Dr. William Allan Kritsonis - Personnel Issues PPT.William Kritsonis
This document discusses various personnel issues that may arise in a school district including reassignment, compensation disputes, teacher appraisal, employee benefits, wage and hour requirements, workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, grievances, and employee organizations. Specific topics covered include how reassignments can be handled, requirements for teacher evaluation systems, types of leave available to employees, and the role of employee organizations and unions in Texas which is weaker than in most other states.
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis - Personnel Issues PPT.William Kritsonis
This document discusses various personnel issues that may arise in a school district including reassignment, compensation disputes, teacher appraisal, employee benefits, wage and hour requirements, workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, grievances, and employee organizations. Specific topics covered include how reassignments can be handled, requirements for teacher evaluation systems, types of leave available to employees, and the role of employee organizations and unions in Texas which is weaker than in most other states.
This document discusses the political influences and governance of the American public education system. It begins by outlining the various levels of government that oversee education - local, state, and federal. It then examines topics like local control of schools, community involvement, financing of education, legal issues, the politicization of curriculum, instruction, personnel decisions, and more. The document aims to illustrate how politics permeates all aspects of public education from governance to daily operations. It provides background and context and analyzes the pros and cons of various political issues that impact America's schools.
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis - Americans with Disabilities Act in Education, PPT.William Kritsonis
The Americans with Disabilities Act has evolved over time through various laws and court cases to promote equal access to education for students with disabilities. Early laws like the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 aimed to ensure students with disabilities were not excluded from public schools. Later revisions like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990 and 1997 focused on improving educational outcomes for these students. Current laws like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 emphasize accountability and using data-driven practices to monitor student progress. This history demonstrates how special education has shifted from a focus on access to emphasizing quality of education.
SOT Prophets Session 2: A Closer Look at Isaiah 53Jonathan Swales
The document discusses a Bible study on Isaiah 53 that took place on February 26, 2012 at St George's Church in Leeds. The study examined Isaiah 53 in detail, focusing on the suffering, death, and vindication of the servant described in the chapter. It provided several passages from Isaiah 53 to illustrate the servant's suffering, death for others, and resurrection. The study also placed Isaiah 53 in the context of Isaiah 40-55 and examined connections between the servant in Isaiah 53 and the messianic deliverer described in Isaiah 11.
Due process provides basic fairness and prevents wrongful deprivation of life, liberty, or property under the law. It serves two goals: producing accurate results through fair procedures, and making people feel the government treated them fairly by being heard. Due process requires notice of charges, standards of conduct, and a meaningful opportunity to rebut charges. It must be requested within one year and provide specific information on the resolution sought. The hearing is independent and binding, with timelines for resolution and issuing a final decision.
The document provides an agenda for a week-long summer academy focused on the C4 model of learning. The schedule outlines the daily activities and workshops on topics like Google apps, creative commons, photoshop, flip cameras, and reading/writing groups. The document also includes revisions to the schedule with suggestions for rearranging some of the sessions and incorporating more time for discussion.
Providing Individualized Student Assessment Feedback Randy Malta
Randy Malta presented on using audio and video feedback software to provide individualized feedback to students. Strategies included initially providing annotated feedback, followed by audio feedback, and then combining audio and video feedback. Timely feedback is important for student retention and engagement. The presentation demonstrated free and low-cost software like Jing and Movenote that allow instructors to easily record, annotate, and share audio/video feedback clips with students from their computer.
Introduction To Paid Search Dave Chaffey For SesDave Chaffey
I was asked by the Search Engine Strategies programming team to deliver this 1 hour intro to paid search for the many attendees who are new to search engine marketing. As well as covering the key areas important to success it also introduces some of the latest developments in paid search
This article discusses two major challenges facing public schools: teacher quality and student achievement. It notes that the No Child Left Behind Act has increased pressures around these issues. Specifically, it points out that teacher shortages exist in certain subject areas, especially in urban and rural schools serving low-income students. It also discusses the rise of alternative certification programs to help address these shortages. The article concludes that teacher quality and student achievement are crucial issues that will be profoundly impacted by the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act.
A 17-year-old Kenyan woman became pregnant and was rejected by her community for not being married. A local women's group helped her by building her a hut, providing supplies, and supporting her during childbirth. They also helped her start a small business selling goods to support herself and her family. Though life is difficult for women who must fetch water and cook, through her business she has become a role model in her village and can now support herself and her family.
The document summarizes an intervention for sophomore students who were high scoring on standardized tests but had low GPAs and attendance. The students were placed into dedicated classes and assigned to the same counselor. Lessons were tailored to address individual problem areas. After one semester, the average GPA increased slightly while average absences decreased significantly. Class rank percentile also increased on average. The results were deemed inconclusive but provided helpful information. Further research with pre-and post-testing was recommended.
The document discusses how to incorporate references into academic writing through in-text citations, quotes, and paraphrasing. It explains that there are two main ways to reference other works: verbatim quotes and paraphrasing. The document provides guidelines for quoting and paraphrasing, including how to format quotes and cite sources in-text. Examples are given for both short and long quotes. Tips are offered on integrating quotes smoothly and paraphrasing quotes into one's own writing.
The powerful earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010 killed over 230,000 people and left millions homeless. In the aftermath, donations helped provide emergency shelter, water, and sanitation for thousands of people living in displacement camps. While challenges remain due to the destruction of infrastructure and land records, organizations continue efforts to build earthquake-resistant housing and help farmers reduce future disaster risks, with the goal of ensuring people in Haiti can live with dignity.
The document describes the C4 program, which provides professional development for educators on collaboration, creativity, communication, and content embedded with technology. The program received funding from a federal stimulus grant distributed by the Minnesota Department of Education. Educators who participate in the program learn tools to assist them in aligning their teaching with educational technology standards and reflect on intentionally improving their practice through online tasks and a portfolio.
Student Attendance PPT. - William Allan Kritsonis, PhD William Kritsonis
The document discusses several laws and court cases related to student attendance and the instructional program. It summarizes key provisions of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional. It also outlines Texas statutes regarding compulsory attendance, residency and guardianship requirements, kindergarten requirements, penalties for failure to send children to school, and laws aimed at ensuring a safe school environment.
The document discusses God making an unbreakable covenant with Abram (later known as Abraham). God promised Abram that he would make him into a great nation and bless all people on earth through him. To seal the covenant, Abram brought various animals and cut them in half, then God passed between the pieces, demonstrating the seriousness of the promise. The document also references Steven and Julie questioning if God could ever use them or if they could be recipients of God's grace, and cites a Bible passage about God blessing the Israelites.