Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter. It is a gas giant with a radius about nine times that of Earth. Saturn has over 80 moons, including Titan which is larger than Mercury and the only moon in the Solar System with a substantial atmosphere.
4. It is a gas giant with an average radius about nine
times that of Earth
5. Saturn is named after
the Roman god of wealth
and agriculture;
its astronomical symbol ()
represents the god's sickle.
6. Saturn has a pale yellow hue due
to ammonia crystals in its upper
7. At least 82 moons are known to orbit Saturn, of
which 53 are officially named.
8. Titan, Saturn's largest
moon, and the second-
largest in the Solar
System, is larger than
the planet Mercury,
although less massive,
and is the only moon
in the Solar System
to have a substantial