2010 m. gruod転io 6 d. Vilniuje vyko tarptautin konferencija Baltarusija ir Lietuva: atomini迭 elektrini迭 statybos grsms ir perspektyvos. L貼SP iniciatyvins grups narys Saulius Lapienis skait prane邸im "Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos branduolins energetikos diskursas".
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Saulius Lapienis. Rizikos, susijusios su AE statybomis Baltarusijoje ir Lietuvoje
1. Rizikos, susijusios su AE statybomis Baltarusijoje ir Lietuvoje 2010 m. gruod転io 6 d., Vilnius Tarptautin konferencija Baltarusija ir Lietuva: atomini迭 elektrini迭 statybos grsms ir perspektyvos Saulius LAPIENIS Lietuvos 転ali迭j迭 sj笛d転io iniciatyvins grups pirmininko pavaduotojas
2. Inventing nuclear energy was the easy bit. Figuring out how to safely dispose of nuclear waste is quite a bit trickier. I邸rasti branduolin energij nebuvo sudtinga. Suprasti, kaip saugiai atsikratyti branduolini迭 atliek迭 yra 邸iek tiek sudtingesn u転duotis.
3. Trys svarb笛s momentai, apie kuriuos u転mir邸tame. Pirma. Urano gavyba ter邸ia aplink. Kanadoje viena up dl urano gavybos yra u転ter邸ta. Antra. iandien AE statyba visur yra labai labai brangi. Treia. Nei邸sprstas atliek迭 laidojimas. Perdirbant atliekas Pranc笛zijoje yra sunaikintas vienas vynininkysts regionas. Lietuvoje, ties sakant, nelabai yra kur tokias atliekas laidoti.油
4. At邸ilimas graso e転erams ir j迭 gyv笛nijai Mokslininkai sako, kad tai yra svarbus atradimas, nes e転er迭 ekologija yra labai jautri temperat笛rai. Nedidelis temperat笛ros pokytis gali sukelti dramati邸kas pasekmes, sako tyrimo autorius Simonas Hookas, geologas ir NASA Reaktyvinio judjimo laboratorijos Kalifornijoje ekspertas. Daugelyje e転er迭 kar邸tjantis vanduo gali u転mu邸ti vietines 転uvis, u転ter邸ti 邸varius vandenis dumbliais, o 転uvys ir kitos vandens r笛邸ys bus pasmerktos dar didesniam nuodingam u転ter邸tumui. Net nedideli temperat笛ros pasikeitimai taip pat gali paskatinti dumbli迭 転ydjim, o dl to e転eras gali tapti nuodingas 転uvims, sak S. Hookas ir jo kolega Philippas Schneideris savo prane邸ime. ilumins tar邸os rizika NASA stebjimai http://www.pollutionissues.com/Te-Un/Thermal-Pollution.html A small temperature changes can cause dramatic consequences
5. The primary effects of thermal pollution are direct油 thermal shock油 , changes in dissolved oxygen, and the redistribution of organisms in the local community. Because water can absorb thermal energy with only small changes in temperature, most aquatic organisms have developed enzyme systems that operate in only narrow ranges of temperature. These油 stenothermic油 organisms can be killed by sudden temperature changes that are beyond the tolerance limits of their metabolic systems. Aplinkos poveikio rizika The disadvantages of cooling towers are the potential for local changes in meteorological conditions due to large amounts of warm air entering the atmosphere and the visual impact of the large towers. GALI PASIKEISTI KLIMATAS VILNIAUS REGIONE Thermal Pollution - water, effects, environmental, United States, types, impact, industrial, wells, power, sources, use, Sources, Environmental Effects, Abatement 油 http://www.pollutionissues.com/Te-Un/Thermal-Pollution.html#ixzz17BG51Wxe Au邸inimo bok邸tai dl didelio i邸 j迭 眺 atmosfer patenkanio 邸ilto oro kiekio gali 眺takoti meteorologini迭 slyg迭 pokyius.
6. Aplinkos poveikio rizika The use of cooling towers has been effective for generating stations located on smaller rivers and streams that do not have the capacity to absorb the waste heat from the cooling water油 effluent . The only thermal effects seen at the San Onofre nuclear generating station are the direct mortality of油 planktonic油 organisms during the twenty-five-minute transit through the cooling water system. Thermal Pollution - water, effects, environmental, United States, types, impact, industrial, wells, power, sources, use, Sources, Environmental Effects, Abatement 油 http://www.pollutionissues.com/Te-Un/Thermal-Pollution.html#ixzz17BG51Wxe San ONOFRE branduolins jgains 邸ilumin 眺taka tiesiogiai atsakinga dl planktono naikinimo ...
