Female foeticide refers to killing the female fetus in the mother's womb, a practice that has occurred for ages in India due to poverty, gender discrimination, lack of education, and traditional practices. If not addressed, female infanticide will lead to the extinction of Indian women. It is the responsibility of the educated generation to educate both the educated and uneducated through various means like movies and government policies to end this crime against the girl child.
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Save the girl child
2. The term female foeticide
means killing the female
foetus in the mother's womb.
The practice has been
followed in India for ages, a
country that once described
its women as godessess.
For this reason, Indian
women will soon get extinct.
3. Poverty
Gender Discrimination
Lack of Education
Traditional practices
Future Speculations (Education, Marriage,
Dowry, etc)
4. We are born of woman.
We make friendship with woman.
We are bound with the world through
There is none without woman
5. It is the responsibility of the Educated
generation to stir a revolution for saving the
girl child.
We need to educate those educated as well
as the uneducated ignorants who commits
such crimes as female infanticide.
Television, advertisements, movies, in
theater plays can influence people
Governmental policies like ladli yojna,