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Javier Fernando S叩nchez Cubillos
Helping animals
Most of people believe that this world is just for them, so they use all the resources,
cutting trees, contaminating rivers and oceans, in short, destroying the planet and the
animals habitat. However, this is not true, the earth does not belong to humans; it
belongs to any single living organism. For this reason, humans have to take care more
about the planet, measuring consumerism, but most important save animals, since the
planet is their home too.
It is a fact that evolution makes humans stronger that other species, but that is not a
reason for killing animals and destroying habitats. Humans say that they are not animals;
that they could reason and think, so this makes them better than animals, however this is
the biggest lie ever; humans are not better than animals, humans are just stronger
evolutionary speaking, nevertheless animals have similar rights, thus humans duty is to
protect them as equal. Some people would say that it is impossible to save animals, if they
could not even save themselves, so humans should start form the begging, taking care of
their problems, but at the same time taking care of the animals and the whole world.
Pollution, deforestation, contamination and global warming are some examples of
environmental problems, so humans need to be aware of these problems and start
putting in progress solutions. There are so many ways to solve these problems, for
example, recycling, disconnecting electronic devices that are not in used, using products
that help the environment, and many more. Putting in practice these solutions is not
something easy, but in the long term humans would not regret, because it would be the
salvation for animals and for them too.
In conclusion, humans are responsible for saving the planet; first because they have most
of the blame of the current condition of the earth; second because, as kings of the earth,
humans have to reign in a good way, taking care of their subjects; but most important
because this planet is humans and animals home, and it would be great that both of them
could live long and prosper.

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Saving animals

  • 1. Javier Fernando S叩nchez Cubillos Helping animals Most of people believe that this world is just for them, so they use all the resources, cutting trees, contaminating rivers and oceans, in short, destroying the planet and the animals habitat. However, this is not true, the earth does not belong to humans; it belongs to any single living organism. For this reason, humans have to take care more about the planet, measuring consumerism, but most important save animals, since the planet is their home too. It is a fact that evolution makes humans stronger that other species, but that is not a reason for killing animals and destroying habitats. Humans say that they are not animals; that they could reason and think, so this makes them better than animals, however this is the biggest lie ever; humans are not better than animals, humans are just stronger evolutionary speaking, nevertheless animals have similar rights, thus humans duty is to protect them as equal. Some people would say that it is impossible to save animals, if they could not even save themselves, so humans should start form the begging, taking care of their problems, but at the same time taking care of the animals and the whole world. Pollution, deforestation, contamination and global warming are some examples of environmental problems, so humans need to be aware of these problems and start putting in progress solutions. There are so many ways to solve these problems, for example, recycling, disconnecting electronic devices that are not in used, using products that help the environment, and many more. Putting in practice these solutions is not something easy, but in the long term humans would not regret, because it would be the salvation for animals and for them too. In conclusion, humans are responsible for saving the planet; first because they have most of the blame of the current condition of the earth; second because, as kings of the earth, humans have to reign in a good way, taking care of their subjects; but most important because this planet is humans and animals home, and it would be great that both of them could live long and prosper.