9. Prof. G. Lepinas 眺sitikins, kad Baltarusijoje, Astravo mieste, 50 km nuo Vilniaus planuojama statyti atomin elektrin kels pavoj迭 Lietuvoje gyvenantiems 転monms. T liudija atomins elektrins (AE) poveikio aplinkai vertinimo (PAV) ataskaita, kuri buvo svarstoma ir Vilniuje. Tai, kad Lietuvos pa邸onje, netoli nuo sostins Vilniaus bus statomas dar nei邸bandytas (eksperimentinis) Rusijos gamybos VVER 1200 branduolinis reaktorius, turi kelti rimt susir笛pinim Lietuvos visuomenei. Technologin rizika The fact that in Lithuania's outskirts, not far from Vilnius will be built experimental, Russian-made VVER 1200 nuclear reactor, must raise serious concerns about for the Lithuanian public.
10. In Spain, police discovered a bucket with pellets of obviously stolen nuclear reactor fuel nearby a Spanish factory. Nobody knows yet how it was possible to take them away from strictly controlled factory, or why the missing material was not detected, and most disturbingly, they have no idea how many pellets are actually missing. On the same weekend, the Swedish government started to油 ship five tons of spent reactor fuel 油to the notorious UK reprocessing complex Sellafield. A plant known for its catalogue of accidents, broad range of incompetence and for dumping its liquid waste into the Irish and North Sea. Another case of governmental amnesia, that shows the hypocrisy of sending nuclear waste elsewhere. Reprocessing is a deadly technology wherever it takes place.油 http://weblog.greenpeace.org/makingwaves/archives/2007/10/nuclear_amnesia.html OCTOBER 2, 2007 Branduolins amnezijos rizika Ispanijoje policija aptiko kibir su akivaizd転iai pavogt迭 branduolinio reaktoriaus kuro granulmis ...油 vedija ve転a atliekas 眺 avarijomis li笛dnai pagarsjusi Selafildo (UK) gamykl. Pastaroji skystas atliekas pumpuoja 眺 Airijos ir iaurs j笛r.
12. 2010 metais Greenpeace油pasi笛l i邸braukti atomin energetik i邸 邸vari迭 energetikos r笛邸i迭 sra邸o...
13. Renesansas ? Ne, tai ne statyb迭 renesansas, o mini迭 apie statyb renesansas. 町 nevilt眺 varo politik迭 analfebeti邸kumas arba nenoras matyti realyb ... Politiks B. Vsaits citata: O dabar apie branduolin energetik. Esu branduolins energetikos entuziast. Dar daugiau. Noriu pasakyti, kad tiek Europoje, tiek pasaulyje vyksta branduolins energetikos renesansas. Europos 邸alys atnaujina savo branduolines jgaines ir stato naujas, nes tai efektyviausia priemon pristabdyti klimato kait planetoje ir ma転inti anglies dvideginio emisijas. Be to, branduolin elektros energija yra pigiausia po hidroelektros energijos, 眺skaitant branduolin saug, atliek迭 saugojim bei laidojim. http://www.delfi.lt/news/ringas/politics/bvesaite-energetines-nepriklausomybes-deklaracijos-ir-realybe-atsakymas-vvalentinaviciui.d?id=39254953 No, its not the Nuclear construction Renaissance, its a Renaissance of thoughts about the Nuclear construction
14. P asaulinje rinkoje vyksta de邸imtmeius trunkant is branduol in s energetikos 転lugimas, nes ji nekonkurencinga, nereikalinga, bevilti邸kai neekonomi邸ka, kad net neverta diskutuoti ar ji 邸vari ir saugi. Ji silpnina elektros patikimum ir nacionalin眺 saugum, pablogina klimato kait jei skiriamas jai pinig迭 ir laiko snaudas pervestume veiksmingesnms galimybms.
