founded in 1920 and currently has 32 teams split between the AFC and NFC conferences, with each team having a 53 player roster led by Commissioner Roger Goodell.
Raymond James 35th Annual Institutional Investors ConferenceAgnico Eagle Mines
Raymond James 35th Annual Institutional Investors Conference presentation by Agnico Eagle Mines President and CEO Sean Boyd:
1) Agnico Eagle reported record annual gold production in 2013 of 1.1 million ounces at a total cash cost of $672 per ounce, lower than guidance.
2) Production is forecast to grow moderately through 2016 to 1.25 million ounces annually, from assets located in mining-friendly jurisdictions.
3) Capital spending is projected to remain below $1 billion annually through 2014-2016 to fund production growth from existing operations.
The Osisko Acquisition - A Low Risk Accretive TransactionAgnico Eagle Mines
1) Agnico Eagle and Yamana Gold have jointly bid $8.15 per share Canadian to acquire Osisko Mining Corporation, representing a premium over Goldcorp's hostile bid.
2) Under the terms of the offer, Osisko shareholders would receive $2.09 in cash, shares in Agnico Eagle and Yamana Gold, and shares in a spinco company holding Osisko's Canadian Malartic mine and other exploration projects.
3) The acquisition would make Agnico Eagle and Yamana equal partners in the Canadian Malartic mine and exploration projects in Ontario and Quebec, providing a strategic fit that enhances both companies' business platforms.
Como Escalar Pr叩ticas geis em Equipes de Desenvolvimento M辿dias e GrandesAndrea Rodacki
Este 辿 o material da palestra Como Escalar Pr叩ticas geis em Equipes de Desenvolvimento M辿dias e Grandes realizada no dia 11 de junho de 2013, na FESP em Curitiba. O objetivo foi fornecer uma vis達o da abordagem disciplinada para pr叩ticas 叩geis: Disciplined Agile Delivery dentro de um contexto de t辿cnicas de desenvolvimento 叩gil como Scrum e Lean, introduzindo o conceito de Agility@Scale息 que prev棚 a ado巽達o das pr叩ticas 叩geis de uma forma escal叩vel de acordo com as necessidades da organiza巽達o.
- Hugh Griffiths has over 15 years of experience in mobile, online, and digital TV helping organizations define and implement digital strategies, specializing in mobile.
- Key trends discussed are the internet becoming truly mobile driven by smartphones, evolution of social networking like Twitter and Facebook, and growth of cloud computing services from companies like Google and Microsoft.
- Businesses should consider how these trends might impact their ability to reach and engage customers now and in the future through mobile websites, social media, and cloud-based services and applications.
This document provides a list of places to visit in Romania, including landmarks like the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, Bran Castle, and Peles Castle in Sinaia. It also highlights various natural features such as the Carpathian Mountains, Olt River, Balea Lake, and Retezat Mountains, as well as wildlife like sturgeon in the Danube River and wolves. The document promotes Romania's cultural and historical sites as well as its natural beauty.
The document discusses the components and operation of a four-stroke internal combustion engine. It describes the parts of a four-stroke engine and how it functions in four steps: intake, compression, power, and exhaust. The document also provides examples of formatting styles for charts, text boxes, data tables, and use of templates for presentations.
Raymond James 35th Annual Institutional Investors ConferenceAgnico Eagle Mines
Raymond James 35th Annual Institutional Investors Conference presentation by Agnico Eagle Mines President and CEO Sean Boyd:
1) Agnico Eagle reported record annual gold production in 2013 of 1.1 million ounces at a total cash cost of $672 per ounce, lower than guidance.
2) Production is forecast to grow moderately through 2016 to 1.25 million ounces annually, from assets located in mining-friendly jurisdictions.
3) Capital spending is projected to remain below $1 billion annually through 2014-2016 to fund production growth from existing operations.
The Osisko Acquisition - A Low Risk Accretive TransactionAgnico Eagle Mines
1) Agnico Eagle and Yamana Gold have jointly bid $8.15 per share Canadian to acquire Osisko Mining Corporation, representing a premium over Goldcorp's hostile bid.
2) Under the terms of the offer, Osisko shareholders would receive $2.09 in cash, shares in Agnico Eagle and Yamana Gold, and shares in a spinco company holding Osisko's Canadian Malartic mine and other exploration projects.
3) The acquisition would make Agnico Eagle and Yamana equal partners in the Canadian Malartic mine and exploration projects in Ontario and Quebec, providing a strategic fit that enhances both companies' business platforms.
Como Escalar Pr叩ticas geis em Equipes de Desenvolvimento M辿dias e GrandesAndrea Rodacki
Este 辿 o material da palestra Como Escalar Pr叩ticas geis em Equipes de Desenvolvimento M辿dias e Grandes realizada no dia 11 de junho de 2013, na FESP em Curitiba. O objetivo foi fornecer uma vis達o da abordagem disciplinada para pr叩ticas 叩geis: Disciplined Agile Delivery dentro de um contexto de t辿cnicas de desenvolvimento 叩gil como Scrum e Lean, introduzindo o conceito de Agility@Scale息 que prev棚 a ado巽達o das pr叩ticas 叩geis de uma forma escal叩vel de acordo com as necessidades da organiza巽達o.
- Hugh Griffiths has over 15 years of experience in mobile, online, and digital TV helping organizations define and implement digital strategies, specializing in mobile.
- Key trends discussed are the internet becoming truly mobile driven by smartphones, evolution of social networking like Twitter and Facebook, and growth of cloud computing services from companies like Google and Microsoft.
- Businesses should consider how these trends might impact their ability to reach and engage customers now and in the future through mobile websites, social media, and cloud-based services and applications.
This document provides a list of places to visit in Romania, including landmarks like the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, Bran Castle, and Peles Castle in Sinaia. It also highlights various natural features such as the Carpathian Mountains, Olt River, Balea Lake, and Retezat Mountains, as well as wildlife like sturgeon in the Danube River and wolves. The document promotes Romania's cultural and historical sites as well as its natural beauty.
The document discusses the components and operation of a four-stroke internal combustion engine. It describes the parts of a four-stroke engine and how it functions in four steps: intake, compression, power, and exhaust. The document also provides examples of formatting styles for charts, text boxes, data tables, and use of templates for presentations.