There are now over 50 million refugees worldwide, the most since WWII, and the international community should help refugees by providing opportunities, shelter, and resettlement assistance. Research shows that giving refugees cash through ATM cards for basic needs like food and water is an effective form of aid. As winter approaches, aid agencies are working to convert unfinished homes into temporary shelters to house Syrian refugees living in tents in Lebanon. The agencies aim to resettle refugees in more permanent housing going forward.
The first time since WWII, there are more than
50 million refugees in the world
? International community should help refugees
by given them opportunities, shelter, and
4. Opportunities
? The international rescue committee, or IRC,
conducted research on giving cash to refugees
? Their research revealed that AID agencies can
help refugees by giving them ATM cards with a
cash account
5. ? Those Agencies were given $100 a month
through ATM cards
? Research showed that when given cash, most
refugees like Syrians spent their money on
basic needs such as food and water
6. Shelter
? the Syrians refugees need shelter to survive
the difficult winter and living in tent is
? International AID agencies have come up with
creative solution to address the Lebanese
7. ? The aid agencies are placing the refugees in
pre-existing shelter
? The AID agencies converted 7,000 unfinished
home into temporary shelter for the refugees
? AID agencies are making these home livable
for the refugees