20. Kylanios kainos rizika Visagino atomins elektrins (VAE) statybos projektas yra labai rizikingas dl nuosaikesns elektros paklausos, nebelaukiamo duj迭 brangimo, pinganios elektros i邸 atsinaujinani迭 energijos i邸tekli迭 ir brangstanios pagamintos atominse elektrinse, tvirtina banko DnB Nord analitikai. Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant construction project is very risky due to lowering demand of electricity, possibly lower gas prices, cut-price electricity from renewable energy sources and rising prices made by nuclear power plants
21. http://timeforchange.org/advantages-cost-electricity-new-nuclear-power-stations Cost of the new nuclear power reactor in Finland The company Areva got the contract to build this nuclear reactor according to the ERP process (European Pressurized Water Reactor). The plant should have an installed power of 1.4 GW, the planned costs were 3.4 billion Euro and commissioning was scheduled for the year 2009. According to the current state of knowledge (beginning of 2008), the start-up of the plant will be delayed at least until 2011 and the costs will be at least 40% higher than originally estimated. On this base, it is easy to calculate the cost of depreciation per kWh of electricity. Let's assume the following: 8'000 hours of operation per year, with 1.4 GW electrical power Interest rate of 9% Time to build the plant: 6 years Time to completely depreciate the plant: 20 years This leads to cost of depreciation of about 4 to 5 Euro-Cents (about 4 to 5 US-Cents) per kWh of electricity. Just to remember: this is only for depreciation of the investment costs. Kylanios kainos rizika
22. http://timeforchange.org/advantages-cost-electricity-new-nuclear-power-stations In order to get the full costs of electricity, the following costs have to be added: Costs of fuel (Uranium) Costs of assurances Costs for discharging the hazardous, radioactive waste Costs for dismantling and discharging the plant as hazardous waste after its lifetime Costs for personnel operating the plant Costs for protecting the plant against terror attacks, etc. Compare the above figure of 4 to 5 Euro-cent only for cost of depreciation with the current full cost of wind power for about 6 Euro-cent (about 6 US-cents) per kWh at good locations in Germany, Scandinavia, Benelux or Austria! It becomes evident that nuclear power has lost its cost advantage. In addition, for wind power, there is a clear trend to further lower the costs within the next 10 to 20 years. Nuclear power from new atomic power stations is too expensive Kylanios kainos rizika
23. http://timeforchange.org/advantages-cost-electricity-new-nuclear-power-stations The simple calculation above makes it evident that油 also for pure economic reasons it does not make sense to build our future on nuclear power. 油 In addition, there are many problems in the following areas: Discharging of hazardous waste, limited resources of usable Uranium, risk of operation, risk of nuclear proliferation, insufficient liability insurance as well as missing acceptance in the population. The current lobbying activity of the nuclear industry has primarily the goal to prolong the lifetime of already existing nuclear power stations. However, this is very problematic, too, because the existing nuclear power stations were built according to lower safety standards than e.g. the new plant in Finland. Kylanios kainos rizika
24. Kadangi branduolins jgains nebra konkurencingos, tai nenuostabu, kad iki 邸iol nra pastatyta nei vieno branduolinio reaktoriaus nereguliuojamos elektros energijos rinkoje.油 Olkiluoto-3 statybos projekto eiga Suomijoje rodo, kaip atomin pramon stengiasi i邸laikyti savo privilegijas naujose rinkos slygose.
25. 1 NPP kwh ~ 2,70 Eur/kwh Prie邸 kelis metus油Greenpeace油u転sak studij "Valstybs p arama branduolinei energetikai nuo 1950 iki 2008 met迭". F orum kologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft suskaiiavo kiekvien branduolinei energetikai i邸leist cent: nuo mokslini迭 tyrim迭, specialist迭 ruo邸imo, mokestini迭 lengvat迭, dotacij迭 ir t.t. iki p anaudoto kuro ilgalaikio saugojimo ka邸t迭. Atsakymas 邸okir uojantis : jei ne valstybs parama ir panaudoto kuro saugojimo ka邸t迭 "perdavimas" ateities kartoms , u転 1 atomin kWh v okieiams tekt迭 mokti 2,70 E uro.
26. Neries su darkym o rizika http://oldaaa.gamta.lt/VI/rubric.php3?rubric_id=1675 Fizini迭 telkinio油charakteristik迭 pakeitimas油 (ups vagos tiesinimas, pakrants ar jos augmenijos pakeitimas, apsauginiai pylimai nuo potvyni迭, telkinio gilinimas (upi迭 laivybai, uostai), vagos vertimas tvenkiniu ir kt.) 油 Ups vagos pavertimas tvenkiniu sunaikina b笛dingas ups ekosistemas, nes vandens telkinio charakteristikos tampa pana邸ios 眺 e転ero. The river bed transformation into a pond is characterized by destruction of the river ecosystem
27. ir Dr笛k邸i迭 e転er o sunaikinimo rizika http://oldaaa.gamta.lt/VI/rubric.php3?rubric_id=1675 Vandens pamimas 油(lauk迭 drkinimui,油geriamo vandens tiekimui, pramonei, au邸inimui (pvz., Ignalinos AE), 転uv迭 fermoms, navigacijai (vandens tiekimui kanaluose), vandens permetimui 眺 kitus baseinus) Vandens pamimas gali sukelti vandens ekosistemoms stres dl nepakankamo vandens kiekio bei slygoti didesnes ter邸al迭 koncentracijas vandenyje dl suma転jusio j迭 praskiedimo. Water collection can cause stress to aquatic ecosystems
33. Citata i邸 RATA: iandien visuotinai pripa転眺stama, kad panaudoto branduolinis kuro ir kit迭 ilgaam転i迭 didelio aktyvumo radioaktyvi迭j迭 atliek迭 laidojimas 転ems gelmse yra vienintelis aplinkosaugos po転i笛riu darnus ir saugus sprendimas. Laidojimas giluminiuose kapinynuose yra grind転iamas stabilios geologins aplinkos panaudojimu. Deep underground storage of Nuclear Waste is the only Sustainable and Safest solution?
