The document summarizes findings from a study of agricultural credit in 70 districts across 4 Southern states in India between 1996-97 and 2006-07. Some key findings include:
1) Access to institutional credit improved overall in India between 1996-97 and 2006-07, though penetration remained lower in rainfed districts.
2) The gap in credit access between rainfed and non-rainfed districts declined over this period.
3) On average, credit per hectare increased almost 6 times overall, with a 7.3 times increase in rainfed districts and 4.9 times in non-rainfed districts.
2. Background
Paper is a part of a larger study planned to research on credit
issues in rainfed agriculture
Covers 70 districts from 4 Southern states
The study is distinct in atleast two respects:
o It cover 2006-07 data whereas we have only SAS,NSSO, 2001-02
o Preceded by Doubling of Agri. Credit programme
o We examined credit flow among two categories of districts-
Rainfed and
Non Rainfed
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3. Major Findings
A. Credit Penetration Ratio
1. The access improved by 2006-07-All India
Year 1981-82 1996-97 2006-07
All India 23% 13.40% 25.0%
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12. How this data is different?
Flow during the year(&
not outstanding)
Snapshot view
Does not cover SHG
Covers only
institutional credit
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13. Conclusions
Access to credit deteriorated till 1996-97 & again
improved by 2006-07.
Penetration of institutional borrowing lower in RF
Gap between RF and NRF districts declined.
Overall, credit/ha improved almost 6 times.
Growth of 7.3 times in RF and 4.9 times in NRF
Amount of credit higher in NRF
Share of TL improved and was higher in RF districts
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