36. Nobel Prize winner in biochemistry, the late Linus Pauling, established the theory of油 water memory transfer to explain how information becomes transferred from one water molecule to another . 油 His theory was proved as correct in油 1999 . It was determined that water transfers memory via covalent bonding. World-class biochemists and others versed in the science of photochemistry understand that water stores "photons" or "packets" of energy.油 Naujausi atradimai (pvz. NASA ne転emi邸kos gyvybs forma Mono e転ere, JAV) pradeda kelti abejoni迭, ar be jokios rizikos galima gl vanden眺 paversti atomini迭 jgaini迭 au邸inimo skysiu? ... vanduo kaupia fotonus arba energij ... ... vanduo perkelia informacij per kovalentin jungt眺 ... ?
37. Radiacija nematoma ir nekvepia ... K J笛s ia matote? J笛s ia matote radiacij, tiksliau atominio sprogimo prad転i rentgeno nuotraukoje? Radiation is invisible, it has no smell. What do you see in the background? Its Nuclear radiation, to be precise x-ray picture of very begining of Nuclear explosion
38. Am転inybn B y Michael Madsen (Denmark) A special Mention from Shefield Green Award
39. Every day large amounts of high-level radioactive waste created by nuclear power plants is placed in interim storage, which is vulnerable to natural disasters, man-made disasters, and to societal changes. Kiekvien dien Atomins elektrins pagamina daug didelio radioaktyvumo atliek迭. Jos sandliuojamos laikino saugojimo saugyklose. Saugyklas lengvai gali pa転eisti gamtos stichijos, 転mogaus sukeltos nelaims. Saugykl迭 veikl gali 眺takoti visuomeniniai pokyiai.
40. The question is the permanent storage of nuclear waste. The waste from fission reactors is generally stored in pools of water above ground. Reaktori迭 atliekos paprastai saugomos atid転iai stebimuose ant転eminiuose vandens telkiniuose. Klausimas yra nuolatinis branduolini迭 atliek迭 saugojimas.
41. Just ask the Finns theyve been struggling for decades with what to do with it. But they have now come up with a solution build a giant tunnel three miles underground to house the stuff for, uh, the next 100,000 years. Known as Onkalo meaning hiding place, the vast project will have spanned three centuries before it is finished in 2100, when 300,000 tons of radioactive waste will be sealed away. Michael Madsen has quite a few metaphysical questions about the whole endeavour, which he puts to the scientists, academics, politicians and workmen defending it . Assuming that our civilisation dies out, how can we warn future ones not to venture into Onkalo? How can we design something to last 100,000 years when nothing weve made so far has lasted a tenth of that time? Tarkime m笛s迭 civilizacija mirs, kaip mes perspsime b笛sim civilizacij neverslininkauti Onkalo? Kaip mes galime sukonstruoti ka転k gyvuojanio 100000 met迭, kai nieko nepalikome gyvavusio bent de邸imtadal眺 to laiko?
48. ... gal n e 転aisk ime t迭 brangi迭 ir riziking迭 転aidim迭, tiesiog saugiai u転mir邸kime Atomin e nergetik ... Lets stop playing costly and risky games, simply forget Nuclear Power safely
49. Michaeliui Graetzeliui, profesoriui i邸 Lozanos politechnikos instituto (veicarija), daugiau kaip du de邸imtmeius k笛rusiam organini迭 da転迭 sauls elementus, imituojanius augal迭 fotosintezs proces, 眺teiktas 2010 met迭 t笛kstantmeio油technologijosapdovanojimas. Suomijos technologij迭 akademija 800000 Eur迭 Graetzelio sauls element迭 kainos ir efektyvumo santykis yra puikus. Technologija (~ dirbtin fotosintez) yra daug 転adanti alternatyva i邸 silicio gaminamiems sauls elementams. Graetzelio sauls elementai gali b笛ti pagaminti i邸 labai pigi迭 med転iag迭, gamybai nereikia sudting迭 technologij迭. Graetzels solar cells can be produced from very low-cost materials required for the production of complex technologies. Price-performance ratio is excellent